Battle of the Books Mrs. Garrett Flashcards
to develop strong understanding of Books
IWB was the MC nose to nose with a man in a wheelchair?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did one of the C’s fight with the englishmen against France?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB do C’s meet on the stair landing when a bell rings?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did white clothes stand for adulthood and bright colors were for children?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB do friendly mice help gnaw and break apart ropes that tied down the great cat?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB was the guidance counselor’s faith in the youth of middle school restored when he saw a website for a new club?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC’s family get a girl pink boots with purple laces for her birthday?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB does the MC’s steal a truck?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB do C’s talk bad about a girl they saw down by the river behind her back at school?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB is a dragon the country’s symbol for His Majesty?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB does the MC’s brother say he is now a puppet for the Councilors?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
Who wrote the book Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe?
C.S. Lewis
IWB did the town rodent get an entire habitat built for him?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC’s mom hand out money to the kids during career day and then asked for it back?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB did a C ask the MC to get her some dogwood berries?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB was there a bird caught up in fishing line and hanging upside down in a tree?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB did the MC’s special friend say he knew other people’s special friends as well?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB did C’s wear black armbands?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB does the MC get invited to a Really Big Shoe surprise birthday party?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB is the MC’s wish freedom?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did the MC’s mother use the word “disappointment” a lot?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB was it scandalous to have a girl show her ankle in a dress?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB do C’s only have 2 types of dreams- one of cheese and one of running out of time?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB is there a flag with “LIVE” printed on it?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB does the MC hate change- especially when people started to know who he was?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC’s mom tell her that her shirt stunk and she needs to wear deodorant?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did the MC have an archnemsis named Evil McKillPeople?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB is the MC upset cause her mom missed her 11th birthday due to work?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB was the MC very happy to receive a noisy clock from her father?
The Secret School by AVI
IWB did children think some of the trees where haunted, but later the MC found out they were hollow and people were in them?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB did the MC’s special friend tell him he had read the dictionary 4 times last month when the MC did not need him?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB did the MC keep referring to someone as “the poacher”?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB is the MC going to quit playing her instrument, but a program on the radio changes her mind?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB did the MC ask a hog for directions?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB was a girl accused of being a thief by one of the MC’s friends?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB did a C think it was terrible to have winter all the time, but no Christmas?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB were the paintings on a house from the wrong tribe so the brave could not sleep there?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB did the MC want to be a prodigy?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB does a rodent lose one side of his whiskers to a match?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB was a room empty except a large closet and blue bottle on the window sill?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB is there an aspen switch for discipline?
The Secret School by AVI
IWB did the MC help nurse her best friend and only family back to life?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB was a spy captured?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB does the MC and his friends help organize a fundraiser to help a girl in Africa get medical care?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB did the MC love to bounce?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB did a toad warn the MC of an approaching storm?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB do the C’s fix a hole in a boat with tree sap?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC ask her idol to make a poster for the jammer “Slay Miserables”?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB does one of the C’s always wear a faded jean jacket and never takes it off until he gives it to the MC when she has goose bumps?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB did a C have ice cream everyday, but soon tired of all the flavors?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB was the MC used to ungrateful comments from Little Bear?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB did a C spat at the thought of sleeping in a plastic tepee?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB do C’s become secret agents?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB is the MC’s dad afraid to go out of the house- he gets lost easily and upset?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
Who wrote the book Tuesday’s at the Castle?
Jessica Day George
IWB did C’s have to listen to message broadcasts?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB is an adventure an experience outside your comfort zone?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB does a C read upside down?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did the MC like to whistle?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB does the MC like to deal in facts after all he is in 5th grade?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB is there a C with photographic memory?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did a C count the 55,006 hairs on his head?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did the MC have a talent for imitating people?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did the MC tell her ex-best friend that she was shallow?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB does the family take a pet to a family doctor instead of a vet?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB did the MC’s cousin trick her into following/tracking him thru the woods?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB does the MC’s friend have the whole attic to herself?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB was the MC upset because he couldn’t find a key?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB did the Stone Table break into 2 parts?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB do prisoners get turned into stone?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB did a C save the MC from being attacked in the park by a strange man?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB was a girl sold into service for a read tablecloth, cigarettes and a hen?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did Wildman turn out to be an Indian?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the story take place in the 1920’s in Colorado?
The Secret School by AVI
IWB did C’s have to turn a note upside down to find the code to the door?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did the MC make a new home in the toe of a boot?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB did the MC get a skateboard for his birthday?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB were 2 C’s engaged before the voyage was over?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did a C pack a bundle of food for each of them to carry as the set out on their journey- in fact she wanted to bring her sewing machine, but it was too heavy to carry?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB does the MC’s behaviors endanger the whole extended family?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did a C make a habit out of jumping the back fence?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB did the MC write a letter to her favorite athlete and stick it in her locker?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB was a C kidnapped and to be handed over to a witch?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB did the students vote on everyone talking the final exams?
The Secret School by AVI
Who wrote the book Frozen Stiff?
Sherry Shahan
IWB did a man scare the MC when she started to drink out of the creek?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB did the MC’s best friend want to go to dance camp instead of a skate camp?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did the MC’s friend cut up her picture of her mother that she carried in a locket?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB was the princess threatened with a knife?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did children learn at school by reciting?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB does a C get in a fight in the lunchroom?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB does a girl tell the MC that he must have changed a lot since the time the field trip was canceled when everyone went looking for him and he was in the bathroom playing video games?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB were all the children taken to the hospital for observation?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB did the MC discover a injured woman when an apartment was flooding?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did 2 C’s want the same thing in life- to have their mothers?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC find a cat taking a bubble bath in his bathroom?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB did the MC leave a note on the milk jug in the refrigerator, but the other MC found it and threw it away?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB does the MC want to be some kind of scientist?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB did the MC and his best friend get sent to the headmaster’s office?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB did the MC live in an orphanage?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB was the MC helping the Patriots?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB does a jammer get a point for every blocker she passes?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB could talking during a test get you disqualified?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB does the MC learn the meaning of friendships?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB do 4 siblings all become Kings and Queens?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB was the MC’s friend accused of being a traitor and warning the people in Salem?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did a C compare people to rivers “you’ve got to learn to look beneath the surface to see what lies deeper in”?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB was the MC reprimanded for quarreling with his older brother?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB did the MC bring her mistress hot water to wash up in order to cover up being late?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did a C lock her cat in the closet because she was afraid it would run away?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did a C get a sword and shield for Christmas?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB did the MC imagine when she was younger that she was the planet Venus?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB was a dug up bush dropped on the MC’s lawn as a threat and calling card?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does a boy come home almost everyday with the MC after school and starts helping her dad bake?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB did an evil C kill the magic structure with a spell?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB did the MC almost drown in a rain storm?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB do C’s taste the dirt and bark at the site of an ambush in order to determine who died there?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB did a C lose his tails to a copperhead?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB do children go stay with a professor in a big castle/house?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB did the Awesome Threesome turn out to be the fastest runners in school?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did a pig tail asked to be pulled?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did the MC find a piece of furniture in the house she worked at that her father had built?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did the family dog eat a disposable diaper and had to spend 2 days at the vet?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB does the MC return a girls coast and shoes after she had left them down by the river?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB does a C offer to hear a man’s sins?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB do C’s send messages by flashlight at night?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB does the MC learn to play theme songs from old tv shows?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB does the King give 2 C’s a line of sky blue silk?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB did the MC admit to her sister that she tried to be cautious on her adventure?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB does the MC get upset cause a C says the contract the both signed is not legal cause the didn’t have a witness?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB did the Ma tell the MC they didn’t have money for a pet?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB did it seem all the adults in town showed up to save the town’s freeway exit?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC’s aunt sell her for $50 pounds?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB does the MC just stare at her upturned kayak as it drifts out into the fjord?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB does the MC and a guest with dogs conspire to help the new king be successful?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB does a structure pick the next heir to the throne?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB was the MC’s dad known as Rice Merchant Lee?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB does a C describe the club she joined as a community?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB would a C be very angry with a boy if he did not bring back his siblings with him?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB did the MC’s brother apologize to her and shake her hand for not believing her?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB does the MC send out many emails asking for anyone to help him find a bird?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB does the MC have a stuffed lion that she still takes out and sleeps with when she is scared or lonely?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB was the MC’s brother ordered to make a kite for the king?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB was there a thing called Deep Magic which states “for every treachery the Witch has a right to kill”?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB does the MC need to go to great lengths to keep the family together?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB does the MC head out on a quest with a spool of thread?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did a King make ridiculous laws?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB does a village wiseman called a Marabout help located a bird by calling on the bird spirit?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB did the MC leave $10 and a note for his parents to pay for things he stole cause he was going to run away, but ended up staying and talking to his parents?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
Who wrote The Indian in the Cupboard?
