Bat echolocation and barn owl hearing Flashcards
What is biosonar?
An image-forming system using reflected sound
What is the function of nose leaves?
To funnel sound into a cone in a specific direction
What is echolocation used to detect?
Distance and amplitude (for size)
Direction; elevation and azimuth (horizon)
Velocity (using the Doppler shift)
What are the two main types of ultrasonic signals?
Frequency modulated and constant frequency pulses
CF pulses are short and only at one frequency
Give an advantage and a disadvantage for frequency modulated pulses?
Provide an accurate target distance but due to the fact that it is spread out it, it doesn’t travel as far as CF
What is the Doppler Shift?
An alteration of sound frequency when the source moves relative to the reciever
The speed of the moving object adds to the speed of the sound causing shorter wavelength and higher pitch when it is approaching the subject
How do bats use the Doppler shift?
When they emit sounds, if an echo returns at a high frequency a bat will know that it is approaching the target
They also use flutter analysis, taking advantage of the acoustic glints emitted by wing beats
What happens if an echo isn’t within the acoustic fovea?
Adapts the frequency of their calls
What is the neural pathway from the ear to the auditory cortex?
Ear -> auditory nerve -> cochlear nucleus -> midbrain inferior colliculus -> forebrain auditory cortex
What are the three main areas of the auditory cortex in bats?
FM-FM (Velocity coding)
CF-CF (Distance coding)
Both only fire when there is a call AND echo
How do bats in colonies avoid cross talk?
The fundamental call has a very low amount of energy and is transmitted to the bat’s inner ear via skull tissue
This means that only that bad will hear the fundamental call and its corresponding echo, the other bats will only hear the echo so their neurons won’t fire
What behavioural tests showed that owls use sound to target their prey?
Owls strike at a mouse in rustling leaves
Owls strike at rustling paper tied a distance away from the mouse
Owls strike at speaker hidden in the leaves
Owls make rapid and accurate head movements towards brief sounds
What are aricular feathers?
Feathers surrounding the face that are acoustically transparent meaning they let sound pass through
What do reflector feathers do?
Deflect sound into the ear
Describe the ears of owls
Asymmetrically positioned, the right ear is slightly below the eyeline and points upwards while the left is slightly above and points downwards
The trough on each side points the same way as the ear