BC 28 ETC and OP Flashcards
mitochondrial structure
outer membrane: OMM: Porous, permeable to most ions and small molecues
IMM: impermeable to most ions and mols, forms the cristae: increase SA, 75% protein, low chol
IMS: compartments for reactions, allows for ion proton gradients that power ATP production’
Matrix: highly concentrated mix of proteins and enzymes
-urea, heme, mtDNA rep, ribosomes, mutiples copies mtDNA
location of ETC
Running on the IMM
- fed from TCA in Matrix
- compled II (Succinate Dehydrogenase) is the same enzyme as step 6 of the TCA cycle (makes FADH2 for entry to ETC)
components of ETC
Complex I II III IV
complex V is ATP Synthase
-almost 100% respired O2 consumed by Complex IV donating e to O2 creating 2H2O
Functioning ETC
CI-receives e- from NADH, transferring H+ to IMS
CII receives e from FADH2
-not trans mem protein
Ub Ubiquinone (in membrane) receives e’s from CI and CII and transfers it to CIII
CIII-receives e’s from Ub(H+ sent to IMS) donating e to cytochrome C (free in IMS)
Cytochrome C transports e and donates it to CIV
- CIV reduces O2 to create 2H2O
- H+ sent to IMS
relevance of Ox/Red Reactions in ETC Complexes
Sending H+ into IMS (CI CIII CIV) creates electrochemical proton concentration gradient aka mitochondrial membrane potential
-CV (atp synthase) creates ATP from ADP + Pi
Regulation of ETC
Complex IV is allosterically inhibited by ATP (so full complex only slowed down)
- primary regulation of the Energy state, similar to TCA
- addnl regulation based on substrate availability (nadH FADH2 O2)
- basically it runs in every state just at different speeds
Oxidative Phosphorylation
since ETC I-IV and V are strongly coupled the entire reaction is oxidative phosphorylation
-inhibiting e- flow nearly IMMEDIATE inhibition of ATP synthase and vice versa
ETC Inhibitors
act: binding to a complex to prevent redox
CN- (Cyanide): binds to Ferric Iron (Fe3+) almost exclusively in CIV (also small amounts in MetHb)
CO (carbon monoxide) binds to Ferrous Iron (Fe2+) in hemoglobin as well as CIV
- many others
- decreased O2 NADH FADH2 consumption and decreased ATP synthesis
uncouple oxidative phosphorylation
- ETC without ATP
- increase O2 NADH FADH2 consumption
- decrease ATP synthesis
- increase rate of redox, increase HEAT
UCP: uncoupling proteins: in BROWN FAT cells (newborns) packed with mitochondria, cytochromes look brown. (and hibernation)
Chemical uncouplers: DNP2,4 (gramidicin,valinomycin)
- DNP crosses OMM with ease
- binds to OH, neutralizing neg charge
- crosses IMM
- dissociates and becomes trapped
-increase fever and hyperthermia
Transport across imp IMM
Requires assistance
Proton Gradient:
- Pyruvate Symport
- Pi Symport
Voltage Gradient: -ADP ATP antiport exchange -ADP3- into matrix -ATP4- out of matrix both of these pass easily across the OMM
What happens when Glycolysis and ETC needs met? Priority 1
accumulation of the following four substrates that lead to the following paths
- ETC inhibition - NADH and FADH2
- TCA decreased - Citrate
- decreased TCA
- -used for FA synthesis
- -inhibits PFK1 (inhibiting glycolysis)
- eventually leads to increased citrate synthase - AcCoA
- inhibits PDHC
- activates Pyruvate Carblxylase
- -converts Pyruvate to OAA
- –used to prime TCA
- –or gluconeogenesis