BEC 1: Internal Control Frameworks Flashcards
Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) has how many Objectives, Components, and Principles?
-3 Objectives (ORC)
-5 Components (CRIME)
-17 Principles
10-12) OIE
13-14) SO D
15-17) CA T P
5 COSO Components (CRIME)
1) Control Environment-
- Tone @ the Top. Ethics
2) Risk Assessment-
- FS Misstatements, not efficient, breaking law
3) Information & Communication-
- FACT (Fair, Accurate, Complete, Timely)
4) Monitoring-
- Effectiveness of controls & report difficiencies
5) (Existing) Control Activities-
- Policies and Procedures to mitigate risk
Control Environment [(C)rime] and it’s 5 principles
- commitment to (E)thical values and integrity
- (B)oard independence and oversight
- (O)rganizational structure
- (C)ommitment to competence
- (A)ccountability
Risk Assessment [c(R)ime] and it’s 4 principles
- (S)pecify Objectives
- identify and analyze (R)isks
- consider the potential for (F)raud
- Identify and (A)ssess changes
Information and Communication [cr(I)me} and it’s 3 principles
- (O)btain and use Information
- (I)nternally communicate information
- communicate with (E)xternal parties
Monitoring Activities [cri(m)e] and it’s 2 principles
- (O)ngoing and/or (S)eparate evaluations
- communication of (D)efiencies
(Existing) Control Activities [crim(E)] and it’s 3 principles
- select and develop (C)ontrol (A)ctivities
- select and develop (T)echnology controls
- deploy through (P)olicies and procedures
6 Limitations of COSO
1) Human judgement can be faulty and subject to bias
2) Breakdowns and failures occur as long as humans are involved
3) Management can override internal controls
4) Management/other personnel can get around controls through collusion
5) External events outside management’s control
6) Suitability of entity’s objectives
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM). What is it?
Framework and process to balance risk and return
5 Components of ERM (GOPRO)
1) (G)overnance and culture
2) strategy and (O)bjective setting
3) (P)erformance
4) (R)eview and revision
5) (O)ngoing information, communication, and reporting
Governance and Culture [(G)opro] and it’s 5 Principles
- defines (D)esired culture
- exercises board (O)versight
- Demonstrates commitment to core (V)alues
- attracts, develops, and retains capable (E)mployees
- establishes operating (S)tructure
Strategy and Objective-Setting [g(o)pro] and it’s 4 principles
- evaluate alternatives (S)trategies
- formulate business (O)bjectives
- (A)nalyzes business context
- defines (r)isk appetite
Performance [go(P)ro] and it’s 5 principles
- develops portfolio (V)iew
- (A)ssesses severity of risk
- (P)rioritize risk
- (I)dentify risk
- implement risk (R)esponses
Review & Revision [gop(R)o] and it’s 3 principles
- assesses (S)ubstantial change
- pursues (I)mprovement in ERM
- (R)eviews risk and performance
Ongoing Infortmation, Communication, and Reporting
- leverages information and (T)echnology
- communicates risk (I)information
- reports on risk, culture, and (P)erformance