Becker Regulation 1 Flashcards
Under what accounting basis are individual tax returns prepared?
Cash Basis.
Note: This basis is NOT allowed for Corporations, Partnerships with a C-Corp partner, or for inventories.
For 2014, what is the amount of the Personal Exemption?
2014: $3,950
In the year of death, may the surviving spouse claim the exemption for the deceased spouse?
Yes, if the taxpayer is filing married filing jointly - along with spouses exemption too. The taxpayer may claim their exemption and the deceased spouses too.
What is the Becker Qualifying Child acronym and what does it stand for.
Close Relative Age Limit Residency and Filing Requirements Eliminate Gross Income Test Support Test Changes
What is the Becker Qualifying Relative acronym and what does it stand for.
Support (over 50%) test
Under specific amt of taxable gross inc (SS Inc is not taxable)
Precludes dependent filing a joint return test
Only citizens of US/Canada Test
Relative Test
Taxpayer lives w individual entire year test
Characterization of Income: Ordinary, Portfolio, Passive, Capital
Ordinary: wages, refunds, alimony, IRA/pension, Self Employment, and gambling
Portfolio: Interest Inc, DV income.
Passive: Rental income plus beneficiaries of Trust & Investments in Pships, LLCs and S Corp
Capital: Sales of Capitals assest create Capital G/L
What are guaranteed payments to a partner?
Reasonable compensation paid to a partner for services rendered (or use of capital) w/o regard to the partner’s ratio of income. It is subject to S/E tax
How is the calculation for Life Insurance permiums partially paid by an employer done?
The first $50,000 is non-taxable to the employee. Premiums above are taxable income on the employees W-2, It is calculated using IRS tables (200,000 less 50,000 *2.76 / 1000 = $414)
What items are Taxable Interest Income?
Federal bonds
Corporate Bonds
Premiums recvd for opening a savings account (FMV)
Part of Installment Sales proceeds
Interest paid by Fed or State gov for late payment of a refund
Some taxpayers for bond premium amort or bond discount
What items are Tax Exempt Interest Income?
State/Local Gov Bonds/Obligations
Bonds of a US Possession
Series EE (US Savings Bond)
Veterans Admin Insurance
What items are Tax Free Distributions?
Return of Capital
Stock Splits
Stock DV
Life Insurance DV
When is a State/Local Tax refund non taxable?
When the Standard Deduction not the Itemized Deduction is used in the prior year.
What amount may be excluded from an employees income for Employer paid Ed expense?
Up to $5,250
applies to graduate and undergraduate level ed
Name the sources of DV income and their character
E&P Current = Distrib by CY end
E&P Accu = Distrib Date
Return of Capital = No E&P
Capital G Distrib = No E&P/No Basis
What are the taxable amounts for cash and prop to a shareholder?
Cash: Amount Recvd
What items are included in Business Gross Income?
Cash : Amt recvd
Property: FMV
Cancellation of Debt
What percentage of Business meal and entertainment expenses is allowed as a deduction
What Bad Debt Method is allowed for a taxpayer?
Direct Write off only.
Name the non-deductible expenses for Business Sched C
Salaries paid to the sole proprietor (considered a draw)
Fed inc tax
Personal portions of: Auto exp, travel exp
Meal and Entertainment
Interest exp (report on sched A if applicable)
State and local tax expense (report on sched A)
Health insurance if the Sole Proprietor (report as an adj to arrive at AGI)
Bad Debt of Cash basis txpyr who never reported the income
Charitable Contrib (reported on Sched A item ded)
Name the 2 taxes on Net Business Income
Income Tax & Federal Self Employment Tax.
S/E Adj allowed = 7.65% up to $115,500 + 1.45% over $115,500 (this allows the sole prop to “deduct” the emp portion from gross tax income on Sched C.
All S/E income is subj to Medicare Tax: 2.9% up to $115,500; Soc Sec Tax: 12.4% up to $115,500 (total: 15.3%)
How is the carry forward of Net Operating Losses handled?
The excess business loss not used against other sources of income is permitted to be carried back 2 years and forward for 20 years.
What types of property does the Uniform Capitalization Rules apply?
Produced for Use in Trade/Bus (Real or personal)
Produced for Sale to customers (manuf inventory)
Acquired for resale (Real or personal. E.g. retailer’s inventory.
Limited to businesses w/ avg gross receipts greater than 10 mill over a 3 year period)
Under the Unif Cap Rules which costs are required to be capped?
Direct Materials
Direct Labor (compens, vaca pay, payroll taxes)
FOH (indirect costs)
Name examples of Indirect costs which are capitalized under the Unif Cap Rules.
Utilities warehousing costs repairs & maint indirect labor (supervisory) rents storage deprec & amort insurance pension contrib engineering & design repackaging spoilage & scrap admin supplies.
Which costs are not to be capitalized under the Unif Cap Rules?
Officer Compensation
For tax purposes, what method must be used for income recog of Long Term Contracts?
Percentage of Completion Method
For a cash basis farmer, are inventories of produce, livestock etc considered inventory in a business sense ?
* Example: Bob is a cash basis sole proprietor farmer, he spends $2100 on feed for livestock. Bob may deduct all $2100 on his return, bc he is not required to consider inventory.
For a cash basis farmer, what is included in gross income?
Cash and the value of all other items recvd from the sale of produce & livestk that has been RAISED by the farmer
For a accrual basis farmer (corps, pships) must inventories be used and maintained? Id so, what methods are used?
Methods include:
Farm Price Method (market cost less disposition)
Unit-Livestock-Price Method (uses a value for each livestk class at a std unit price for animals in each class)