BCO Flashcards
What is the constitution of the PCA?
The Westminster Confession of Faith, Larger and Shorter Catechisms, and the Book of Church Order (BCO Preface III)
Does that include the Bible?
No, the Bible is not part of the Constitution but is the supreme standard (BCO Preface III)
What are the three parts of the BCO?
Form of Government, Rules of Discipline, Directory for Worship (BCO Contents)
Which parts are constitutionally binding?
The Form of Government and Rules of Discipline are binding (BCO Preface III), along with chapters 56, 57, 58, and 59-3.
What are the three general types of church governments?
Episcopal, Congregational, and Presbyterian (BCO 1-1)
What are the 5 categories under which we can comprehend presbyterian government?
The Church, Members, Officers, Courts, Orders (BCO 1-1)
Who is part of the visible church?
All those who profess faith in Jesus Christ and their children (BCO 2-1)
What are the ordinary offices Christ has given to his church today?
Elders and Deacons (BCO 7-2)
What do the terms severally and jointly mean with regard to presbyterian polity? Give some examples of what an elder can do severally or jointly.
Severally means individual authority, jointly refers to collective authority in courts. For example, teaching the Bible severally, exercising discipline jointly (BCO 3-2)
What are some of the things Teaching Elders have power to do but Ruling Elders do not have the power to do?
Teaching Elders can preach and administer sacraments, while Ruling Elders cannot (BCO 8-5, 8-9)
Do teaching elders and ruling elders have the same authority and eligibility to office in the church courts?
Yes, they have the same authority and eligibility in church courts (BCO 8-9)
What are the three gradated courts of the PCA?
Session, Presbytery, General Assembly (BCO 10-2)
What is the difference between a particular and a mission church?
A particular church has a permanent governing body, a mission church does not (BCO 5-1, 5-9)
Who has the authority to organize a particular church?
The Presbytery (BCO 5-9)
Who is responsible for the ministry of sympathy and service?
Deacons (BCO 9-1)
What happens when a church is unable to ordain a diaconate?
The duties devolve upon the elders (BCO 9-2)
Name some of the duties of the church Session:
Maintain spiritual oversight, exercise discipline, approve the budget, oversee church services (BCO 12-5)
Who are members of the church session?
The pastor, associate pastors, and ruling elders (BCO 12-1)
Who is the moderator of the church session?
The pastor is the moderator by virtue of office (BCO 12-2)
Who approves the church budget?
The Session approves the budget (BCO 12-5)
Who elects Ruling Elders to shepherd a church?
The congregation (BCO 24-1)
Who elects Teaching Elders to shepherd a church?
The congregation, with Presbytery approval (BCO 20-1, 20- 2)
When examining a possible new member, what are the three “classifications” by which members are added to the church?
Baptized non-communing members, communicant members, and transfers (BCO 57). We receive people by Transfer if coming from another PCA church, Reaffirmation of faith, if previously members of a non-PCA church, or profession of faith if they are a convert.
What are the two kinds of members in a church? How does someone move from one kind to the other?
Non-communing and communing members. Non communing members become communicants after profession of faith (BCO 6-1, 6-2)
What are the 5 membership vows new members make before the Church? (Paraphrase is fine)
Acknowledge sin, trust in Christ, promise to walk in newness of life, support the church, submit to elders (BCO 57-5)
In which court do Teaching Elders hold their membership in the church?
The Presbytery (BCO 13-1)
Who else are members of Presbytery?
Teaching Elders and Ruling Elders elected by their Sessions (BCO 13-1, 13-2)
Who are members of the General Assembly?
Teaching Elders and Ruling Elders elected by their Session (BCO 14-1)
What are the 10 permanent committees and agencies of the General Assembly?
10 permanent committees include: Administration, Discipleship Ministries, Mission to North America, Mission to the World, Covenant College, Covenant Theological Seminary, Reformed University Fellowship, Ridge Haven, PCA Foundation, Geneva Benefits.
What is the difference between a committee and a commission?
A committee reports, a commission acts (BCO 15-1)
What areas of examination must a candidate for coming Under Care be examined in?
Christian experience, and calling (BCO 18-3)
What areas of examination must a candidate for ordination be examined in?
Christian experience, knowledge of Greek & Hebrew, Bible Content, Theology, Sacraments, Church History, PCA history, form of Government & rules of dsicipline. (BCO 21-4.c.)
What does it mean to be licensed to preach the gospel?
A license is official permission to preach regularly before ordination (BCO 19-1)
Can a Pastoral Candidate, during examinations, hold to any exceptions to the Westminster Standards?
Yes, they can hold stated differences, but the Presbytery judges whether these differences strike at the system of doctrine (BCO 21-4)
What classifications can a stated difference to the Standards be defined as?
Merely semantic, more than semantic but not out of accord with any fundamental of our system of Doctrine, or “hostile to the system & strikes at the vitals of religion.”
Who ordains Teaching Elders?
The Presbytery (BCO 21-5)
Who ordains Ruling Elders?
The Session (BCO 24-6)
Who can vote at a congregational meeting?
All communicant members of the church (BCO 25-1)
Who in the PCA owns the property of a church building?
The local congregation owns its property (BCO 25-9)
Who receives and dismisses church members?
The Session (BCO 57-4)
What do we mean by discipline in the church?
Instruction or correction of erring members (informal) and judicial processes (formal) (BCO 27-1)
What are the 3 stated goals of church discipline?
The glory of God, the purity of the church, and the reclaiming of the sinner (BCO 27-3)
What are the five censures the church courts can impose in a matter of formal discipline?
Admonition, suspension from the sacraments, excommunication, suspension from office, and deposition from office (BCO 30-1)
Who has the primary responsibility for the Christian nurture, eduction, and training of the children in the church?
The parents (BCO 63-1)
Which court should file charges against a member of the church?
The Session (BCO 31-1)
Which court should file charges against a minister (TE) in the church?
The Presbytery (BCO 34-1)
What needs to take place before charges can officially be filed?
Investigation of charges and citation of witnesses (BCO 31- 2)
How many witnesses are necessary for charges to be filed?
At least two or more witnesses (BCO 35-3)
What does the BCO mean when it talks about “Review and Control?”
Review and Control ensures that higher courts examine the records of lower courts for conformity to the Constitution (BCO 40-1)
What is a Reference?
A reference is when a lower court refers a matter to a higher court for advice or judgment (BCO 41-1)
What is an Appeal?
An appeal is when a decision of a lower court is challenged in a higher court (BCO 42-1)
What is a Complaint?
A complaint is a written representation against some action or decision of a church court (BCO 43-1)