Before Midterm: Review of Partial Denture Design Flashcards
TF? Circumferential clasps can be used for distal extension:
TF? Circumferential clasps are stress releasing.
Important consideration for deeper UC’s:
use wrought wire
UC needed for T clasp:
TF? We always need an indirect retainer for a D extension.
How to avoid tori?
anterior posterior bar
What might prevent the use of a cingulum rest on the canine in some cases?
occlusal contact
Indications for survey crown:
extensive caries, large restorations, excessive wear, unusalbe contours, severe tipping (less than 30’), no usable UC, severe extrusion, endo treated teeth, need for splinting (for proper resistance form of crown), iatrogenic damage, anticipation of future partial denture
TF? The indications for a survey crown are the same as for a full coverage crown.
Adv fo survey crowns:
choice of clasp type optimized, ideal GP’s, precise retentive UC’s, ideal reciprocal surface, ideal rest shape
Probelms that can happen if you make abutment tooth crowns without a plan for rests seats, GPs, or clasps:
must be remade or modified, risking porcelain fracture
Steps to make survey crown:
tx plan. Complete tooth mods for partial RDP, Prep crown(s), impression for crown(s), cement crown(s), make partial RDP impression for framework
TF? Tooth modifications are done first then the crown is prepared for survey crowns.
Benefit to making tooth mods on unrestored abutments for survey crowns first:
optimum contours can be developed during fabrication of crown (technician waxes up to existing contours of other abutments), more effective than trying to perform tooth mods after crown insertion.
TF? When prepping a tilted tooth for a survey crown, it should be prepped according to the long axis of the tooth
F. POI of the partial