Bee behaviour module 6 Flashcards
1 Define Polyethism
Functional specialization by caste (morphology) or by age in an insect colony leading to division of labour
- List the conditions that
cause variations in polethestic duties
No No Super Ancestry Weather Disturbance
No no super AWD
- Shortage of pollen / stores
- Nosema
- Supercedure/swarming
- Genetic variation
- Cold / wet weather / winter
- Disturbance – eg hive manipulation
Nas 9ODA 9HDA(holds swarm)
Name four pheromones
Nasonov, enables workers to recognise the queen, mark locations and attract drones to queens during mating flights. also used for orientation, particularly at hive entrance
Queen Mandibular pheromone, basis of queen substance 9-oxodec-2-enoic acid (9-ODA) which when distributed throughout colony prevents swarming and workers laying.
9-hydroxydec-2-enoic acid (9-HDA), attracts drones at long distanceand helps hold a swarm together.
Worker Mandibular gland, creates alarm pheromone, used by guard bees to ward off intruders (2-heptanone)
Alarm pheromone from sting gland, (isopentyl acetate) attracts other bees to sting
- List glandular development by age and production
- 3 - hypopharyngeal gland - brood food and royal jelly
- 3 - mandibular gland - brood food
- 12 - wax gland - wax flakes
- 16 - hypopharyngeal gland shrinks - produces invertase and glucose oxidase,
- 12+ mandibular gland - alarm pheromone (2-heptanone)
- 18 - sting gland (Isopentyl acetate)
- Nasonov increases with age; 28 = max;
- List worker duties between emergence in April until death
- 1-3 Cleaning cells, gorging on pollen
- 3-15 feeds larvae and tends queen
- 16-20 receives nectar ripens nectar into honey, packs pollen
- 10-18 makes wax, builds comb,
- ventilates, evaporates, controls temperature (homeostasis)
- 12-25 days guard duty, orientation flights
- 3-6 weeks foraging
- List worker duties between her emergence in OCTOBER until her death
- No income / forage
- Drastically less brood to feed and almost no hive duties
- External temp low, metabolic rate low, so food consumption low
- Focus is on heat conservation in cluster at 20-30C
- Keeping the colony warm, either through creating a denser cluster and/or shivering her dorsoventral muscles to generate metabolic heat
- Around Jan/Feb, as the queen starts laying again, raises temp 33-36C.
- Gradually pick up her duties, limited by the weather & availability of forage
- Orientation - describe the theory behind
‘move a colony less than 3 feet or more than 3 miles’
- Young bees take orientation flights noting local landmarks - bushes
- Successive flights get longer (half a mile)
- By foraging age, it knows local half mile really well
- Foraging bees will follow old routes home automatically
- Move hive -3’ / cut long grass / move landmarks: homecoming bees disorientated for a few hours until they adjust
- Move 3’+ and they return to old site and ‘wait’ for hive to appear
- Move -3 miles, forager may come across old flight paths and revert
- Move 3+ miles, = unlikely to cross old paths so reversion less likely
- Memory lost after about 2 weeks
2 Describe colony mating behaviour 1
- Workers bees do not mate
- Only queens and drones, and they do so on the wing
2 Drone mating - maturation
- Emerges after 24 days
- from colonies with 6000+ bees in April
- 14 days to mature while sperm finishes migrating to seminal vesicles
- Congregate on edges of frames feeding on honey
- Orientation flights followed by flights to DCA during warmest part of day
2 Drone mating
1 attraction
- Attracted to Q by
- Pher: Mandib (9-ODA) - upto 50m away
- Pher: Renner Baumann (tergite) - 30cm
- Sight: sees open bursa copulatrix at 1m
- Comet of D forms with strongest getting to her first
2 Drone mating - 2 act
- Clasps Q from behind with all legs
- Bends abdomen, everts his endophallus into bursa copulatrix with violent contraction
- Q cannot release it.
- Becomes ‘paralysed’, loses hold and swings backwards
- Carried along by the queen as semen is ejaculated into the median and lateral oviducts
- Endophallus ruptures as D falls away, drops to the ground and dies
- The bulb remains in bursa copulatrix - emits UV light - attracts more D
- Mucus from the drone’s mucus glands coagulates and forms a seal “mating sign”
- Next drone removes mating sign
02 mating
How many drones does a queen typically mate with
- 12-15
2 Q mating - 0 maturation
- Emerges after 16 days and eliminates rivals in cells/fights
- 1-4 remains in col feeding herself honey - no RJ and no court
- Exoskeleton hardens; weather permitting takes orientation flights
- Exocrine glands develop esp mandibular: 9-ODA for D attraction
- at 5 days, enough to attract D. Increases over 10 days
- After 5 days she is ready to take mating flights to DCA
- Workers ignore her at first
- When mature, ++ aggresive as she ages without mating (stale prevention)
- After 21 she cannot mate -> drone layer
- If due to inbreeding she produces diploid males, workers eat eggs - mechanism designed to limit drone numbers.
2 Q mating - act
- Mating flights av 30 minutes.
- Between 12-4pm ideally at 20C +.
- Av 2-3km to DCA. At DCA attracts a comet of D.
- Q cannot release D once copulation starts.
- Mated on wing by several D, each removing the mating sign of the last
- Returns to the hive where workers remove last mating sign
- 2-3 mating flights (up to 20D) until her spermatheca is full of sperm.
- Forces the sperm from lateral and median oviducts to her vagina
- Sperm enters spermatheca via spermathecal duct: chemotaxis migration - rest lost but all drones represented
- Workers attend her, feed her royal jelly and form a court
- 3-4 days later: starts laying, maybe haphazardly before settling into gd pattern
- She never leaves the hive again, except to swarm.
- Drone - Describe a DCA 10
Definition: A discrete aerial site where drones fly anticipating the arrival of virgin queens.