Lynne Reid Banks
IWB were C’s sent from London due to the Air Raids?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB do the C’s all have funny nicknames like “Heidi Go Seek”?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did the crowd cheer when they released unlucky words like Disease, Hunger and Unhappiness into the air?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB did the MC refuse to eat a page in a book cause it would ruin the story?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC’s brother not want to work at the court, but rather do something with his hands?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB did C’s sleep on mattress made with human hair?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did the MC use his birthday wish to pass his spelling test and then regret it?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB did the MC and his friend decorate their hideaway with sketches and paintings of birds?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB did the MC’s aunt send her away to work for a family in Boston for 7 years?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did a C find herself in the woods with snow under her feet?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB do C’s dread the “Waiting Room”?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB do icebergs calve?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC deliver info regarding possible military maneuvers to the Sons of Liberty?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did the MC’s grades in school start to slip when her companion got sick?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB did a C forget her lunch so she ate someone else’s while he waited in line to get lunch?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB was a boy a king at the age of 8?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB did the MC’s siblings go into foster care temporarily?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB did a C want so badly to be included he almost went to sit at a table with “Messengers” to have lunch?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB is the winner the one who cuts the line?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB did 2 C’s get perfect scores on their daily quizzes?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did a C get his tail sewn back on by his sister?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB does the family eat fried rabbit?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB could a C get the right answer, but still not know how to count the right way?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB was the MC’s food and baskets thrown out of a window?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB did a C lay out plans and instructions to the Son of Adam on how to defeat the evil C?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB did a dog give away the MC’s hiding spot when she was eavesdropping?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB does a german shepherd attack the MC’s pet?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB did the MC ride on the back of a groundhog?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB does the MC have dreams about her upcoming performance?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB did the MC tell his best friend that “you can’t use people’?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB did the MC pour out a glass of water out the window cause she was afraid it was poisonous?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB did the MC’s sister ask about the new members in his group?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB was the MC’s favorite dessert a custard tart?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB does a bully give the MC a salsa bowl he had made in ceramics?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC ask her mother if she was selling her and her best friend to the circus?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did the MC run into a one-eyed feline?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB was 1 of the C’s goal to paint pictures of every bird species in North America?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB did the MC overhear a plot to assassinate her brother?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB does the MC live on a sheep farm in Scotland?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB does one’s rank matter more than appearance when you are on British soil?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did the C’s eat dinner of fresh caught trout with a beaver family?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB are C’s either Tories or Whigs?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did a castle have a bunch of towers with spires that looked like huge dunce cap or a sorcerer’s cap?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB did a C have to spend a day suspended in mud with bugs crawling around?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did the MC learn that her mom was a controller for the state on career day?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB did the MC start to feel like a traitor?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB does the C’s talk about bergy bits or growler ice?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB does a structure close off doors so the Emissary could not follow the family?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB was the New Year everyone’s birthday?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB does a handkerchief sticking out from your wrist mean you need to meet in private?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB did the MC have to apologize to her friend and her friend’s mother?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB does one of the MC’s sleep in the loft of a log cabin in the summer?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB were 2 evil men put down with a tranquilizer dart?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did the C’s have to recite Confucius?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB did the MC steal a dog cookie at a pet store for his dog?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
Who wrote the book Sideways Stories from Wayside School?
Louis Sachar
IWB did the MC think chewing was a waste of time when she starving?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC have to think of a way around a fence in order to help her sick sister?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB did 2 C’s steal food from the MC?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB did the MC’s siblings think she making up stories and an imaginary country?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB does a C steal a red cloak from a prisoner?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did a lady tell the upstairs C’s that bushels are outdated in Europe?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB does a C plug in numbers on speed dial to help the MC’s dad feel more comfortable taking her to her performance?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB did the MC like to stare up at the wooden plank roof in her loft bedroom and imagine different pictures for the grain pattern of the wood?
The Secret School by AVI
IWB was an evil C in a wheelchair and grew up in Holland?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did 2 friends argue over toys coming to life?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB did the tide rise and flood the tent?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB does the MC get an email friend that he writes to from Africa?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB was a gravy boat shattered when a C tried to harm the MC?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB was the MC an unofficial asst. guide into the National Forest?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC’s friend get shot in the eye from a gun?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB do C’s become blood brothers?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB did the MC hate to shop for clothes?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did the MC overhear his parents talking about places and people they could go live with and help them out with the money issues?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB did the MC not want to ride his new skateboard after school?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB did the MC’s sister throw up on his LeapPad when she was very young and he had never forgiven her?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC fear there was a trap for Mr. Revere?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did the teacher end up in the pond after a game of “crack the whip”?
The Secret School by AVI
IWB was a C amazed at how good the park looked after they had cleaned it up?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
Who wrote the book The Trouble with Tuck?
