BCP refresher Flashcards
What is CASL?
Canada’s Anti Spam Legislation
When do you need consent to send email?
Marketing email
What type of email you should not send under CASL policy?
promote or advertise TD products or services unless requested by the customer regarding specific item
for email/ electronic messages what tool should we use?
EPC tool
No phone call is
do not call list
Marketing research/Credit bureau authorization/ sharing preferences?
C3 contact preferences or Cif MCCP
When applying for unsecured loc, what must we always offer the client?
- Appropriate Product Assessment
- TD protection plan assessment
What must we always collect for (KYC/AML purposes)
- Purpose of accounts
- Third party determination
A customer is pre-approved and accepts their new uloc. Before signing the documents, what must we ask the customer?
a. Do you consent to setting up the unsecured line of credit based on the terms and conditions that we have discussed?
b. Do I have your consent to proceed?
Is the consent verbiage the same for all line of credit applications?
Consent for ULOC increase - pre approval?
Do you consent to the ULOC increase of $XX based on the terms and conditions we have discussed?
Consent for ULOC increases- full application?
if approved, do you consent to the ULOC increase of $XX based on the terms and conditions we have discussed?
What do we need to provide the customer a copy of when discussing Protection Plans?
The application form
Health Questionnaire contact form
Product Guide and Certificate of Insurance