Beef Industry Flashcards
A term to describe young and mature male beef/dairy cattle
A primal cut of meat from the rear region of beef cattle
Primal cut form the shoulder and neck of beef cattle; flavorful, but may be tough and fatty and contain excess bone and gristle
A specific group of cattle that has similar appearance, characteristics, and behaviors that distinguish it from other cattle in the same species
A beef cattle operation in which young calves are allowed to graze pastures for moderate weight gain, before moving to feedlots
backgrounding operation
The term used to describe a cow who is in the process of giving birth
A term to describe young beef/dairy cattle
A fairly tough, boneless primal cut that lies over the sternum, ribs, and connecting cartilage of beef cattle
A cattle operation in which large numbers of cattle are grouped based on size, genetics, and consistency in order to maximize profit; cattle are fed high-grain diets and not allowed to graze
Usually crossbred beef cattle produced for sale to stocker operations and feedlots
commercial cattle
An operation used to breed and birth beef cattle for sale
cow-calf operation
Cattle that lack horns by natural or artificial means
A term to describe young, female beef/dairy cattle that have not been bred
The cattle breeds that originated in Europe
Bos Taurus
A term to describe mature female beef/dairy cattle