Before/during/after Smell Of Rebellion Flashcards
MATILDA: … until one day, she exploded:
(Offstage) You are a useless, filthy, nasty little… creep!
MATILDA: But that was the last the little girl ever saw of her father.
What are you doing with those books, women?
MISS HONEY: They’re for Matilda
Not on my watch! There is an age for reading and an age for being a filthy little toad. These… are toads. Aren’t you Bogtrotter?
BRUCE: Yes, Miss Trunchbull. Only Bogtrotter here is a good toad.
Miss Honey, you believe in kindness and fluffiness and books and stories. That is not teaching! To teach the child we must first break the child.
Quiet you maggots!!!
MISS HONEY: But no one was speaking, Miss Trunchbull.
Miss Honey, when I say ‘Quiet, you maggots’, you are entirely included in that statement. Where is my jug of water?
LAVENDER: I’ll get it, Miss Trunchbull.
Stupid girl
Look at you. Flabby! Disgusting! Revolting! Revolting, I say! I think it’s time we toughened you all up with a little… phys-ed
🎶This school of late has started reeking🎶
Quiet maggots while I’m speaking
🎶… it is the odor of🎶
🎶… who has a headful of rebellious thoughts.🎶
🎶… They shall be 🎶
Too pooped for scheming
🎶… The rot from setting iiiiiiiiiiiin🎶
All right, let’s step it up. Double time.
1 2 3 4
🎶… who aren’t listening, the🎶
Miss I need a tissue
🎶… moral fiber rotting 🎶
Lets bring this odor home!
LAVENDER: Look what I found! A newt! I’m going to put the newt into the Trunchbull’s -
MISS HONEY: I don’t think this is teaching at all, I think it’s just cruelty!
That is because you Miss Honey, are pathetic.
You are weak.
You are, in fact, a snivelling… little…
… newt?
Newt! Newt!
ERICA: What? No, not me, I didn’t-
Cockroach! You did this, you vile, repulsive, malicious little sinner!
MATILDA: Leave him alone, you big fat bully!!!
How dare you! You are not fit to be at this school! You ought to be in prison, in the deepest, dankest, darkest prison! I shall have you wheeled out, strapped to a trolley with a muzzle over your mouth! I shall…