Bbc Flashcards
Explain: medical condition in which your body temperature is higher than normal, and your heart beats very fast.
Critical window
limited period of time during which action must be taken to achieve a desired result
Plant or animal that another plant or animal lives on a parasite (ký sinh trùng), or uses for food
A part of the jigsaw/puzzle
A part of a complicated or continuing situation that helps you to understand it.
Domino effect
Situation in which something, usually bad, happens, causing further negative events to happen
ex: One country at the forefront of the problem is Indonesia
Hàng đầu
Sốt xuất huyết
Some one who works at a market
Do you fancy…?
Would you like…?
Egalitarian /iˌɡælɪˈteəriən/(n)
Equal; everyone can do and be involved in
Người theo chủ nghĩa quân bình
Pour cold water on
Be negative about something
ex: His mum poured cold water on the idea of having a house party
Use up
Use all of smt
ex: Why did you use up all the milk. I also need to
(not) in (easy) reach
(not) close
ex: The end of the school term is in reach. Just one last exam!
Commonwealth realm/relm/
Khối thịnh vượng chung
Đăng quang
Immaculately /i’maekjowlowtli/
1 cách hoàn hảo
Xa lánh, lảng tránh
(v) to leave or escape very fast
(N): something happens very quickly
Lightning bolt
Tied to
ex: Getting a good night’s sleep is tied to living a longer and healthier life
Linked to
After All
ex: I thought the festival would be cancelled, but it went a head after all.
A different result to what you expected
Ex: These dark winters are really fuelling my passion for staying in and playing video games.
Making or causing something
desperate for
Ex: I am so hungry. I am desperate for a sandwich.
Want something badly
(1 cách dữ dội, ghê gớm)
Dark ages
Ex: He dresses like he lives in the dark ages. No-one wears those clothes nowadays.
old-fashioned; from a different period of time
The movement of fresh air around a closed space. ( Sự thoáng khí, lưu thông)
Daily wage /weɪdʒ/ earners
Someone who earns money on a day-to-day basis meaning that they will receive no money if they do not work
Slum (n)
Poor and crowded area of a city with very bad living and housing conditions
Pay part of the cost of something (trợ cấp)
Suntan / ˈsʌntæn/
Sự Rám nắng
Tin roof
Mái tôn
Ex: The exceptional properties of graphene also favour its implementation in a myriad of devices
Vô số
Solar power dates back over two thousand seven hundred years
Năng lượng mặt trời đã có từ hơn 2700 năm trước
A cover fixed over something to provide shelter or decoration
Enticing (adj) /ɪnˈtaɪsɪŋ/
Attractive because it offers advantages or pleasures
On and off
Occasionally; from time to time
(prices have) tumbled
decreased quickly in a short time
Economically feasible
Describes a business or project where the economic advantages achieved are greater than economic costs