- Airspace 15-25m above ground where D congregate and fly around indep of Q(s)
- 100m from apiary
- Open/hilly ground sheltered from wind if poss
- Magnetic attraction? - magnetite in trophocytes in gut
- Mandib gland attracts Drones and Q
- Area 200 x 100m
- Attracts 12 to 10k drones from 5-6km radius (av 1km)
- Minimises inbreeding
- Mating height 10-40m av (can be less) inversely propotional to wind speed
03 Egg laying - 2 rate
What drives the egg laying rate?
- Rate of egg-laying driven by how much Queen is fed
- Thus an artificial flow (feeding mimics a nectar flow) can accelerate egg laying in spring
- Swarm prep - feeding drops off to prepare the queen for flying
- Nectar flow end
- Dearth – eg June gap, August gap
- Winter as nest temperature falls below 33-36C to 20-30C
03 egg laying - 3 brood pattern
Describe a good brood pattern
- Roughly spherical nest to make it easiler to keep warm in cluster
- Densely clustered concentric circles
- Placed in groups at the centre of the frame, but not nec of brood box
- Frames on edges of next tend to have less brood than central frames
- One egg per cell, placed upright and centred at the bottom of a cell
- Drone brood grouped on bottoms/sides of worker brood
- Some empty cells possibly to facilitate warming
- W shape of empty cells over wires
- Uses front legs to assess whether a cell sis W/D. Amputated leg tips -> haphazard laying
3 Egg laying - Describe a typical season’s laying pattern
- Jan/Feb egg laying, but may be earlier if the weather warm
- Spring - queen’s laying rate governed by how much food is available.
- Drone eggs laid in early April in preparation of swarming (May/June)
- More forage (especially pollen) = more eggs
- Up to 1500 per day by late May
- June gap - may slow down. Some strains continue in dearth (Mediterranean)
- Autumn, younger queen may continue laying later into year than older queens, maintaining egg laying after a nectar flow has ended
- Ivy forage Sep-Oct stimulates egg laying, dep on weather and forage
- Late autumn egg laying drops right back
- November/December, likely to be off-lay in colder areas of the UK
3 egg laying - 4
Why is a good brood pattern essential?
- In cold, the cluster can maintain the temperatures in the brood nest
- can’t if brood is spread out all over the place
- More efficient for nurse bees to work areas of brood of the same age
- Workers store pollen in an arc around the brood nest so nurse bees don’t have far to go to reprovision, with honey above the nest area
- Egg laying - why does a queen inspect cells before laying?
- To see if it is clean enough – she is very picky
- To see if it already contains an egg/larva
- To check the width – worker /drone cell
- Season var -
What is the impact of a swarm in Jun on honey harvest
- Depends on strain of bee, forage and weather
- The harvest will be impacted adversely because, effectively, at least a month of foraging has been lost.
- 60% of bees will have ghone with the old queen
- Of those that remain, some will have to come off foraging duties and revert to being nurse bees
- Meanwhile the queen will only start laying, at best, 20 days after emerging.
- Q=8 days to emerge, 4 days to mature, 4 days to mate (assuming perfect weather), 4 days to start laying, 21 days for new bees to start emerging.
- However, it is likely that the bees will be able to store enough to survive the winter as they have the whole of July with the blackberries to feed on.
- Seasonal variation - what is the impact of the month bees swarm
- A swarm in may is worth a load of hay.
- All ok for remaining bees
- but may lack drones to mate new Q so Q may fail next spring from lack of sperm
- A swarm in June is worth a silver spoon
- Temperatures more stable and drones mature.
- Plus plenty fo time for new hive to establish create stores for winter.
- A swarm in July is not worth a fly
- Too late in the year that the swarm lay down enough honey for winter.
- A swarm in August is worth a bale of sawdust
- A swarm in September is a swarm to remember
- Seasonal var
- Title: Av pop cycle over a typical year dep strain, forage, climate, weather
- Lowest adult point end Feb as winter bees die off
- Brood = adults twice that year
- Brood > adults Feb-April - critical period: brood risks being chilled as not enough adults to incubate
- Adults peak in June three weeks after brood peaks (when main flow has started and max foraging force req)
- Pop decreases rapidly as forager bees die off then slows w winter bees
- Pop max 40k-60k dep on fecunidity and strain of Q
- Pop builds in spring with flow (little stored)
- At max pop, they store large amounts for winter in a short time (less brood to care for)
- Reduced pop allows adequate reserves for winter
- Allow for local variations eg peaky graph
- Seasonal var pop 2
- The graph represents the amount of brood in a colony that issues a prime swarm at the end of May.
- x axis is the months of the year Jan to Dec
- Y axis is the amount of brood in 10,000 gradients.
- A Queen started to lay.
- B prime swarm issued.
- D New queen started to lay.
- F queen stopped laying.
- Shaded area. The bees emerging in this area will be winter bees
- Examining the colony at this point one should see:
- No eggs or larvae but some brood.
- Several swarm queen cells on the bottom and side edges of the comb.
- Plenty of workers going about their business foraging and bringing in nectar.
- If the colony is inspected at point C: there may be a virgin queen in the colony and she may be on a mating flight. Opening up the colony may disrupt her return to the colony.
- The risked is reduced by having patience. Wait until you see pollen being taken into the colony, a sure sign that the queen has started to lay.
- Seasonal var pop 3
- I= first QC sealed and issue of the swarm
- 2= new queen hatches
- 3= new queen starts laying
- X= months from Man
- Y=000s of bees
- Pink= adult bees
- Blue= brood
- Dotted= how adult population would grown without a swarm
05 colony defence mechanisms
Describe the many ways a colony defends itself from ‘attack’ - 10
- Choice of nest - well hidden @3m above ground, 15cm2 entrance, 40l
- Whole foraging force can defend, as well as bees 12 days+
- Stings are ultimate defence because they die
- Disease minimised by bees dying away from colony + necrophoresis
- High brood temp minimises viruses and bacteria
- Defectation outside hive or stored in winter
- Propolis varnishs cells and embalms critters
- Poisoned bees quickly evicted so stores uncontaminated and toxic pollen not used for brood.
