Becker Gov Flash Cards
What are three accounting themes addressed by governmental accounting?
a. Fund structure b. Fund accounting c. External reporting
What are the fund accounting principles applicable to government funds?
a. Current financial resources measurement focus b. Modified accrual basis of accounting
What are the fund accounting principles applicable to proprietary funds?
a. Measurement focus: economic resources b. Basis of accounting: full accrual
What are the fund accounting principles applicable to fiduciary funds?
a. Measurement focus: economic resources b. Basis of accounting: Full accrual
Distinguish between alternative measurements focuses.
Define modified accrual and list the funds that use it as a basis of accounting
a. Modified accrual: Revenues should be recognized when measurable and available; expenditures are generally (with the exception of interest expenditures) recognized when fund liabilities is incurred b. GRSPP
- What do terms measurable and vailable mean in the context of the modified accrual basis of revenue accounting?
a. Measurable means quantifiable in monetary terms b. Available means collectible within (generally) 60 days of year-end
- What is the basic structure of the statement of revneues, expenditures and changes in fund balance for governmental funds?
a. Revenues – expenditures = other financing sources and uses = net change in fund balance
- What specialized accounting practices are followed by the governmental funds?
a. Budgetary accounting b. Activity (actual) accounting c. Encumbrance accounting
- Define the different classifications of expenditures
a. Function (e.g., public safety) b. Organizational unit (e.g., police department, fire department, etc.) c. Activity (e.g., drug enforcement, highway safety patrol) d. Character (e.g., current, capital outlay, debt service, intergovernmental) e. Object (e.g., personal services, building occupancy, insurance)
- What is the journal entry to record the annual budget
a. D: estimated revenues i. Cr: Appropriations ii. Cr: Budgetary control b. Actual expenditures have a natural debit balance. Appropriations to which those expenditures are compared have a natural credit balance. Computaiton of unexpended appropraitions is a pure arithmetic sum of these two accounts
- What are revenues recorded in government funds?
a. Government funds record revenues when measurable and available.
b. This concept applies to accrual of different types of revenues depending on their character c. Accrue when: i. Billed/recorded (imposed non-exhcnage transactions) 1. Real estate taxes due 2. Fines and penalties ii. Received (derived non-exchange transactions) 1. Income taxes 2. Sales taxes iii. Earned (government mandated and voluntary non-exchange transactions) 1. Revenue collected in advance (unearned when collected) 2. Real estate taxes paid in advance (unearned) 3. Restricted grants (earned when spent) iv. Deferred inflows of resources are reconized in some instances in which assets are recorded but related revenues are not eligible for recognition (not available)
- Give the journal entry to recognize supplied remaining at year-end
- Purchase method:
- D: Supplies on hand inventory
- Cr: Nonspendable fund balance- inventory
- D: Supplies on hand inventory
- This journal entry indicates that these supplies are not available spendable resources
- Consumption method: No entry may be needed as supplies were debited to inventory and then recognized as expenditures as they were used. A corresponding entry changing the related non-spendable classification of fund balance should have been done as each use of inventory was recorded.
- Give the journal entry to recognize a purchase order on supplies
- D: Encumbrance
- Cr: Budgetary control
- Encumbrances have a natural debit balance. Appropriations, to which those encumbrances are compared, have a natural credit balance. Computation of unencumbered appropriations is a pure arithmetic sum of these two accounts. Computation of unexpended and unencumbered appropriations is the sum of the three accounts: appropriations (credit), expenditures (debit), and encumbrances (debit)
- What journal entries are recorded when goods are received and the commitment to purchase those goods had been previously recorded as an encumbrance
- Dr: Expenditure
- Cr: Vouchers payable
- Dr: Budgetary control
- Cr; encumbrances
- The entries serve to reverse the full effect of the encumbrance entry and record the full amount of the expenditure (BAE-BAE_
- What are the closing budget, activity, and encumbrance journal entries?
- Activity:
- D: Revenues
- D: Unassigned fund balance
- Cr: Expenditures
- Budget (deficit)
- D: Appropriations
- Cr: estimated Revneus
- Cr: Budgetary control
- D: Appropriations
- Encumbrance:
- D: Budgetary control
- Cr: Encumbrances
- D: Budgetary control
- At the beginning of the next year, the above encumbrance entry is reversed. The entry will keep the budgetary control intact in order to account for resources spent in the next year that would have been budgeted in the current year.
- When are budgetary, actual, or encumbrance entries combined?
- Budgetary, actual, and encumbrance transactions are always segregated on the books:
- At the beginning of the year: Book budget
- Throughout the year: book actuals, book encumbrances
- At year-end: Close the budget, close the actuals, close the encumbrances
- List the types of inter-fund transactions
- Reciprocal inter-fund activity:
- Inter-fund loans
- Inter-fund services provided and used
- Nonreciprocal inter-fund activity
- Inter-fund transfers
- Inter-fund reimbursements
- Name and define the five classification of fund balances used by government fund types:
- Non-spendable: resources that are not available to be spent (e.g., investments)
- Restricted: resources that are constitutionally, legislatively or otherwise externally limited as to use
- Committed: resources that are internally limited as to use by the government’s highest level of decision making authority
- Assigned- resources intended to be used by the gov for specific purposes whose constraints do not rise to the level of restricted or committed
- Unassigned- residual classification of equity that represents resources that are the least limited as to use
- Identify the three components of net position displayed on government-wide financial statements.
- Invested in capital assets, net
- Restricted (from external sources by category)
- Unrestricted
- What is the purpose of the general fund?
- The general fund is created at the beginning of the governmental unit and it exists throughout the life of the unit. The general fund accounts for the general activities of a governmental unit that are not accounted for by any other fund.
- What are the typical revenue sources of the general fund?
- Taxes (property taxes)
- Public safety and regulations (fines, inspection fees, etc.)
- Intergovernmental (shared revenues)
- Charges for services
- Other revenues (interest income)
- What are the required fund financial statements for the individual governmental fund types?
- GRSPP funds require
- Balance sheet
- Statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance
- What is the basic structure of the balance sheet for the gov funds?
- Current assets + deferred outflows of resources = current liabilities + deferred inflows of resources + fund balance
- What is the purpose of the special revenue fund?
- Special revenue funds account for revenues and expenditures that are legally restricted or committed for specific purposes other than debt service or capital projects
- What are the typical revenue sources of a special revenue fund?
- Designated sales taxes
- Designated gasoline taxes
- Designated special fees
- Designated admission fees
- Designated parking fees
- Designated state grants
- Designate federal grants
- What is the purpose of the debt service fund?
- The debt service fund is created to account for the accumulation of restricted, committed, or assigned resources (cash and investments) for the payment of currently due interest and principal on long-term general obligation debt
- Debt service funds pay GRSPP debt
- Debt service funds do not pay SE PAPI debt
- What are the typical components of revenue and other financing source classifications for debt service funds
- Revenues:
- Allocated portions of property taxes
- b. Other financing sources:
- Transfers from other funds
- Debt proceeds associated with refunding debt
- What is the purpose of the capital projects fund?
- Established for accounts for resources restricted, committed, or assigned for the construction, purchase, or leasing of significant fixed assets used by the gov (GRSPP funds). Capital projects funds are not used for proprietary (SE) or fiduciary (PAPI) funds
- What are typical components of revenue and other financing source classifications for capital project funds?
- Revenues:
- Investment earnings
- Tax revenues specifically levied to fund capital improvement
- Capital grants
- Other financing sources:
- Bond issue proceeds
- General fund (or special revenue fund) inter-fund transfers
- Special assessments