Beach Vocab (unit one Flashcards
Barrier island
a long narrow island lying parallel from mainland and separated from it by a source of water.
Erosion (n)
Gradually weathering or dying.
Accretion (n)
Building up of land by physical forces.
Bivalve (n)
Mollusks having two shells (clams, oysters, and mussels)
Univalve (n)
Mollusks having one shell (like snails, whelks, and conchs)
Continental Shelf (n)
Remaining submerged portion of the coastal plain.
Continental Slope (n)
The actual edge of the continent whose slope rapidly falls to a deep plateau and eventually into the ocean depths.
Georgia Bight (n)
Inward curving shape of the coast line stretching from Cape Hatteras, NC to Miami, FL
Sandbar (n)
Submerged or exposed line of sand accumulated by wave action.
Sand Dunes (n)
A hill of sand piled up by the wind.
Sea Oats (n)
A tall grass (Uniola Paniculata) that grows on the coast of the southern US and helps hold the sand dunes together
Wrack (n)
Debris washed up along the high tide line of a beach