Theodore Taylor
IWB did a C get a present for Christmas that could heal the wounded?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB does the family celebrate her birthday, her performance and her dad getting a job all together?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB did the MC not understand how there could be lights without fire?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB were the upstairs family trying on hats cause they were going on a trip?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did the MC hear snoring above her new home?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB does the MC live in a magical structure?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB does the MC get to play the piano in music class because the teacher was sick?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB did a teacher think she was teaching a class of monkeys?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did the MC wear her mother’s ring?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB does the MC think her parents and brother are still alive?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB did the MC find a slide and ride it all the way down to say goodbye to her parents?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB did the MC get a knife would on her arm from a fight with an evil C?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB did the MC decide to appoint herself as captain?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC get back to the light by hiding in a napkin and riding upstairs on a tray?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB were steamer trunks brought down from the attic?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did the MC get her ear pulled for going into the stable when she was told not to?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did children get their name on the board under the word discipline if they acted out during class?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did the MC always look for logical answers cause he liked science and it dealt with facts?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB did the MC think the rental equipment she was using really stink?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB was the MC asked for her autograph?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did the MC wear the red thread of death?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did a C dig up a prize winning turnip instead of a weed?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB were the words “okay and shut up” considered bad words?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB was the MC and his sister named after guitars?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB did a C use a thimble as a drum to call the Council to a meeting?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did a C carry around a bucket tied to her belt?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did a C put his new bike up for sale in the fundraiser?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
Who wrote A Nest for Celeste?
Henry Cole
IWB did a sledge get stuck in the mud cause the snow was melting?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB did the MC dress up like a young man?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB were 2 C’s promoted to “messenger”?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did a C sit on gum and was stuck to his desk?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB does the MC sleep on a couch in the living room?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB was the MC being blackmailed by her young mistress- the mistress would not tell on the MC if the MC did not tell on the young mistress?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did a mule go into the schoolhouse?
The Secret School by AVI
IWB does a wiseman have a vision of a girl “walking high above the world across an ocean of white clouds” and her dad thought that would mean she would die?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB did the the family notice the MC gained her confidence after 2 months of training her pets?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB did the MC wake up to a frog on his head?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB did the MC witness her friend being shot?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB did a C use to belong to a circus?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did the MC’s dad fix up the treehouse?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB did the MC’s need nails to make fish hooks?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB does a C tell the future with a crystal ball that is really a kids marble?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did one of the MC’s friend get out fished by a bird?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB was the General’s horse frightened by a small kitten?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did the MC hand out fliers at the amusement park?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did a school generate its own power by tidal turbines?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB does the MC tell his dad he wants to be a vet when he grows up?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB did the MC have the longest week of her life waiting on a guide dog?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB did a C lose 3 fingers, nose and most of his cheeks due to frost bite?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC learn to understand the phrase- “you cannot serve 2 masters”?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB if you answered a question wrong, would the teacher turn you into an apple?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did the MC’s mom make it just in time to see her daughter perform?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB does the memory of a boy help push a bird out on her migration journey?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB did the MC wake up being blind?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC help deliver 12 newborn lambs?
The Secret School by AVI
IWB did a C frighten a lady by just looking at her and twitching her whiskers?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB does the MC’s dad work for the post office?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB was the MC threatened with scrubbing pots and pans duty because she disobeyed?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did a C see a stone lion and a dwarf in the castle’s arch?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB is the MC named after a schoolhouse?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB did the MC see a alligators teeth up close while flying?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB did the MC take corn, cheese, and some bread to his new friend?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB did the MC hate when things were out of his control and he compared it to being a bumper car that had no steering wheel?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
Who wrote the book Secrets at Sea?
Richard Peck
IWB did the MC have a box he slept in the car that had the words “kep out jacksons rum” on it?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB did the MC think a group of women looked similar to prison inmates?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB was the MC happy to see George Washington and Andrew Jackson still on money?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB does the MC burp with the boys at lunch?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB did 2 brothers build objects that could fly?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB did the MC hide in the back of a bread truck?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB did the MC travel on top of the brim of a hat?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did the MC overhear her parents talking in the den about taking a C to the vet in the morning and decided she and her friend would runaway?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB did one of the C’s get thrown from a horse?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB does a teacher teach school, but still has the chore of milking the cow?
The Secret School by AVI
IWB does the MC and her young mistress go for a sleight ride and the mistress stops for Christmas presents?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did the MC see bones from rodents and humans along with tufts of hair and red thread on his quest?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC think $3 for a meal at KFC was expensive?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB did the start off the school day with a song?
The Secret School by AVI
Who wrote the book Roller Girl?
Victoria Jamieson
IWB did the MC’s dad say they weren’t homeless just car camping?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB does the MC wear a No Fear hat?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB was the upstairs family not very good at meeting the right people to get their daughter married?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did the word “spring” infuriate the evil C?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB does the MC and a girl team up for a school project on recycling?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB did a C want to eat the frog that jumped up on the MC’s windowsill?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB was the MC’s ma a mid-wife?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB where children told to go to a specified place, but was not given directions on how to get there?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did the instructor take training outside to help the MC learn how to skate?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did the MC’s sister have to swim thru the moat to safety?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB did the MC help 2 other C’s post handbills around the city of Boston?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB does the MC take his friends new bike without asking him?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB did the MC’s parents allegedly die while on a trip?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB did the mother give the MC hair pins to put her hair up in order to look older?
The Secret School by AVI
IWB did the cook tell the MC she cooks for humans not dogs?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB did a C hide in a suitcase so the “executive” did not find her?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did a C steal things from the MC because he loved her a wanted her close to him?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB was the MC playing “last woman standing”, but ended up being the first woman on the bench?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did they have “shouters” stationed in crowds at the park during the festival?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB does the MC sneak food out of the house ?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB did the MC sleep in a barn so she didn’t have to share a bed with a man?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did the C’s play a game called kick-the-shuttlecock?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB did a C always seem to go home on the kindergarten bus at 12 pm?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did the MC accuse one of his best friends of hacking into the school website in order to start a revolution against the principal for shutting down the club?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC throw her soda at 2 other C’s?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did a C decide to go to war against the MC over a volunteer group?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB do the C’s learn morse code?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB were the MC and her sisters invited for tea with the Duchess of Cheddar Gorge?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did the big brother call his little brother a pig brain?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB does the MC’s dad have 26 degrees from Living Room University?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB does a C call an umbrella a bumbershoot?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB does the MC and his friend start a dog walking business?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB do C’s ask for a bathroom break during class so they can video games?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does the MC joke that mosquitos should be the state bird?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the C’s live in a historical preserve?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB is the MC suppose to play the piano, but instead learns the organ?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB did a C say “if you want to try something new and you’re not scared, means you’re not really trying something new”?
