Beef Harvest Flashcards
What does BSE stand for?
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy
What is another term for BSE?
Mad Cow Disease
What is BSE?
A neurological disorder that spreads via infected prions that damages the central nervous system
What is the incubation period for BSE?
2-8 years
How do cattle get BSE?
Ingesting infected feeds (meat and bone meal)
How do humans get CJD?
Ingesting infected meat
Symptoms of BSE?
Nervous or aggressive temperament and abnormal posture/balance/coordination
Can we test for BSE?
No, not while the cattle is alive. It is only diagnosable through visual signs
What is CJD?
Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease aka human BSE
How do we be careful not to pass on BSE?
Removing spinal chord, brain, distal ileum, and tonsils and destroying them.
Spinal column must be removed in cattle over 30 months
Ante-Mortem inspection
12-24 hour feed restriction
USDA inspection checks physical health, body condition, body position, and behavior
How much blood does Exsanguination remove?
~50% of the blood
What vein and artery are cut?
Jugular vein and Carotid artery
At what joint is the head removed?
Atlas joint (first vertebrae)
What is the weasand?
Esophagus and surrounding muscle
Why do we tie the weasand?
So that ingesta doesn’t come out through the esophagus when the head is being removed
What organ stays connected to the carcass?