begin Flashcards
I missed you so much!
Te extraño mucho!
What’s new?
Qué hay de nuevo?
Did you already sing?
Ya contaste?
Today is Wednesday.
Hoy es miercoles.
Yesterday was Tuesday.
Ayer fue martes.
Tomorrow is Thursday.
Mañana es Jueves.
How long have you been here?
Cuanto tiempo lleva usted aqui?
It’s harder than you think.
Es mas dificil de lo que usted piensa.
you’re probably right.
Quizas tenga usted razon.
I lived in Uruguay for several years.
Vivi en Uruguay por varios anos.
I’ll have to leave now.
Tendre que marcharme.
He is not coming today but tomorrow.
No viene hoy sino mañana.
Turn to your right.
Doble usted a la derecha.
Go straight ahead
Vaya usted todo derecho.
Did you see Peter?
Viste (vio usted) a Pedro?
Yes I saw him.
Si lo vi.
I have a headache
Me duele la cabeza.
She’s cut her finger.
Se ha cortado un dedo.
I’ve hurt my hand.
Me he lastimado la mano.
I was in Uruguay.
Estuve en Uruguay.
He made the effort
Hizo esfuerzo
It’s almost time to leave.
Ya casi es hora de irnos.
She has a scab on her knee.
Ella tiene una costra en la rodilla.
I have a headache
Tengo un dolor de cabeza.
Me duele la cabeza.
If you cut your finger, put a bandage on.
Si se corta un dedo, se ponga un vendaje.
When I have a cold, I take vitamin C, drink orange juice and sleep.
Quando tengo un resfriado, toma vitamina C, toma el jugo de naranja y dormir.
When I have a sore throat, I drink some brandy and gargle with salt water.
Quando tengo un dolor de garganta, me pongo gotas y hago gargaras de agua con sal.