Begining Of WW I Flashcards
Where did trench warfare start?
Trench warfare?
A series of paths or ditches below the ground
What was trench warfare used for?
- protection and communication
- soldiered eat, sleep, and live in them
Were trench clean?
Filled with rats, lice, and disease
No mans land?
The area of land between trench son each side
- no trees no grass just dirt
Why was no mans land scary?
Much or the land was blown up so soldiers were easily spotted
- barbed wire everywhere
Soldiered only protection
Helmet and riffle
Armies goal
To capture another trench
A deadlock in which neither side is able to defeat another
Machine gun?
- fires 100 shells per minute
- made it impossible to cross “no mans land”
Downside to machine guns
They got jammed a lot
Artillery gun
Shot shells up to 10 miles away
Downsides to artillery guns?
Accuracy was a problem
-explosive device designed to be thrown by hand
What is the goal of a grenade?
To get it in the enemies trench
What are downsides to grenades?
They wouldn’t fire or would fire before thrown
Poison gas
Germany began to throw canisters of poison gas
What were the effects of poison gas?
Blindness, choking, agonizing burns and blisters, suffocation
Downside to poison gas?
If you are attacking the enemy and wind was blowing toward you the gas would backfire and hit you
Armored tanks
Armored box that drive with steel treads to get through barbed wire
Downside to armored tanks?
- They could on,y move three miles per hour
- broke down often
- men are inside the engine, thus may die from fumes
Large gas filled balloon used to see enemies position
Downside to zeppelins?
Filled with helium and helium is extremely flammable
Submarine developed by Germans to roam the Atlantic and sink merchant ships that were transferring supplies
Downsides to u-boats?
First time machine guns were used in battle and machine guns were attached
Downside to airplanes
Planes weren’t well made and couldn’t withstand many attacks
Battle in the air