- Hygenic bees romove diseased brood fast
- AFB - resistant bees remove affected brood early to minimise infection
- Some strains groom themselves better than others - removing varroa
05 Queen substance
What messages does it convey
- F Foraging stimulator
- R Retinue stabilised
- A Attracts workers
- N Nasonov stimulator
- C QCell building inhibitor (9HDA)
- Ovary development inhibitor
- 9ODA attracts drones and swarm to queen
- 9HDA keeps swarm and colony stable
- Describe typical foraging behaviour
- Forage in daylight, good weather, windspeed 15mph
- Min temp 13˚C;
- Max temp 43˚C - then forage for water
- Flying 6-10’ above ground at max
- Forage up to 2.5 km from hive
- Pollen collection stim by brood pheromone
- Worker policing definition
- The phenomenon in Queen Right colony where workers eat eggs laid by other worker bees and show aggression towards the laying workers
- Worker policing - 4 benefits
What are the benefits of worker policing (12)
*Perpetuation of the Queen’s unique genes and characteristics
*Alignment of genetic interests so a totally cooperative group
*Reduces reproduction by nest mates with developed ovaries so that
*Almost all bees reared are the offspring of the queen
*Worker eggs in worker cells produce useless, stunted drones and use resources that cd have been used for the Queen’s offspring so energy not wasted raising them
*Workers are more related to the queen’s sons than the worker’s sons
So policing helps rear more closely related Drones, who will be stunted and are a waste of colony resources
Allows unbroken concentric circles of QE, so feeding more efficient
Nothing is wasted because worker police eat the eggs
Aggression acts as a deterrent to other potential LW
- Worker policing
Describe behaviour preventing laying workers and how it works 3
- Queen substance transmitted around the hive from court to workers via trophillaxis and presence of brood pheromones lead to WP worker policing,
- which involves workers eating any eggs laid by laying workers, usually within 2 hours,
- and showing aggression to laying workers
- Worker policing - under what circs would eggs be allowed to develop?
- No queen for 21 days, so no queen pheromones
- No brood, so no brood pheromones
- Unable to produce a queen cell - hopelessly queenless
6 Communication -
Describe the behaviour of a forager on forage? 5
- On encountering the forage, she will reference her entry spot to the area.
- She may have to learn how to get pollen (anthers) and reach extra floral nectaries (eg field bean)
- She will crawl or fly from flower to flower collecting pollen and/or nectar
- She will stay constant to the species of flower
- She will return to this spot to start her return journey when she has finished foraging
- She will account for the movement of the sun while she does this
06 sensors and stimuli x 11
- S Trichodea - touch
- S Basoconica - Taste
- S placodea - smell
- S Coeloconica CO2, RH, T
- S Campanifomia - Stress/Strain
- S Scolopophera - vibration
- Trophocytes in abdo - magnetic charge
- Hairs behind head - vertical
- Hairs in Petiole - gravity
- Compound eyes and ocelli - sight
- Also Atmospheric pressure (Q&D for mating height)
- Communic - List pheramones and their messages
- Fertile Q - Queen substance( mandibular, Koschanvikov, Renner Bauman, Arnhart and Dufour)
- Inhibit QCells and Laying Workers
- Stim comb building, cell cleaning, brood rearing, forage and storage
- Attracts court retinue and feeding
- Immature Q
- Inhibit LW
- Attract drones
- Workers
- Guiding - Nasonov attracts,
- Guarding - alarm pher 2-heptanone and isopentyl acetate
- Pher in comb
- Attracts scouts in each of new nest
- Worker brood (brood phero)
- Stim pollen foraging
- inhibt LW ovary development
- at +6000 encourages drone production
- Feed me right stuff
- id mother and caste/sex
- Drone Brood
- Kairomone for varroa
- Drone
- Attracts Q&D to DCA
- Communic - Buzz Run
- warns bees about to swarm to warm up their flight muscles
- bees can’t fly if muscles are under 35˚C
- in preparation immediately before leaving the hive .
- Involves running through a small group of lethargic bees buzzing her wings, dashing over immobile bees, bulldozing between bees, turning this way and that.
- Communic - Key communication methods
- Eyes - sight dark
- Touch - antennal contact
- Taste scent and touch: Trophillaxis
- Scent: floral+ pheromones
- Vibration
- Dances
- Communic - Dance names and their meaning 8
- Waggle dance - precise directions to food source 100m+ away
- Round dance - food source somewhere nearby within 25m - seeley says adaptation of waggle.
- Sickle dance 25-100m
- Dorsoventral abdominal vibrating dance - DVAV - go down to dance floor and observe dances
- Tremble dance - go and unload foragers
- Piping dance - warm up your fligh muscles
- Buzz run dance - prepare to leave nest/bivouac
- Grooming dance - stamps feet and sways from side to side: groom me please.
- Communic - DVAV
- In the hive not on the dance floor
- info: nectar flow: umemp foragers: go to the dance floor to observe dances.
- The dancer approaches a bee from the front
- Mounts on its shoulders waggling its abdomen up and down.
- The other bee stands still until released.
- Communic - Foraging and dancing
What is the connection between foraging and dancing (6)
- Back at the hive, a nectar source is advertised to unemployed foragers
- On the dance floor using the round and the waggle dance.
- The waggle dance gives precise directions based on a bearing on the sun’s cucrrent position
- Samples by trophilliaxis and antennal touch during this convey scent and taste of teh forrage.
- When HB are slow to unload - 40secs+ foragers dance a tremble dance away from dance floor to recuit unemployed nectar processors
- When HB fast to unload - less than 20secs, foragers dance a DVAV away from dance floor to send processors down to dance floor
- Communic - grooming dance
- stamping feet and swaying from side to side
- elicits a grooming response.
- Communic - What are the key pheromones names for Q D B
- Queen
- Mandibular
- 9ODA (9-oxodec-2-enoic acid) - prevents swarming and laying workers, holds swarm together
- 9 HDA - attracts drones at long distance
- Renner Baumann QS and drones
- Arnhart - footprint
- Dufour - Eggs?
- Koschevnikov -QS
*Mandibular - alarm pheromone, used by guard bees to ward off intruders (2-heptanone)
*Alarm pheromone from sting gland, (isopentyl acetate) attracts other bees to sting
- Mandibular
- Drone
- Mandibular - attracts Q & D to DCA
- Brood
- Communic - name worker pheromones
- Nasinov - come in, geraniol
- Arnhart - footprint - I was here
- Alarm scent
- 2 heptanone - in foragers
- Isopentyl acetate from 12 days
- Communic -
how does a forager recognise food source following a dance? 4
- The forager will fly out on the bearing given by the dancer
- She will recognise the scent of the pollen, nectar and flower from anntennal contact during tophillaxis when she she begged a sample on the dance floor
- She will recognise the taste of the nectar from the sample received by trophillaxis on the dance floor
- She will recognise the forage from the scent of the pollen, nectar and flower, as transmitted by the dancer during trophillaxis on the dance floor
Communic - round dance
- Forage within 100m of hive
- On the dance floor.
- Looped circle one way and then the other.
- Share samples by Trophillaxis
- Discover its source by themselves.
- Danger of robbing - eg wet supers.
- Communic - Tremble dance
- In the hive away from the dance floor
- if unloading takes more than 40 seconds
- recruits nectar processors
- The dancer walks SLOWLY about on 4 legs,
- forelegs, also trembling, raised as if begging
- while its body trembles left and right, back and forth, side to side
(WOTH 165)
- Communic - trophillaxis define
- The exchange of nectar or honey from one bee to another with antennal contact
- Note young bees obtain all food from trophillaxis from older bees
- Mainly older bees and foragers who offer
- Communic -
how does trophillaxis increase water collection in dearth
- The optimal sugar:water concentration in the honey sac is 50:50 and bees strive to maintain this through out their lives.
- Nectar = 30-90% water, usually meets the bees’ water requirements.
- In a dearth, bees eat honey stores = 20% water.
- Nurse bees produce brood food, which is 70-80% water.
- Nurse bees feed on honey, which may normally be diluted with nectar.
- As bees share this by trophillaxis, the sugar concentration of the honey sac will rise above 50%.
- Water foragers are motivated to forage for water, recruiting more water foragers with dances.
- With no nectar income, nurse bees will take large quantities of water from water receivers by trophillaxis.
- The faster receivers unload water foragers, the faster foragers return for more water.
- Unloading <60secs = get more; >60secs slow down >180 secs stop
- Communic - Waggle dance
- Directions >100m from hive
- Dance floor if unloading less that 20 secs
- figure 8, waggling its abdomen size to side and buzz wings
- as travels the straight line of the 8
- then circles alternately left and right to repeat this step
- The angle to vertical (sun’s current position), gives the bearing to take from the sun on leaving hive.
- Trichodea gravity sensors between head and thorax
- The length of the waggle, and pips indicate distance to the forage
- Inter-ommatidial hairs on compound eyes - wind speed and distance
- Samples by trophillaxis
- Account for time
- Better ->longer dance -> more foragers
- Communic -
what is behaviour of nectar scout after she has collected some nectar
- exclude behaviour at hive
- At the flower the bee swallows nectar down to honey sac
- Adding invertase from her hypopharyngeal glands as she does so
- This starts the breakdown of sucrose to glucose and fructose
- She may eat some nectar to fuel her continued flight
- Crawls/flies from flower to flower of the same species collecting nectar
- Stays constant to this species, collect more nectar to ascertain forage quantity
- This affects the duration of her dance back at the hive (excellent sources merit longer dances to recruit more foragers)
- When she has a full load, about 35-45mg dep on distance, she flies back to her entry point at the forage
- She navigates home using landmarks
- Orientation of the sun, UV and polarised light helps navigation
- Trophocytes in the bee’s abdomen contain molecules that help the bee to work out magnetic orientation
7 Orientation
A worker honeybee has been given the direction and distance to a new forage source by observing a dancing bee. List the navigational methods used for determining direction and distance during the first flight of a new recruit to find the new forage source. (You do not need to describe the any dances) 8
- The sensilla seta on the bee’s compound eyes allow it to estimate distance
- Distance was conveyed by clicks inaudible the human ear during the dances, and the number of waggle sections per 15 seconds
- The direction to the forage corresponds to the angle between the vertical point on the comb (which represents the sun’s current position) and the waggling part of the dance.
- Hairs between head and thorax allow it to sense gravity and hence the vertical.
- If the waggle was at 45˚ to the vertical, the bee exits the hive and flies along a bearing of 45˚ to the sun’s current position.
- The bee can detect UV and polarised light coming from different directions and determine the precise angle between them.
- As it approaches the forage, it will hone in on scent and taste of the flowers/pollen and nectar as well as any arnhart pheromones that remain from trips made by other bees, including the scout.
- The bee can allow for the sun’s movement (15˚/hour) of the sun automatically
7 Orientation
On arrival at the flowers, what additional cues confirm to the bee that this is the correct forage source? 3
- During the dance the bee will have been given samples of the taste and smell of the forage by trophillaxis
- She compares this with the taste and the scents she has been given by the dancer.
- She will also be able to scent the arnhart pheromone remaining on the flowers visited by the dancing bee. This remains for 4 hours at 23˚C.
7 Orientation
Describe the mechanisms by which a foraging honey bee finds her way back to the colony entrance and how this is affected by experience. 30
- Visual signals –
- sun direction
- sun polarisation and UV
- landmarks
- the earth’s magnetic fields
- smell
- taste
- The first time a bee returns from forage, she will have experienced the flight out to it, so already she has experience.
- She also has powerful experience of the hive’s locality, thanks to her early orientation flights, which grew progressively wider as she matured towards becoming a forager
- Landmarks are her principal guide after she has first found the forage. These include physical objects bushes, trees, roads, as well as colour and patterns and nectary guides
- For example, if a bee is lifted from a forage source, placed in a dark container and moved to another spot where the hive was still visible but not the forage, and then released, after a moment of disorientated the bee will devise a new flight path back to the hive based on landmarks. (gould ) (Yate 6.21.3 )
- Note that bees become disoriented if landmarks change – each cutting long grass around a hive will cause bees to be disoriented for several hours.