The Secret School by AVI
IWB hare hidden messages being transmitted?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did C’s have to find their way thru a maze?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did 2 evil C’s disguise themselves as a tree stump and boulder?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB did the MC owe so much to her best friend she couldn’t give up on his training?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB did the MC have to take several tests?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB does the MC feel helpless to learn that his email friend has 2 broken legs after a truck had hit her?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB does the MC remember yanking off the paw of a fake Easter Bunny?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB did the MC think the wind talked to him?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB did a C say to himself “when I am the King the first thing I shall do will be to make some decent roads”?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB did the Loyalists want Revere to hang from the Liberty Tree?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did the MC discover a turret that had spyglasses that looked in all 4 directions?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB did a C disagree with how a bird was being treated in order to paint it?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB did the cook laugh at the MC, because she was glad to see him instead of the king’s men?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC think it was 1840 and her ma told her it was 1996?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB does the MC find out its his sister that is hacking into his website?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC have to speak in polite form when addressing anyone older than him?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB did the MC’s map get wet and the ink ran, but her horse was able to show her the way?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did the have lifeboat drills?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did the MC mistake a dolphin for a shark at first?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did a C learn how to build a crystal radio from the magazine Popular Mechanics?
The Secret School by AVI
IWB did C’s form a team?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did a C growl and try to keep Lady Daisy from entering the family home?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB was there a town that had no road leading out to the rest of the state- the town was only accessible by boat or plane?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC overhear a conversation that she might need to be killed due to what she might know?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB did a bodyguard pick locks and swim to freedom?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did the MC freak out her mom with a nose ring?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB does a structure help the MC and her sister escape before they were taken hostage?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB did the MC’s mother tell him to look up in case the answer to his troubles fell from the sky?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB does a beaver tell the C’s to follow him but they must be very quiet?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB is the MC’s parents allergic to cats?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB did the MC stumble and fall face first into her brothers birthday cake?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB was a C a good athlete but a bad sport and always kicked the ball over the fence?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did a C show terrible behavior like jealousy and pettiness for a few weeks when a new pet entered the family?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB did the MC use a needle for a sword?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB were the C’s never suppose to take the front stairway especially in the daylight?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB was the MC’s father punished and beaten cause the MC asked about the forbidden words?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB do C’s use a code in order to cheat?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB was the MC and her mistress ordered to stay in the house due to an uprising?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB is the MC’s sister a better gamer than he is?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does a C make an analogy of someone putting a fat hose in a swimming pool and cranking it up to full blast to the rising of the tide?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB does the MC fantasize about what it is like to play at Carnegie Hall?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB does a cranky C give the MC a used collar for his dog?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB is the MC scared to go back into his room after he has been away for a bit- he’s afraid of what he might or might not find?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB do C’s discover hidden passages in the rocks?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB was the MC very nervous when she took her pet to the vet?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB does the MC coach models how to pose for their pictures to be painted?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB did one of the C’s describe the upstairs parent’s room as the one with cabbage roses on the wallpaper?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did the MC get rescued from a diving board accident by her pet?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB did semi-precious stones or silver beads on a chin strap of a cap indicate a family man of substance or wealth?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB is the MC worried about making mistakes at her performance, but everyone’s advice is to keep playing?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB was there a sore-throat distemper that spread thru the soldiers?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did a stranger leave jerky, seeds, berries and dried roots in her tent?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB does a man try to sell the MC’s dad an upgrade on their instrument?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB does spraying lysol around your food & tent help keep bears away?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB do C’s start a club called the Positive Action Group?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB do they have C’s called “messengers” and “executives”?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did a C feel sorry for a rodent that has lost his home and family when they built the new mall?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB do the MC and his sister play a game called cereal ball?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB did a C get hit by a car and it changed his way of life?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB did a C have retinal atrophy?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB did the MC make friends with the stable boy?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did the MC and her young mistress make a pact- “silence is golden”?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB does a dog walk with his tail between his legs like he’s been abused?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB did the MC remember the rope in the tower and think the structure knew that she would need to use it?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB does a kid who’s been in juvie (jail) join a new club in order to get his 40 hours of community service in?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB was a C shot with an arrow?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB were mirrors distorted and used for more than just looking at your reflection?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB was the job of the class president to turn on and off the lights?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did the MC’s mom have her purse get stolen while they were car camping?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB was an experiment going on about diseases and the participants didn’t even know about it?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB did C’s suffer from the disease diphtheria?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB did the MC tell the general’s stallion that he was gold from the sun?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB was the MC’s town in Emergency for years?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did the MC love his lifestyle and did not want to have to change it?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does one of the guests pee on the evil C’s boot?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB did the MC eavesdrop on private conversation regarding military actions?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did a C say that the Strait of Gibraltar was like an airport lounge for all different kinds of birds?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB did a C refer to children as nuisances?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB does a C have Tootsie Roll Pop on her desk?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB does the MC get a scholarship for high school?
The Secret School by AVI
IWB could you lose the match if you stepped out of the white chalk circle?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB does the MC’s dad start to find people leaving him food in their mailboxes?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB do the C’s have a cabin steward that is pure white in color?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB does the MC deliver sealed letters with just a picture of an iris on them from the general’s wife?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB do all new clubs have to be approved thru the guidance department?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC get a cardboard keyboard to practice the piano on from her teacher?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB did the MC become “indentured” until she was 21 years old?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did the MC escape by climbing out a 2nd story window?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB does the MC and a girl seal a deal by spitting on the palms and shaking hands?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB was the MC worried when a man bumped into her at the phone booth and read her note?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB did the MC let loose a Lieutenants horse as part of her nightly runs?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did the MC say “if you live in your car you are going to have some problems with feet”?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB was a C an experienced high altitude guide?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB does a girl not want to be a sheep farmer her whole life?
The Secret School by AVI
IWB does the MC’s sister try to tell her parents the real reason her brother started the community group?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
Who wrote the book Crenshaw?
Katherine Applegate
IWB was the MC really excited to play in her first bout?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB is there a C who spits tobacco juice at you if he doesn’t like you?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB was there a C named “The String”?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB do C’s have a lot of uses for thimbles?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did the MC sleep on a toilet so she wouldn’t be discovered by the guards?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB did a special friend come into the MC’s life just when he need him the most?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB was the MC threatened with the words “you touch I kill”?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB does a C betray his siblings and sneak off to meet the Queen?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB are the upstairs C’s going to Europe to find one of the daughters a husband?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did a girl tell a C he smelled terrible?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB do C’s have amnesia?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB does the MC feed his pet sour cream, hot dogs and moldy cheese?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB did a girl decide to join a club to give her support to the MC?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB was the town’s freeway exit to be demolished?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the professor tell the children that minding their own business was the best plan of all?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB does the family have enough toilet paper to last until the MC goes to college?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB did one of the C’s wear a Griffin Ring?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB does the word “ill” mean cool?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC put 2 feelings together (happy + sad) to describe what she was feeling = SHAD?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did the MC receive a surprise from her father and the surprise was only 7 weeks old?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
Who wrote the book The Secret School?
IWB does the MC build a pen out of old chicken coop wire connected to a pine tree?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB did the MC breakdown and tell his best friend everything that was happening to him including his special friend?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB is there a school called the Learning Institute for the Very Enlightened?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did the MC and his friends’ granddads used to be friends and rivals raising sheep?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB is the MC referred to as an outsider in their town?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did a girl give the MC a chance to cheat, but he didn’t?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
Who wrote the book Midnight Rider?
Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB does the MC like to draw maps and has over 300 pages of maps?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB did the MC weave baskets?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB was there a painting of a sun and moon on the grandfather clock but the MC never noticed it?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB did the MC become a chamber maid to a young mistress?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB do students have to pass an exit exam before going into high school?
The Secret School by AVI
IWB does a C loan out one of her handkerchiefs to a giant?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB did the MC give his a mom a key for safe keeping?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB did the yard teacher end up eating a teacher?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB dod the C’s refer to an accident as the Great Ziti Inferno?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the courtyard come to life and look more like a zoo than a museum?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB were there Mouse Scouts?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did C’s go talk to the Professor about a story their youngest sister was telling them?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB did an Osprey call the MC sugar pie and other sweet nicknames?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB did a C get mixed up and came to school on Saturday?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did a student want to be a teacher when she grew up?
The Secret School by AVI
IWB does the MC make enemies with the Fireside Scouts of America for bringing cookies to school?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB did a boy complement the MC on how well she rode a horse?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB does the MC not want the story of the fundraiser in the paper cause he is afraid people would find out about the bird that nests on his farm?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB did a C pace back and forth and totally destroyed all the grass in his path?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB were you not to speak to Royalty until they spoke to you first?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did a vet offer to send their pet to an animal medicine school where they do research?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB did the MC learn that if you want to build something that is worthy, its bones must be strong?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB are the C’s warned to beware of the Gemini?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did the MC use horsehair to make a basket?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB does a boy tell the MC’s dad that there is a boy at school that is smitten with his daughter?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB does the MC have a 6th grade admirer who just happens to be his sister’s best friend?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does a C execute a great tackle to a senior citizen in order to save Elvis?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the younger brother swallow his pride and ask his brother for help?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB did the MC have to learn to “fall small”?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did the MC really wanted to be a jammer in her first bout?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did the MC forgive his father for sending him to his death?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB was the 2nd son to inherit the throne rather than the first born?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB did a C use hair remover on his head?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did the MC go with his dad to watch a game at Best Buy after they sold their tv?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB does an evil C wear mirrored sunglasses?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did the MC visit her mother’s grave everyday and meet a boy in private?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did the police chief call a group “the middle school wrecking crew”?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did a C get sick from an old wound in her leg that got infected?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB did the MC’s dad have a disease called Multiple Sclerosis?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB does the MC find an animal with a bullet hole in its head up on the hill?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB did the MC really hate telephones?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB was a school mistaken for a bank?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did a robin red breast lead the C’s to the Queen?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB did the C’s claim they were the first families of the land and boasts of selling the acorns to the squirrels?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did the MC’s dad invite one of the MC’s friends to go fishing out on the loch like the use to do?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB does a C have a pet hermit crab named Hermie?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB was the MC afraid she gave herself away when she shouted that the blacksmith was the best!?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB did a C help teach the MC about confidence?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
Who wrote Shiloh?
Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
INW does the MC like to shoot his .22 rifle at things that DO NOT move?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB does the MC ask her roommate to look at there book of the “language of flowers” and found that the meaning of of an iris is “I have a message for you”?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did the MC use an elephant book to help her train her pets?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB did the MC make up a bunch of Hugh Jackman’s (wolverine) face glued to popsicles to hand out to people in the stands to cheer for her friend the jammer?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did the MC walk home after practice each day and stop off at a convenience store on her way?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did some of the C’s comment on how big the MC’s ears were?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB was many families torn apart from having to choose sides with the war?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB was a C’s nickname Sticky and his real name was a dead presidents’ name?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB was there no 19th floor cause the builder forgot to build it?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did the MC’s parents used to be starving musicians?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB does a C want to go to Boston and help the Whigs work toward freedom from England?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB does a machine have the ability to make the C’s feel happy and content?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did the crowd chant Kim…Lee…Kim…Lee?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB was a nanny fired after threatening a prince with a hairbrush?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did the MC’s partner in Rule the World his sister?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC think the floors outside (roads sidewalks) were weird cause they were not dirt?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB does the MC have a tutor?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did the MC have small pox the same thing her mom died from?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did the MC have to bottle feed some sheep?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB does the MC give socks as a birthday present?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB was the MC stabbed with a knife that just drew a drop of blood from his finger?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB did the MC not know what a phone was?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB was the MC bullied by 2 other C’s?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB did the MC get in trouble and kicked out on an assembly at school for crying out when he was stabbed?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB did the MC throw his mug of water against the wall of his bedroom cause he was upset?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB did a C encounter a large great wolf blocking his entry into the castle?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB do 2 candidates learn the value of cooperation from a club they are involved and decide to be co-presidents instead of having an election?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB was a C not afraid of the sounds in the dungeon because she couldn’t hear or smell very well?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC need to go to Indianapolis to get help for the sick?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB did the MC need a medic the right size to care for his new friends wound on his leg?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB does the MC say “no one jokes about bears in Alaska”?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the word “beard” in school slang mean “I don’t believe you’?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB did the MC sneak out of the house and meet the stable boy to go to a shadow play?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB was a High School club going around sabotaging the projects the other group had done?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did a boy ask the MC if she was real or a toy and did she have a key in which to wind her up?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB does the MC’s dad and a boy from school make a 3 tiered birthday cake for the MC?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB did a C leave home at 12 to become an assistant to a painter?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB do the C’s not like water except maybe to drown a cat?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB does a C name a bird Iris after the Greek Goddess of wind, sky and rainbows?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB did a great cat allow himself to be captured, tied up and killed?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB did the family notice something was wrong with the family pet when he was 3 years old?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB did the MC have a stranger that kept an eye out for her safety?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC strike a deal for her sister to be married at a palace wedding?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB does the MC meet a fat environmentalist?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB is the MC’s sister sneaking out at night to meet up with a boy?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB do C’s think they hear mice in the vents overhead?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB was learning and education viewed as high esteem in society?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB does the MC lie to his art teacher about the minuscule drawing he did?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB is the number 9 considered lucky?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB did the MC watch people nail signs on their doors with the word Quarantine on it?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB did a girl catch a trout with her bare hands?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB did the MC get sent to her room for lying to her mother?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB does the MC talk and ask a building for more rooms or doors?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB does the MC spend time nestled in a shirt pocket?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB did the MC think of a stranger as Wildman?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB does the MC compose a mental letters at night to his tutor when he cannot sleep?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did the castle seem to follow only 2 rules?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB did the MC faint after hearing his fate or sentence?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did a candidate for the student body president want to join the new club the MC created?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC’s young mistress remind the MC that belongs to her not the general’s wife?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did a C say he thought he might have a bit of dog, fish and bat in him?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB did the C’s have tea each afternoon?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB was the MC’s mother French?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the great cat come back to life with the help of deeper magic- from before the dawn of time?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB did 2 rodents, a princess, a king and a serving girl all share a meal of soup?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB do rodents have a sense of humor?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB does the MC’s dad tell him “he wants him to do what is right”?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB was 80% of the student body involved in one club?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB was a dead rat disguised as a kid under overcoats that really smelled?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB were people cheering and chanting EIGHTY in the courtyard?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB is the MC more than a servant to her young mistress?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did the MC receive a black cloak that muffled her sounds when she spied on the Councilor’s meetings?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB did the MC’s friend the stable boy die in the war?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB does the author skip chapter 19?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did a girl wear an overcoat that weighed 35 pounds?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did the MC and her siblings get to set at the head table on the ship- at least the table made of yardsticks and alphabet blocks?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did the MC give her friend a pep talk before the match?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did a C draw a mustache and spectacles on a statue?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB was the MC snatched from behind and struggled to get free?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did a C stop chasing doves in the backyard?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB did the MC’s mom have a bunch of old keys and one was from her grandmother’s jewelry box?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB did the MC lie to her mother about her best friend going to camp with her?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB had a C arrested and his house burned for harboring a human?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB did the MC refer to a phase in her life as the “black period”?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did the MC know what it felt like to be hungry?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB was a group’s mission statement community action
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does the MC lie to his sister about snakes?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB did the skinniest kid have the nickname “Fatso”?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did the MC’s mother proclaim to never have anymore children?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC blackout when she hit her head on the bedside table?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB does laughter put 1 C to sleep and anger puts another one to sleep?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did the MC and a girl climb an old oak tree that had been hit by lightning?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB did the MC’s mistress have to tell her goodbye?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did the MC’s brother sign on to have a career as an asst. cabin steward?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB were there rooms being added or deleted from a structure all the time?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB did the teacher go out to recess with the kids and play?
