BE-76 Multi-Engine Study Flashcards
Learn multi-engine stuff
Slow Flight - Entry
Clearing Turn Power - 15" G (fuel selectors) - On G (boost pumps)- On U - Down below 140 KIAS M - Rich P - 2400 C - Open S - Secure *Full flaps in white arc *Establish About 70 KIAS
Slow Flight - Recovery
Power - 20" G (fuel selectors) - On G (boost pumps) - Off U - Up (above 85 KIAS) M - Cruise Lean P - 2400 C - Closed S - Secure *Flaps up above 71 KIAS
Power-off Stall - Entry
Clearing Turn Power - 15" G (fuel selectors) - On G (boost pumps) - On U - Down below 140 KIS M - Rich P - Full forward below 90 KIAS C - Open S - Secure *Full flaps in white arc *Establish landing attitude (about 500fpm) * Pitch to maintain altitude
Power-off Stall - Recovery
*Full power
*Flaps up above 71 KIAS
*Pitch for positive rate of climb
Power - 20”
G (fuel selectors) - On
G (boost pumps) - Off
U - Up (above 85 KIAS)
M - Cruise Lean
P - 2400
C - Closed
S - Secure
Power-on Stall - Entry
Clearing Turns!!! Power - 12" G (fuel selectors) - On G (boost pumps) - On U - Up M - Rich P - Full forward below 90 KIAS C - Open S - Secure *At 85 kts, power to 20" *Pitch up 20°
Power-on Stall - Recovery
*Full power
*Pitch level
- At 100 kts
Power - 20”
G (fuel selectors) - On
G (boost pumps) - Off
U - Up
M - Cruise Lean
P - 2400
C - Closed
S - Secure
Steep Turns - Entry
Clearing Turns!!! *Find reference landmark Power - 18" for 120 kts G (fuel selectors) - On G (boost pumps) - On U - Up M - Rich P - 2400 C - Closed S - Secure *Roll into 50° bank +/- 5°.
Steep Turns - Recovery
Power - 20" G (fuel selectors) - On G (boost pumps) - Off U - Up M - Cruise Lean P - 2400 C - Closed S - Secure
Accelerated Stall - Entry
Clearing Turns!!! Power - 15" G (fuel selectors) - On G (boost pumps) - On U - Up M - Rich P - 2400 C - Closed S - Secure *Roll into 45° bank, increase back pressure until stall
Accelerated Stall - Recovery
*Full power
*Pitch & Roll to straight & level
-at 100 kts
Power - 20”
G (fuel selectors) - On
G (boost pumps) - Off
U - Up
M - Cruise Lean
P - 2400
C - Closed
S - Secure
Emergency Descent - Entry
Clearing Turns (and below)!!! Power - 15" G (fuel selectors) - On G (boost pumps) - On U - Down below 140 kts M - Rich P - 2400 C - Closed S - Secure *Close throttles *Roll into 30-45° bank *Pitch nose 20° down - do not exceed 140 kts
Emergency Descent - Recovery
*Roll & pitch to straight & level Power - 20" G (fuel selectors) - On G (boost pumps) - Off U - Up M - Cruise Lean P - 2400 C - Closed S - Secure
Vmc Demo - Entry
Clearing turns!!! Power - 12" G (fuel selectors) - On G (boost pumps) - On U - Up M - Rich P - Full forward below 90 kts C - L - Closed / R - Open S - Secure *Left throttle - close to idle *Right throttle - move full forward At 85 KIAS: Pitch up to horizon until loss of directional control, then begin recovery
Vmc Demo - Recovery
*Lower pitch to 1/2 ground 1/2 sky while reducing power on good engine and neutralizing rudder
*After regaining control, ease in full power on good engine and reestablish 85 KIAS BLUE LINE.
Power - 20”
G (fuel selectors) - On
G (boost pumps) - Off
U - Up
M - Cruise lean
P - 2400
C - Closed
S - Secure
Engine Failure in Flight (Initial response)
All available power 1. Pitch for blue line 2. Mixtures- full rich 3. Props- full forward 4. Throttles- full power Clean up 1. Flaps Up 2. Gear Up 3. Trim and bank into good engine Identify/Verify 1. Identify- Dead foot, dead engine 2. Verify- Power idle on dead engine. No change=verified.
Engine Failure (Fix)
- Fuel- On
- Carb heat- On
- Mixture- Set (max power)
- Boost pumps- On
- Magnetos- Cycle, Left - Right - Both
Engine Failure (Feather)
- Feather propeller on inop engine
- Power as needed. Minimum blue line
Shut down and secure: - Mixture- idle cutoff
- Cowl flaps- Open on good engine, closed on bad
- Fuel pump- Off
- Magnetos- Off
- Alternator switch- Off
- Notify ATC
- Land as soon as practical
Refer to checklist
Engine Failure During or After Takeoff
During initial climb out the nose needs to be lowered 5 degrees or more to maintain 85 KIAS.
Bank approx. 3 degrees into good engine w/rudder 1/2 ball out toward good engine.
Each degree of bank toward the bad engine increases Vmc by 3 knots.
Before Takeoff Power Loss Brief
Loss of directional control on the ground: 1. Throttles- Idle 2. Regain Control 3. Brake straight ahead (if necessary) Airborne loss of directional control: usable runway remaining and gear down: 1. Throttles- Idle 2. Land 3. Brake straight ahead No usable runway or gear is up: 1. Full Power (maintain heading and blue line) 2. Clean Up - flaps up, gear up 3. Identify dead engine 4. Verify dead engine 5. Feather dead engine 6. Return for landing