Beginner Python Cheatsheet (Python Crash Course) Flashcards
Add to a dictionary where the key is ‘x_position’ the value is 0 and the dictionary name is alien
Here is the cheatsheet source:
alien[‘x_position’] = 0
Looping through all key-value pairs in a dictionary called fav_numbers
fav_numbers = {‘eric’: 17, ‘ever’: 4}
for name, number in fav_numbers.items():
print(name + ‘ loves ‘ + str(number))
- Looping through all keys in a dictionary called fav_numbers
- Looping through all values in a dictionary called fav_numbers
1. fav_numbers = {'eric': 17, 'ever': 4} for name in fav_numbers.keys(): print(name + ' loves a number') 2. fav_numbers = {'eric': 17, 'ever': 4} for number in fav_numbers.values(): print(str(number) + ' is a favorite')
How do you check for a value in a list? E.g. check for ‘trek’ in a list called ‘bikes’
‘trek’ in bikes
List Comprehension:
Square all values in a range(1,11)
squares = [x**2 for x in range(1, 11)]
Create a function with a default parameter
def make_pizza(topping='bacon'): """Make a single-topping pizza.""" print("Have a " + topping + " pizza!") make_pizza() make_pizza('pepperoni')
Classes - Inheritance:
1. When you use inheritance, do you have to use super() to inherit the attributes in order to use the methods?
- Give an example of super used to define attributes. The class is a square and inherits rectangle. The parameters are length.
- Yes, otherwise the program doesn’t know which attributes to align with the old attributes
2. class Rectangle: def \_\_init\_\_(self, length, width): self.length = length self.width = width
def area(self): return self.length * self.width
def perimeter(self): return 2 * self.length + 2 * self.width
class Square(Rectangle): def \_\_init\_\_(self, length): super().\_\_init\_\_(length, length)
How to you read a text file and iterate through all lines in the file?
E.g. the text file name is ‘s.txt’
filename = 's.txt' with open(filename) as file_object: lines = file_object.readlines() for line in lines: print(line)
The ‘try’ statement should be followed by what other statement?
‘Except’. E.g.:
prompt = "How many tickets do you need? " num_tickets = input(prompt) try: num_tickets = int(num_tickets) except ValueError: print("Please try again.") else: print("Your tickets are printing.")