The Secret School by AVI
IWB did the MC read the book Robin Hood to her pet?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB did the MC have to be very brave for her mother?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB did the MC’s little brother’s rat get loose in the house?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB did a C not deliver a note cause his teacher never gave him the note
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did the instructor thank the MC for giving her a daily heart attack?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did the MC look down and see his special’s friend name spelled out in his pancakes?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB did the MC escape from a predator by hiding in a miniature royal coach?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did the telling of a story give the MC strength to finish his quest?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB is a spy glass disguised as a kaleidoscope?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did the family live in Los Angles California?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB did the MC feel it was her responsibility to ride to Salem to warn the Patriots?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did the MC’s parents tell him he has to join some kind of extra circular activity?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC make friends with a wood thrush?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB did the MC strike a deal with a merchant in order to earn a reel?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB does the MC describe cats as kill-crazy?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB do they have a Country Education Office?
The Secret School by AVI
IWB were meals eaten in silence- it was considered good manners?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB does the author remind the reader that every action has consequences?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB does the MC ask her traveling companion if he was wearing long underwear?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB was the MC’s derby name “Asteroid”?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB was the MC disappointed in his birthday gift from his best friend?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB does a boy call the MC either Goober or Zsa Zsa as a nickname?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB did a C remain passive and never flinched when another C barred his teeth at her?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB did the Mother of the family never leave the house per tradition?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB does a C have ears that resemble cauliflower?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC’s eat salmon berries?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did a brother a sister together drive a model T car?
The Secret School by AVI
IWB did a policeman give the MC $20 to give to his dad?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB did the MC have to learn how to properly set a table and fold napkins?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did a C believe light was the answer to his suffering?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the C’s spend a night hidden inside a cave to rest for the night?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB did the MC have the solar system painted on her ceiling?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB is there a King and he is the King of Beasts?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB was a horse all the MC had left of her family?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did a C slip on a spool of thread when she curtsied to the princess?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB was the MC nicknamed The Midnight Rider?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did the MC’s find an old cabin?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did C’s almost fall into a trap covered by drape weed?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB was the MC’s mom a college librarian?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did the MC watch another C dance around a fire?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB did a C ask the MC why his sister didn’t have a litter box in her room to use the bathroom in?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB does the MC’s sister ask him if he remembers when they lived in the minivan?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB did the MC give Coca-Cola to a new friend to try for the first time?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB does a pink spot on the end of a nose of an animal called a Dudley nose and the animal cannot be shown as a show animal?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB did the MC read the phrase “once upon a time” and then had to finish the story?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
Who wrote the book The Kite Fighters?
Linda Sue Park
IWB did the MC have to do 50 laps at her first practice?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did the MC find 4 purple jellybeans in his sisters ball cap?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB did tears from the King wash flour from the MC’s fur?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC’s special friend just disappear one day on the way to school?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB did the MC lie about eating the ear of his sisters’ chocolate bunny and his mom told him to pray for forgiveness?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB did a C lie to his siblings about another country he had experienced just to be mean and spiteful to his sister?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB does the MC work for $2 an hour to pay off a debt of $40?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB did the MC make a spectacle of herself at a party diving after a feline?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did a C use his sword to kill a wolf to protect his sister?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB was a fort disguised in a tree?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB did the family visit a place that had a lot of dogs that were retired from service?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB did a C draw pictures very fast and even had an assistant help her?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did the MC’s mother tell him in French “adieu” which means goodbye?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did a C refer to one of his machines as “The Whisperer”?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB does the MC see a man shoot a deer out of season?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB did the MC and her cousin decide to go camping alone for 2 days?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did MC make an appt for her parents at the Companion Dogs for the Blind?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB did the MC end up dancing with Royalty?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did the MC have to keep her political views to herself?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB does a team have the love for truth?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB was the MC in pain due to the structure being killed?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB did the King order the MC to speak to him like he speaks to his brother?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB is there a prophecy that states- if 4 humans sit on the thrones it will be the end of the witch’s life?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB did the MC think her day couldn’t get any worse and then she runs into her ex-best friend shopping?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB was the MC’s dad suppose to go to the mall and buy a piano, but ended up with an organ?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB was the MC’s dog really good at burying things- water bowl, a tv remote and frisbees?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB did the thread master tell the MC to “be brave for the princess”?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB does the presence of evil guarantee the existence of prisoners?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB was soup outlawed and all the bowls, spoons and kettles gathered from the land?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC’s sister trip a man and he lost his rifle?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB did a C call the teacher a windbag?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did the MC’s aunt say she needed to be taught what loyalty really was?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB were C’s hooked up to a machine that resembled old hair dryers in beauty salons?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB was the first born child to become the High King?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB does the MC go to a store and ask for any old food that he can buy for 53 cents?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB did a MC hide trail mix in his tent?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the general’s wife speak up on behalf of the children and ask that they do not make martyrs of the children?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did the MC find feathers in the house?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB was all of the other MC’s siblings still born?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC mistake an iceberg breaking off to a crack of thunder?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC’s mom help her with her game day make-up?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did a C refer to humans as Daughter of Eve and Son of Adam?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB does a bell ringing alert an emergency?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB was the MC surprised to see what she called “Negroes” that weren’t slaves?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB did the MC’s family have councilors to help make decisions?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB did a UPS driver tell a story about a customer who wanted help packing up his dead alligator?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB did a C want any ball outside except the yellow one?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did the MC’s siblings think she might be going mad or just plain lying about her adventures?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB did the MC find a perfumed scented note in his locker?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB was a school shut down for the day due to a cat sighted in the area?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did the story take place in Seoul Korea?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB did C’s have seamstresses sew them new clothes for the journey abroad?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did the MC admit to breaking the rules for love and music?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB do some girls wear clothes with the word “Brat” on them?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB did the MC offer 2 tickets to her friend to come see her bout as a truce?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did a C say “you don’t need a reason to be happy”?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did the stable hand show the MC a trapped door that lead to a tunnel outside the walls of the mansion?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did a mountain demand a human sacrifice?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB does one of the C’s parents rather be rich then to find their runaway child?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB was skeleton bones in a rusty cage a reminder to what might happen to those who run away?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
Who wrote the book Running Out of Time?
Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB did the MC hate the sight of blood and seeing it usually made her feel faint?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB was a guidance counselor worried about not selling enough raffle ticket to cover the cost of a big screen tv?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC try to put a membership freeze on his own club?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB are there 30 small stories?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did the MC have to ask a friend to give Trixie a ride on her gondola?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB did the MC play pranks at night that could’ve gotten her killed?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did 2 boys try to pick up the MC because they thought she was hitchhiking?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB did the MC make 2 other C’s wash and clean themselves before going to school?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB did the county get a new game warden that was strict about hunting laws?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB did a C witness an evil C turn an entire group of creatures into stone while they were enjoying a meal?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB does the MC tell his Ma that he can’t be lonely with the whole outdoors to play in?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB would the MC have to rent a room from someone in order to go to high school?
The Secret School by AVI
IWB does the MC wipe out on his bike while one of his friends catches the whole thing on camera?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB does the MC not celebrate Christmas due to her Puritan upbringing?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did the MC praise a structure for giving her ways to on the traitors?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB does the MC find her parent’s room is still the same and it gives her hope that her parents are still alive?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB does a website divert you to rainforest when you try to join it?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does the MC and his friend watch a male osprey sky-dance in order to impress a female?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB does the MC’s sister show up to the first official meeting of the new group he formed?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did C’s not like their names so they spun around 100 times and traded names?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB was the MC’s first match won and lost in less than a minute?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB did the MC carry her little sister home from school on her back when she got sick?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB did a C want Turkish Delights to eat, but was served stale bread instead?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB do some C’s from school call a girl and her whole family a nutter (meaning crazy)?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB does the MC get excited when he hears a boys whistle?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Who wrote the book Wild Wings?
Gill Lewis
IWB did the principal put an end to an extra curricular club?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did a Queen call a boy an idiot?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB were the C’s so happy to see Father Christmas and he had brought gifts for them?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB did the MC first see his special friend when the family lived in the van the first time?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB did a C see reindeer pulling a sleigh?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB did a C discover a strange person- half man half goat?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
Who wrote the book A Crooked Kind of Perfect?
Linda Urban
IWB did a C take a bottle and just pour out one drop onto the snow and it became a hot drink?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB did the MC’s best friend tell her that they always did things the MC liked not what her friend liked to do?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB was a place that stored ammunition and powder for guns robbed by the british?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did a C sleep in a playpen with a ticking clock and a hot water bottle for comfort?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB was the MC threatened by an older person not to do anymore good deeds on her turf?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does the MC overhear another girl say “nobody wears socks , everybody knows that”?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB did the MC save himself by telling a story to the jailer?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB does a town fundraiser turn into the whole world helping a sick girl in Africa get a surgery in London?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB was a C jealous of the success and media attention the MC’s group was getting?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does the MC find the perfect size home in the attic?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB do C’s learn how to fall without getting hurt?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB does a rat love the illumination of light?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC’s sister dance the waltz with Lord Peter?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB was the MC’s brother to become the 80th king?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB does the MC pick up cans/bottles to help pay for food for his pet?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB did the C’s come and settle at the same time the Dutch families did?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did a team give themselves a nickname?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did the family do a test with a chair in the middle of the kitchen floor to see if their pet could see?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB did a C fall from a chandelier into the Queen’s bowl of soup?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC run into a man wearing a mask and fur gloves?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC get asked to be a mouse-in-waiting at Buckingham Palace?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did a journalists ask the MC to recite the presidents?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB does the MC push the king?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB did it take place during the 1840’s?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB does the story take place on the 30th floor?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did the MC trudge thru a forest looking for her cousin?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC work hard not to be noticed or recognized?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
Who wrote the Mysterious Benedict Society?
Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did a C really want to eat more Turkish Delights?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB does the MC’s dad make a hotel room look just like home?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB does one of the MC’s brothers go to the School of Wizardry?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB do C;s plot to overthrow the new royalty?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB does a kite’s tail up in the air remind the MC of his stolen pet?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB does the MC finally get the instrument she has always wanted?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB did the MC color/bleach her hair?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB does the MC learn about the 5 virtues?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB does a C take credit for her quick thinking and for keeping the upstairs family from being thrown out of a royal reception?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB does the throne room always face the east?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB does the MC and her siblings alter and stain some of the guests’ clothing?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB did a C block the MC’s entrance to her home?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB did one of the MC’s want to be a journalist?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB was the MC miserable being popular?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC throw up after eating an egg?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did the MC allow his brother to lead him to his fate?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB was there a weather vane on top of a mansion that was in a shape of an Indian holding a bow and arrow?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did the MC witness the death of many birds?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB was the MC disappointed when she wasn’t chosen to be a jammer?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did the MC’s friend die from what they thought was the flu?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB did the MC punch his best friend in the face for saying something bad about another friend?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB were jeans a foreign concept to the MC?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB does the MC eat wormy peaches off the tree and spits out the parts with worms in it?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB did the MC nickname Evening of Cultural Enlightenment as ECE’s?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB do C’s only wear fur when they go out of their home?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB does the MC get a cut from a piece of pottery he threw at his brother?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB is a house filled with books including the inside of a piano?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB does the MC’s brother make an invention of pottery dust and rice paste to make cutting the lines of his opponents easier?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB did an animal plunge thru a screen door to break up a cat fight?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB does the MC fell sorry for a man that had been beaten with a belt for his dad?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
IWB did a C save the faculty adviser from drowning in the Y’s pool?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did a rat help the princess do up the buttons on her dress when she was being held at knife point?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB do they have mischievous imps called Tok-gabi that visit households?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB did the MC get to fly in a basket?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB do C’s use a stomach virus to try and save the world?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did the C’s see a message that said the meet where it all began?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC’s parents tell her to stop training the dogs?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB did dark clouds become thousands of birds flying across the sky?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB did the MC use Christmas bells to help in her training?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
Who wrote the book Slacker?