- At the forage, the bee always arrives and departs from the same entry point to the forage
- During her foraging trip on the crop, she somehow orientates and manages to compute, thanks to the sun’s UV and polarisation, where her entry point is at all times
- allowing for the movement of the sun by 15˚ per hour.
- She retains the memory of the forage, flight paths and hive location – this lasts for two weeks.
- She will fly on the reciprocal and original bearing, while accounting for the movement of the sun
- Scents and tastes along the way, including pheromones and hive and colony scents will guide her
- She follows magnetic clues thanks to magnetite in trophocytes in her abdomen
- She may account for the direction of the wind and the outward and reciprocal bearing on this (it won’t change much during one short foraging trip).
- She assesses distance using the sensilla seta on her compound eyes.
- She assesses wind direction using the organ of Johnson in her antennae
- As she gets nearer the hive (half a mile), these landmarks will become very familiar from her initial orientation flights as a house bee and she will ‘fly on automatic pilot’
- The automatic pilot aspect is so strong that, if the hive is moved more than 3’ and less than 3 miles, she will not be able to find it.
- This is because she will automatically revert to old flight paths
- Some say the bees will follow an odour plume out and back (Yate 6.21.1). This theory has not been proven. Obviously this will also depend on the direction of the wind.
07 Orientation
What other aids may she use on her return to the hive and on subsequent flights to the same forage source? 6
- The memory of its location and how to get there and back
- The reciprocal and original bearing, while accounting for the movement of the sun
- Scents and tastes along the way, including pheromones and hive/colony scents
- Magnetic clues thanks to magnetite in trophocytes in her abdomen
- Landmarks including colour and patterns and nectary guides
- Sensilla on her eyes to assess distance
- Orientation
Briefly describe the behaviour of honeybees in relation to recognising the location of their hive. 4
- Young bees go on orientation flights to learn the colour, shape and orientation of their hive in relation to immediate surroundings/landmarks
- And the precise position of the hive in relation to nearby landmarks - everything within ½ mile by the time they start foraging
- They recognise the nasonov pheromone at the hive entrance, and the hive and colony odour
- They will recognise the position of the hive in relation to UV and polarised light - older, more experienced foragers can find their way home if moved from one location to another inside a dark container.
08 Guard
During a moderate nectar flow, how would a guard bee react to a fully laden worker drifting into the wrong hive? 2
- In a moderate nectar flow, it is likely give it a desolultory challenge, scented with its antenna for 1-3 seconds. The incoming bee may simply get past the guards by acting confidently.
- Or if the laden worker acts submissively, curling its abdo and legs in and offering a bribe to get in it may let it in but follow it into the hive and observe for a few seconds.
08 Guard
Recognise a robber bee? 2
- Robbers have a characteristic zigzag flight as they approach the hive, because they are
- not familiar with the hive/entrance,
- weighing up the colony’s defenses
- alerting other robbers to the location of the colony being robbed
- Habitual robbers become smooth, shiny and black, possibly as a result of the occupational hazards of fighting other bees (Winston 115-116)
08 guard
What is hive odour and what factors affect it? 3
- All honey bees have an odour which is colony specific.
- This seems to come from the unique mix of nectars that are in the individual hive and are absorbed by the waxy surface of the bee
- and from the common crop contents of all the inhabitants of the colony brought about by trophillaxis
- as well as various in the mix of pheromones.
08 guard
Seasonal impact on guarding 4
- Colonies are more defensive during late summer and early autumn when they have large stores
- In the early part of the year they are more relaxed about strange bees and even beekeepers.
- Small colonies are less likely to attack than large ones.
- In winter bees in the centre of the cluster are warm and need very little time to warm up their flight muscles to fly to the attack - eg when the beekeeper does an oxalic acid treatment
- Some bees are genetically predispossed to be more defensive than others
- Eg African Bees
- Eg second generations of imported queens
08 guard
How do you recognise a guard bee?
It’s stance
- Standing on back and middle legs
- Front legs raised
- Antennae facing forward
- Wings spread
- Mandibles open
Pre-stinging behaviours include threat postures, buzzing, burrowing into predator, biting, pulling hairs
08 defence
Stimuli for stinging 6
- Rapid movement
- Vibration
- Dark colours
- Animal scent
- Beekeeper’s perfume, perspiration
- Bees sense CO2 for location best place to sting
08 guard
Recognise a bee behaving submissively
- The bee flies in straight and alights on the landing board
- After being challenged, it may curl up legs, curl in abdomen
- She may offer food
- She may pull tongue through front feet
- Guards will either remove such a bee without harming her or allow her to enter but follow her into the hive and watch her for a while
08 guarding
describe guard behaviour at entrance in dearth (ignore stance)
- Guards challenge every bee entering the site for 1-3 seconds by antennal contact
- If it is a bee drifting in, it is likely to have flown in on a direct path, have a load of forage and to blithely ‘stroll’ in with confidence.
- If challenged, they are likely to offer the guard food and beg their way in.
- If it is an intruder intent on robbing, it is likely to have had a zigziag flight path in
- This alerts the guards who may maul it, clamping on a leg wing, they might bite or pull hairs,
- This will mark the intruder with 2-heptanone – and attract other bees from the hive to maul it and try to drive it off
- The guard bee will curl her abdomen under enabling her to sting the intruder. Extruding sting releases sting scent from their sting scent gland.
- Isolentyl acetate inhibits foraging and recruits more guards from the foragers.
- Another sting scent pheromone - z-11-eicosen-1-ol boosts the effect of IA prolongs its effectiveness and attracts defenders to the area of the intruder.
- IA elicits stinging in the same spot.
- Bees as young as 12 days after emerging can be recruited to guard duty as thier sting gland has matured.
08 Guard
how do bees defend against other pests trying to enter the hive
- Acarine. Bees have no defense against acarine, which live in the trachea of affected bees, who develop K wing, and tremble on grass stalks outside the hive.
- Varroa. Bees have no defense against varroa and tend to coexist with them, although some strains on honey bee groom themselves free of varroa better than others. A bad infestation will result in bald brood, reduced longevity, increased susceptibility to disease (eg deformed wing virus) and problems with orientation. In very bad cases, bees may abscond.
- Wax moth. Bees tend to coexist with wax moth, although they will sometimes remove the larva.
- Wasps and European hornets are hard to sting has they have a hard exoskeleton, so attacks are met with grappling and workers gang up and drive them off. Wasp attacks may be met by shimmering behaviour where workers shake violently from side to side, which often dissuades the attackers.
- Asian Hornet. European bees have not yet adapted to the Asian Hornet and have no defenses.
- Ants. Workers at the entrances turn their backs on ants and fan their wings and kick their rear legs which usually prevents ants from entering the nest.
- Small hive beetle. Bees have no defense against SHB because they have very hard exoskeletons and tend to scurry very fast. They will try to confine them to the edges of frames, although the SHB has adaptive behavior and ‘begs’ for food. The bees end up feeding them by trophillaxis. When the colony is disturbed (eg during a manipulation), the beetles will escape confinement and lay hundred of eggs in cells. In a strong colony, bees will try to remove the larva.
- Mice. Bees can coexist with mice, although the bees may kill and mummify in propolis and the cluster will move away from the mouse. If it is early enough in the year to start again, bees may abscond.
08 Guard
What would the colony reaction be to an attack by wasps? 5
- Wasps hover near nest attacking adults and removing thorax and carrying it back to their nest.
- Wasps that gain entry eat brood/honey.
- They have a characteristic zigzag flight as they approach the hive
- Workers will shimmer in the entrance to try to put them off - (shake violently from side to side)
- Guards immediately grapple wasps that land and workers gang up to maul and bite them and try to drive them off, curling their abdoment round to sting them.
- marking them with 2-heptanone, so that if they escape into the hive they will be challenged by other workers.
- Extruding the sting releases the sting scent pheromone isopentyl acetate which recuits more defenders
09 nectar and water collection
How do honeybees mark a water source? 1
With the nasonov pheromone, although the arnhart pheromone will also linger for 4 hours at 23˚C
09 Nectar and water collection - nectar to honey
Discuss the process of nectar collection and how it is converted into honey and stored within the nest. (description of bee dances is not required). 22
- The bee arrives at a flower as a result of scouting/following ‘directions’ given in a waggle dance
- In the dance, the bee will have been given samples of the nectar by trophillaxis
- At the same time she will have picked up the scent of the pollen, flower, and nectar from the antennal contact during trophillaxis
- She will navigate to the flower and be attracted by the scents she recognises, including arnhart pheromone which will linger on flowers for 4 hours at 23˚C; 4 days at 5˚C
- Nectary guides and the scent of nectar will guide her to the nectaries, although she may have to learn how to reach these eg by nibbling a hole in the side of the field bean flower
- She will extend her proboscis and suck up the nectar though its food canal.
- As this passes over her hypopharyngeal plate, she adds invertase from her hypopharyngeal glands
- This start to hydrolyse sucrose to fructose and glucose.
- C24H22O11 +H2O + sucrase ¾> C6H12O6 + C6H12O6
- She also adds glucose oxidase with converts glucose to gluconic acid and the antibacterial hydrogen peroxide, which will later help preserve the nectar when it has been converted to honey.
- She navigates back to the hive by returning to the forage entry point, taking a reciprocal bearing from the sun that she came out on, allowing for the passage of time.
- She will also navigate by landmarks and familiar odours – eg other flower scents in the area, as well as colony and hive scent and nasonov pheromones from the hive entrance.
- Back at the hive, she unloads to a nectar receiver at the edge of the brood nest, who moves away from the brood nest to start the process of converting the nectar to honey
- The house bee first ripens the honey: this involves regurgitating a droplet of nectar onto the end of her proboscis and swallowing it down about 100 times over 20 minutes.
- She may add additional sucrase during this process.
- This reduces the water content of the nectar by about 15%
- She then spreads the nectar out in cells to evaporate further.
- Other house bees fan the honey – replacing moist air inside the hive with dry air from outside the hive
- This reduces the water content to about 20%
- The house bees then pack the honey into cells and seal them with wax leaving a miniscule air gap.
09 Nectar collection
Nectar collection - what is involved 8
- A bee either discovers a patch or her own, or has followed the directions given in a waggle dance to find it.
- During the dance, she will have received samples of the nectar by trophillaxis giving her the taste and smell of the nectar. Antennal contact during trophillaxis will have transmitted the scent of the pollen and flower.
- The bee arrives at the foraging patch and marks her entrance – she will arrive and leave from the same point every time
- Bee lands and uses nectary guides and nectar scent to find the flower’s nectaries
- She may have to learn how to reach nectaries - eg at field bean, will learn to copy bumble bee behaviour to access nectary from side or back by nibbling at the flower
- She will suck up the honey using her proboscis into her honeysac
- While collecting nectar at the flower, she adds sucrase from her hypopharyngeal glands. This mixture is swallowed to honey sac.
- Sucrase hydrolyses the sucrose (disaccharide) into glucose and fructose (monosaccharaides) which can be absorbed through the bee’s gut
C12H22011 +H2O C6H1206 + C6H1206
09 Water and nectar
When is water collection noticeable
- Late winter, early spring to disolve/dilute stores
- Spring when nurses are feeding brood and relying on Honey stores for food
- Hot weather when cooling required
09 water and nectar collection
Give a description of the bee behaviour involved in nectar collection
- A bee either discovers a patch or her own, or has followed the directions given in a waggle dance to find it.
- During the dance, she will have received samples of the nectar by trophillaxis giving her the taste and smell of the nectar. Antennal contact during trophillaxis will have transmitted the scent of the pollen and flower.
- The bee arrive at the foraging patch and marks her entrance – she will arrive and leave from the same point every time
- Bee lands and uses nectary guides and nectar scent to find the flower’s nectaries
- She may have to learn how to reach nectaries - eg at field bean, will learn to copy bumble bee behaviour to access nectary from side or back by nibbling at the flower
- She will extend her proboscis and suck up the honey through the food canal into her honeysac
- As this flows over her hypopharyngeal plate, sucrase is added from her hypopharyngeal glands.
- Sucrase hydrolyses the sucrose (disaccharide) into glucose and fructose (monosaccharaides) which can be absorbed through the bee’s gut
C12H22O11 + H2O= C6H12O6 + C6H12O6
Sucrose + Water = Glucose + Fructose - She navigates back to the hive using a reciprocal bearing on the sun from her journey out, landmarks and scents
- At the hive she will unload the nectar to a nectar receiver on the edge of the brood nest
- She will unload the pollen into a cell on the outside of the brood nest.
09 Water and Nectar collection
Honeydew 6
- Honeydew from plants/hemiptera
- Trees inc PLACEBOS HC
- Prunus Lime Ash Chestnut Elm Beech Oak Sycamore Hawthorn Conifer
- Hemiptera feed on phloem and excrete Honey Dew
- If it dries, it is called manna
- Attacts bees when not other forage available
- If dry, they wet it with saliva
09 Nectar and water collection
How is water used in the colony? 5
- To dissolve granulated honey
- To dissolved honey stores
- To cool through evaporation
- To hydrate themselves - they have liquid faeces
- To hydrate nurse bees who produce brood food which is 70-80% water
09 water and nectar collection
How is water collected and transported back to the hive? 10
- Collection varies according to demand - it is not stored in the hive
- Site often marked with nasonov
- They take up water in about 1 minute (av load 25mg)
- 67% of field trips completed in 3 minutes; 90% in 10 minutes, water usually close by
- Average 100 trips a day
- They may collect water from a nearby puddle/pond
- On cool/wet days, they may also sip water from dewy grass stems outside hive
- They suck up water using their proboscis
- They swallow this to their honey sac in which they transport it back to the hive.
- Unloading <60secs -> more water; >60+ secs slow down; >180+ secs stop collection
09 Water and nectar collection
Describe water collection in terms of preferred sites and regularity of visits. 4
- 67% of field trips completed in 3 minutes; 90% in 10 minutes, so water is usually close by
- They may collect water from a nearby puddle/pond
- On cool/wet days, they may also sip water from dewy grass stems outside hive
- Nasonov marking
10 Nectar and water collection
Describe the interrelationship between nectar, honey and water in the colony in summer and winter
- Bees can only metabolise sugars when the sugar:water ratio in their honey stomach is 50:50
- They will strive to maintain this concentration throughout their lives
- During summer, the nectar flow (usually 30-90% water)
- This usually satisfies the bee’s requirement for water
- In winter, or dearth, there is no nectar flow, so bees rely on honey stores, which are around 20% water.
- Therefore, foragers must collect water in order to metabolise honey.
11 Hydrolysis - define
- Breaking down a compound with water to make other compounds
- C12H22011 +H2O C6H1206 + 6H1206
- Sucrose + Water + invertase = Glucose and frucose
11 nectar processing
What does nectar contain?
- 20-90% water, rest sugar S/F/G
- Primrose 5% sugar
- OSR 50% sugar
- Horsechestnut 70% sugar
- Mineral ash
- Organic acides
- Lipis
- Enzymes
- Proteins
- Amino Acides
- Vitamins
- Aromatic compounds
- Ripening - define
- Ripeing is the manipulation
- by the house bee
- whereby she swallows and regurgitates nectar + sucrase mixure
- 100 times
- over 20 minutes
- to reduce the water content by 15%
- Why does a bee make honey 6
- Honey represents the colony’s stores for dearth, times of bad weather and winter
- Nectar contains 20-70% water plus various combinations of fructose, sucrose and glucose, among other things including amino acids, organic acids and aromatic compounds.
- If stored in this form, is would ferment/grow mould
- So bees convert it into honey, which has 20% moisture content or less
- Glucose oxidase is added from hypophryngeal glands
- Converts glucose to gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide. HP is antibacterial another layer of preservation
- Arriving at the flower to sucking up nectar 5
- The bee lands and uses nectary guides and nectar scent to find the flower’s nectaries
- (This scent was transmitted from the dancer to the prospective forage during trophillaxis during the waggle tail dance)
- She might have to learn how to reach the nectaries
- eg at field bean, will learn to copy bumble bee behaviour to access nectary from side or back by nibbling at the flower
- She will suck up the honey using her proboscis into her honeysac
- Passes over HPG adds sucrase
How do honey bees convert nectar into honey?
Include a brief description of the physical chemical changes from the flower to the capped cell
- While collecting nectar at the flower, the bee adds sucrase from its hypopharyngeal glands
- This mixture is swallowed to the bee’s honey sac.
- Sucrase hydrolyses the S (disaccharide) into G+F (monosaccharides) which can be absorbed through the bee’s gut
C12H22011 +H2O C6H1206 + 6H1206
OR starts breakdown of S with H2O to G&F (HYDROLYSIS) - The forager transfers its load to house bees usually on the edge of the brood nest
- House bees moves away from the broodnest,
- They manipulate the nectar (called RIPENING), swallowing an regurgitating it back down to their honey sacs about 100 times over about 20 minutes
- Adding more sucrase from its hypopharyngeal glands
- This ripening reduced water content of the nectar by about 15%.
- The house bee spreads the ripened nectar to dry on the surface of empty cells.
- Fanning by other house bees removes the moist air from the hive and replaces it with dry air from outside reducing the water content to 18-20%.
- The honey is moved and partially filled cells are filled and capped with wax seal;
- Glucose oxidase, also added from the bee’s hypopharyngeal glands, converts glucose into gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide. (the HP is antibacterial)
11 Honey processing
Name three enzymes added to nectar
- Sucrase
- Gucose oxidase
- Diastase
12 pollen - bee bread
Why is pollen turned into bee bread and how is this achieved? 6
- It would otherwise grow mould
- Pollen is ‘glued’ to forager leg when front legs are wetted with nectar as it grooms the pollen into its corbiculae at the flower
- Pollen is dropped off in cells by foragers
- House bees mix it with more honey or nectar, which includes enzymes and bacteria and pack it into cells
- These inhibit germination and growth of moulds
- And give rise to lactic acid fermenation. The pollen becomes darker and sweeter and is known as bee bread.
- Although only 50% of nutritional value of fresh pollen
- Stored combs with pollen attracts pollen mite
Faithful hairy survivalists mark nonstop daylight waggledances
12 pollen
What makes bees good pollinators?
Faithful hairy survivalists mark nonstop daylight waggledances
- Faithful to one type of flower per visit
- Hairy – bees covered in 3million hairs – many plumose – gap between hairs is 45μm = width of dandelion pollen grain (BBKA NEWS 10/17), which sweep up 15000 pollen grains/flower
- Pollination incidental to collection.
- Can be moved en masse to pollinate crops
- Survive en masse over winter and emerge in spring in large numbers to collect pollen
- Mark forage with arnhart – so a beacon for new foragers – lingers 4 hours at 23˚C and 4 days at 5˚C
- Nonstop foraging in daylight except in bad/cold weather
- Forage in daylight so pesticide/herbicide spraying possible at night
- Waggle dances communicate sources to other bees
- Sun: Are able to use the sun, UV and oplarised light to navigate to source
12 Pollen - ways it is collected 2
- May bite filaments to dislodge pollen from ripe anthers
- In trying to reach nectaries at the back of the flower the bee will brush against ripe anthers and collect pollen on plumose hairs before pushing it to the corbucula
12 Describe Pollen collection in detail 20
- Collection stim by QS and BP
- Two types of bee collection:
- as a by-product of nectar collecting
- purposely collecting pollen.
- Approximately 20% of foraging bees purposely collect pollen (approximately 1/3 of workers are foragers, 2/3 of a colony are house bees).
- Arriving at the flower, by-producters get covered in pollen
- Purposefiul collecters may bite filaments of the stamen to dislodge pollen from the ripe anthers.
- Pollen lands on her body and catches in her plumose hairs
- She flies/walks from flower to flower of the same species, incidentally cross pollinating from the pollen on her body as she goes
- As she leaves a flower, she will groom the pollen into her corbiculae on her hind legs.
- She moistens her legs with a bit of nectar, and then grooms the pollen from her head and first thoracic segment
- The middle legs collect the pollen from the first legs and the rest of the thorax, particularly the ventral side
- The hind legs collect the pollen from the middle legs and clean the abdomen.
- When enough pollen is collected on the surfaces of her basitarsi, she will rake the pollen into the auricle on the opposite leg where it is held in place by the hairs of the rastellum
- The retaining hairs of the auricle stop it falling out.
- The teeth on the auricle grip it.
- She then closes the tarsus against the tibia
- This squeezes the pollen up and outwards in a patty blob on to the concave external surface of her tibia where the pollen is held in place by the hairs on the corbiculae.
- Repeated several times over 3-18 minutes to build up a load of up to 8mg/leg.
- A full load is approx 100 flowers
- She will unload the pollen into a cell on the edge of the brood nest
- Each journey takes 3-20 minutes in daylight hours in reasonable weather - low wind, temperatures above 13˚C
12 Pollen external causes of regulation
What factors OUTSIDE the hive regulate the amount of pollen collected? 2
- weather
- un/availability of forage
12 Pollen feedback mechanism - in brief
Outline the feedback mechanism involved. 6
- Inhibitory cue from the protein-rich secretion from hypopharyngeal glands which is fed to foragers by trophilliaxis
- The larger the P. reserves, the greater P. consumption by nurse bees
- the more protein is fed to foragers by trophillaxis, the more foragers are inhibited from further P. collection.
- If the nurses need to feed more larvae, there is less for foragers who are hungry for protein and increase the number of foragers and the per capita rate of collection
- The reserve act as a buffer - rate of collecion is more variable that demand.
- So the increased demand is responded to before the reserves in the nest fall too far
12 Pollen internal causes of regulation
What factors within the hive regulate the amount of pollen collected? 2
- presence of brood pheromone
- number of cells prepared by house bees for pollen (Yates)
12 Pollen
Two pheromones that stimulate pollen collection 2
- Queen substance
- Brood pheromone from open brood
12 pollen reserves - detail
Describe how a honeybee colony regulates its pollen reserves?
Seeley (WOTH)
- Pollen supply varies more day-to-day than demand -> buffer required of about kg -> colony must regulate supplies
- Adjusts collecting rate in relation to reserve thro
- changes in number of pollen foragers
- per capita collection rate
- Foragers fed no sensory feedback on quantity of stores
- Feedback is indirect and involves non-foragers
- Critical bees in this are the nurse bees, who are principle pollen users
- They provide excitory feedback when there is little pollen in the hive
- Perhaps by preparing cells for pollen storage so unloading is quicker
- Only evidence at present is inhibitory feedback from nurses when there is abundant pollen in the hive
- Evidence suggests it is inhibitory cue from the protein-rich secretion from HG which is fed to foragers
- Study required to assess key assumptions
- That the amount of secretion varies in relation to size of reserve
- That the amount received influences foragers collecting activity
12 Pollen
Describe unloading2
- She grasps cell edge with front legs,
- arches abdo so hind legs dangle over cell
- Middle legs push off load into cell
12 Pollen uses x 10
- Protein
- Nurse bees +P = BF + RJ d
- BF&RJ are a proteinous-rich fluid that enables brood/queen cells to grown and develop
- The more the Q is fed RJ, the more eggs she lays per day
- Nurse bees feed P to older worker larvae
- Capping brood
- Reactivate or de-atrophy HPG when more nurses needed (eg after a swarm)
- Gland development
- Metabolic ‘Repairs’ eg to forager muscles
- Stored - About 1kg is, pickled with honey to make bee bread to
- Winter bees - to enlarge their HPG + fat bodies -> longevity
- Lack of pollen -> stress, which can trigger chalk brood.