Bedside manners in Combines Stations (examinations & procedures Flashcards
Describe how to perform minimal exposure on the EXAMINATION station.
Always perform minimal exposure for the examination
- Expose in stages
• Abdominal: expose the manikin from below upwards leaving the breasts covered.
• Breast examination: don’t leave the patient’s breast exposed when switching from breast to lymph node’s examination (offer them to put back their bra or provide a sheet to cover themselves);
• For intimate exams: patient should get undressed in privacy and ask them when they are ready to start the examination.
Describe how should the running commentary be done throughout EXAMINATION/PROCEDURE stations?
It should always be done especially when there is:
- New touching;
- Touching painful areas;
- Invasion of body cavities or needle pricks;
- Any change in the trajectory of the examination or procedure.
Describe how patients in pain should be managed in the combined examination & procedure stations.
- Explain you going to examine whichever body part.
- Ask if they have experience pain anywhere.
- Ask them to point with their finger the pain location.
- Explain that you will leave the painful area to the end of the examination.
Look at the role-player’s face NOT MANIKIN when assessing for pain during superficial palpation.
- Check on them from time to time “Are you OK there Mr X?”
Describe the Examiner etiquette during stations.
- At any point, when the examiner says “ASSUME DONE.” Say ”Thank you”.
- DO NOT ask the examiner for any findings during combined stations or any other stations.
If there is a finding, they will let you know.
Describe how you should complete the examinations or procedures?
“Thank you for bearing with me, almost done now.”
- After covering the patient: “The examination is now complete. Thank you.”
- For intimate examinations: “I will leave to get dressed in privacy.”
- For exams/procedures which KY jelly was used: Provide tissue.