Bees 7 Queen rearing Flashcards
Queen rearing
Name two methods beekeepers can use to develop a ‘pure’ strain of honeybee and suggest difficulties likely in each 5
Define the expression ‘line breeding’ in relation to the honeybee? 2
From your record card select ONE feature for each of the following operations and explain it’s importance. You must select a different feature in each case.
i) A beekeeper with 4 hives in a suburban backyard.
ii) A commercial operation with over 100 hives. 4
Other than docility and low swarming list what other important characteristics a queen breeder will select for. 8
What is hygienic behaviour of honey bees and why is this an important characteristic to be selected when choosing a breeder queen7
Give four characteristics that a bee breeder could use to select a breeder queen4
How can the quality of a breeder queen be assessed?3
The Buckfast honey bee is the outcome of what type of breeding programme?1
List 6 Characteristics of a colony that might be important to a queen rearer 6
List five desirable characteristics that may be used on a record card to assist with the selection of a potential breeder queen, giving a reason why these characteristics are desirable.10
How could the information be quantified?1
Describe in details a system of record keeping which can be used to assist with the selection of breeder queens. Include a diagram of a suitable record card15
Describe a record keeping system to be used to identify a breeder queen. 24
Apart from aggression, give two reasons with explanations, that could require a colony to be requeened 4
Provide a timescale and discuss the equipment needed for the planned improvement. 20
Name one factor/trait to select in a breeder queen. 1
Record keeping is vital for successful stock improvement. What information should be included and in what format should this information be recorded. Add a sketch of a record card a queen breeder might use. 16
How can the quality of a queen, that has been used for breeding, be evaluated? 4
Please circle the correct answer: The “Miller Method” of producing queen cells involves:
a) selecting swarm cells
b) triangulated foundation
c) splitting a colony d) double grafting.
At what age after the egg was laid in a queen cell is it considered to be right for introduction into a nucleus? 1
What is the optimum age of a larva for grafting?1
Name the queen rearing method involving a sharpened metal tube tipped with a Perspex cup. 1
List the steps to be taken, when aiming to produce between 7 and 10 queen cells, using a simple method based on a double brood chamber colony without using a horizontal screen or division board. Your answer should not include distributing the cells to mating nuclei 15
Queen breeders use two distinct units in their programmes to produce virgins: the cell starter/raiser and a cell finisher. Explain how each is used and the differences between them. In your answer stress the important components of each. 10
Describe in detail an efficient method of rearing sufficient queens for the needs of a beekeeper with 10 colonies. Discuss assessment and selection, method of queen cell production and cell raising, mating sites and hives 30
Give a detailed account of a large scale queen rearing system, using grafting, to produce batches of ripe queen cells to be introduced into mating nuclei. Use the following five headings: Details of the equipment required; Selection and grafting of larvae; Method of cell raising; Queen mating; Precautions to be taken. 30
List the steps to be taken when aiming to produce up to 10 queen cells, using a simple method based on a double brood box colony without suing a horizontal solid screen or division board. Your answer should not include distributing the cells in to mating nuclei 15
What is the youngest age of a breeder queen from which larvae would be used in a stock improvement scheme? 1
Describe the method of cell raising using grafts from: a queen right colony; 15
Describe the method of cell raising using grafts from: a queenless colony.10
What are the factors most important for success when raising queen cells 5
What are the advantages of the Miller method of producing queen cells 2
What are the limitations of the Miller method 2
Describe, with a diagram, the Miller method up to the point that it produces queen cells that are ready to be placed in a mating nuc 11
List the steps to be taken, when aiming to produce between 7 and 10 queen cells, using a simple method based on a double brood chamber colony without using a horizontal screen or division board. 15
Which method of queen cell raising employs brood foundation cut in a saw tooth pattern? 1
Using a queen of known qualities, describe how to produce a total of 50 open mated queens for distribution to members of your local association during the coming season.25
Write a short guide to grafting larvae for the production of queen cells. 5
Which process incorporates the use of a sting hook? 1
Describe the process of caging a mated queen for introduction elsewhere for a few days 6
Give four methods that could be used to maximise the chances of a virgin queen mating with drones of desirable characteristics. 4
List the steps involved in setting up mini nucs using sealed queen cells for mating at a remote site. Include timings. 10
Using a table, compare the advantages and disadvantages in using mini nucs and full frame nucs as mating hives. 5
7.09 Medelian genetics
Define hemizygous
Having only a single copy of a gene instead of the customary two copies
In humans: All the genes on the single X chromosome in the male are hemizygous.
In bees, drones are hemizygous.