Gordan Korman
IWB does a C have narcolepsy?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did the MC worry about dying and living her mom alone?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did a raccoon get into the MC’s house and the MC opened up the front door to get the raccoon out?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB did the MC’s young mistress follow her and found out how she was sneaking out at night?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did the MC’s dad tell him “to honor the name”?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB does the MC’s stuffed lion come to life and save her?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB did the MC meet her best friend in the bathroom in 2nd grade after she touched a dead squirrel?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did a C have 124 mosquito bites?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did the MC’s house almost burn down because he forgot to take the casserole out of the oven?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC promise to be the eyes for her best friend?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB did a C get in trouble for destroying the door and trying to break out of the house?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB does a C send his best assassins out to kill the kind so he could take over the throne?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB was the first project the group tackled a fall clean up with the elderly?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC fall in love with a princess?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB is the mission described as extremely dangerous?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did the MC have to spend time in the penalty box?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB was a C kicked off the football team due to academic ineligibility?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC have a gentle way with horses?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB was a server girl united with her father the prisoner?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did a lady tell the upstairs C’s that it would take money to unlock the doors in Europe?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB was the MC’s dad the town’s blacksmith?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB did the MC watch 2 other C’s fight a “fair fight”?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB was the MC accused of stealing from a store?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB did the MC get flowers from her friend after the bout?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB was the MC ordered to show her warface?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did the MC find out her teacher was one the the bad men and she was glad she never liked him?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB did the MC find out her and her sisters were named after the Queen of England’s daughters?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did a young mistress tell the MC she would be more like a lady-in-waiting than a chambermaid?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB does a teacher have to leave the school because her mother was ill?
The Secret School by AVI
IWB did the MC finally find the source of the honey sweet sound- MUSIC?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC lose his tail when a girl tried to kill him with a kitchen knife?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB do C’s print and pass out fliers telling the neighbors about a school board meeting?
The Secret School by AVI
IWB did the MC’s principal describe him as an “old soul”- wise beyond his years?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB does a candidate for student body president declare himself the #2 man in a community club?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB was the MC very worried when he saw the storm over the Irish Sea and was concerned about a birds journey?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB were ladies making comments about still being able to drink tea after the taxation and tea party?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did the MC hate being the 2nd son?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB did the MC injure her leg on a board with nails hanging out?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB was the MC’s new motto- “tougher, stronger, fearless”?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did the MC think it was raining, but was actually air being released from melting ice?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB do children go off to explore a large house?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB did the MC learn that life wasn’t always fair?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB does a boy call the MC to find out how her performance went and to burp on the phone upside down?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB does a C defeat the evil one by destroying her wand?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB did the MC learn about the Sons of Liberty and what they stood for?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB do students argue whether to help people or animals?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC hide underneath the throne?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB does a brochure describe the D-60 instrument as cozy?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB did some C’s vote to have a regency for the crown prince?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB was the MC in and out of consciousness for 2 days with a fever?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB did C’s watch a movie about turtles and have to write a paper about it?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did the MC help rescue a woman who a tripped and fell in her apartment?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did the MC get rainbow socks from her friend?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB were C’s asked to figure out riddles in order to save themselves and others?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did the regency decide no more time or money should be spent on the search party?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB does the father tell the MC “its not mean to tell the truth”?
The Secret School by AVI
IWB did the MC struggle to figure out how to put a folded up dollar bill into a phone?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB did the MC have to replace his father’s seed tray that he had taken out of the greenhouse?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB is there a capping ceremony?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB does a C hate the “paggers” so much she compares them to a disease?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB was the couch perfectly molded the the MC’s butt?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB did a C think he was a great Jr. flying fishing champion?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB did the King promise to rehire any servants who might be fired for helping with the sabotage?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB did the MC’s dad make a cardboard sign that said “thank you”?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB did a house guest carry around small dogs and 1 dog really liked the MC?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB did the C live under a painting, sideboard and carpet?
A Nest for Celeste by Henry Cole
IWB did the MC take a piece of apple fritter and taffeta when she went to visit her aunt?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did the MC get to meet a mouse-in-waiting to the Princess?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB does the MC earn her first trophy?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB does a beaver give the MC her handkerchief back as a token that he is telling the truth?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB did Royalty have a dark history with large rodents?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB was a C not capable of standing on his head?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did the MC think it was Wildman that stank, but realized it was actually her?
Frozen Stiff by Sherry Shahan
IWB do the MC and her family travel in the drawers of a streamer trunk?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did the MC’s aunt sell her horse without talking to her?
Midnight Rider by Joan Hiatt Harlow
IWB did the family get a final eviction notice for their apartment?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB did a C want to be a princess, but she was lazy and dim witted and ended up serving the the jailer in the dungeon?
The Tale of Despereaux by Katie DiCamillo
IWB did the MC fret that people would think she wasn’t showing proper respect for mourning in a gray gown?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB is the MC upset cause her mom has to work and cannot take her to her performance?
A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban
IWB does the MC and his friend see a bird that is building a nest or an aerie?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB does a Red Dodge Charger hit the famous town rodent?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does the MC follow and journal the flight plan of a bird going to Africa?
Wild Wings by Gill Lewis
IWB do C’s go to an institute?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did the MC dub a day as Freedom for Tuck day?
The Trouble with Tuck by Theodore Taylor
IWB did a C offer $1 for a girls’ pigtails?
Sideways Stories from Wayside School by Louis Sachar
IWB did a C love the smell and feel of fur coats?
Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
IWB did the MC know from reading books that cats only show their tummies when they feel safe?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
IWB did the family sell their belongings at a garage sale?
Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate
Who wrote the book The Tale of Despereaux?
Kate DiCamillo
IWB did the MC hide under the axel of a stagecoach?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB did the MC ask her mother to hug her for a little bit after an argument?
Roller Girl by Victoria Jamieson
IWB did the MC wreck the model T on the way to final exams?
The Secret School by AVI
IWB was there to be a secret school board meeting to shut down the school?
The Secret School by AVI
IWB did the MC lose her mother and 2 sisters to a drowning in a rain barrel?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB is it quicker for the C’s to travel on 4 legs?
Secrets at Sea by Richard Peck
IWB did the MC get spanked for trying to climb a tree where a mysterious box was placed?
Running Out of Time by Margaret Peterson Haddix
IWB would the C’s have to walk 5 miles each way to school if they didn’t drive the car?
The Secret School by AVI
IWB was a C being beaten and her father was the one to save her?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB did a C use a lasso to climb a flag pole?
The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart
IWB was the MC honored to fly for the King?
The Kite Fighters by Linda Sue Park
IWB did a C build a longhouse out of birchwood?
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks
IWB did the MC use a mirror wand to check the corridors and stairwells before she advanced?
Tuesday’s at the Castle by Jessica Day George
IWB does a group have so many members, it has to provide buses in order to transport people to different projects?
Slacker by Gordan Korman
IWB does the story take place in West Virginia?
Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor