Beginner Mat Exercises Flashcards
# of Reps: 100 Pumps / 10 Full Breaths
Cues: In, 2, 3, 4, 5. Out, 2, 3, 4, 5
Breathe in for 5…Breath out for 5
Transition: Lower feet to mat
Lower head
Stretch legs out to centerline
Flex feet and reach arms to ceiling
(For the Roll Up)
The Roll Up
# of Reps: 5
Cues: Head up
Roll up and over
Pull your tail under and roll down bone by bone by bone
Reach arms
Arms return
Transition: Complete the reach back of arms on last rep
Lower your arms to your sides
Bend one knee toward the chest and extend it to the ceiling
(For One Leg Circle)
One Leg Circle
# of Reps: 5 each direction
Cues: Circle down, around and up!
Circle out, around, cross center and up!
Transition: To change sides at intro level: bend knee to chest and extend leg long on the floor
To continue to Rolling Like a Ball: Keep arms along side of the body
Roll up
Bring hands beside hips, lift hips off the floor and bring seat to feet
Make a bracelet for ankles and lift feet
(For Rolling Like a Ball)
Rolling Like a Ball
# of Reps: 6-8
Cues: Roll back to roll up.
Abs roll you back, abs bring you back up
Transition: Lower feet and reach hands behind you
Lift hips back to the center of the mat
Bend right leg into chest and roll back to shoulders
Extend left leg out
Outside hand to outside ankle, other hand across knee
(For Single Leg Stretch)
Single Leg Stretch
# of Reps: 6-10
Cues: Pull in strong
Reach out long
Stretch and pull
Transition: Bend both knees in and hold low on shins
Legs in Pilates Stance - knees together, toes apart and heels together
(For Double Leg Stretch)
Double Leg Stretch
# of Reps: 6-10
Cues: Out, long
In, strong
Pull out, long and thin
Pull back in
Transition: Rock up to a seated position using controlled momentum
Open legs mat distance apart
Extend arms out parallel to the floor, palms down
(For Spine Stretch Forward)
Spine Stretch Forward
# of Reps: 5
Cues: Chin to chest, nose to navel, crown to mat
Exhale fully
Lift up low back, mid back, upper back, head
Transition: Open arms out to the side
(For Saw)
# of Reps: 3-5 each direction
Cues: Lift, twist and exhale, exhale, exhale
Lift, twist and wring out the lungs
Transition: Bring your legs together
Roll to side for the Side Kick Series
Position bottom hand under back of head and lengthen neck
Top hand in front of sternum
Carry legs to front corner of mat and flex bottom foot
Turn out top leg
(For Side Kick Series: Front & Back)
Side Kick Series:
Front & Back
# of Reps: 5-10
Cues: Kick to the front, press to the back
Big kick, little kick
Back, Back
Transition: Bring legs together and turn out top leg more
(For Side Kick Series: Up & Down)
Side Kick Series:
Up & Down
# of Reps: 5
Cues: Lift up and lower down, down, down
Reach up 1 mile, pull down 3
Transition: Lift top leg and bend the knee
Take the top hand around the ankle
Bring bottom leg back in line with spine
(For Side Kick Series: Inner Thigh Lifts & Circles)
Side Kick Series:
Inner Thigh Lifts & Circles
# of Reps: 5-8
Cues: Lengthen to lift the thigh and lengthen to lower
Big circle, around, and up
Transition: To Change Sides: Roll to prone, lift legs in Pilates Stance for Beats
After Beats, carry legs to other corner of the mat
To contine to Teaser One Leg: Keep the top leg bent and bring the foot behind the base leg’s knee
Use hands to help and sit up
Keeping legs together, extend one leg
(For Beats or Teaser One Leg)
# of Reps: 1-3 sets of 8-10
Cues: Beat, beat, beat
Apart, together, apart…
Transition: To Change Sides: Roll to prone, lift legs in Pilates Stance for Beats
After Beats, carry legs to other corner of the mat
(For Teaser One Leg)
Teaser One Leg
# of Reps: 3-4
Cues: Roll down to come up!
Transition: Bring both legs together
Hands beside hips, lift seat to feet
Feet together, knees apart
Dive hands under ankles and place fingers towards toes
(For Seal)
# of Reps: 6-8
Cues: Clap, clap, clap
Roll back
Clap, clap, clap
Roll up
Transition: After last rep at back, stand up to the floor
Take a final balance