Basketball was invented on what date and year.
1891, Springfield Massachusets
Founder of Basketball
James Naismith
Its Popularity
Started in america as 20th century Progressed
NBA means
Natinal Baskteball Association
WNBA means
Women’s Natinal Baskteball Association
Round Shape Metal Rim Mounted above the floor.
Basket or Hoop
The Basket or Hoop is Mounted how high above the floor.
10 Feet
Most Visible equipment in the game.
Has to be Flat and Rectangular in shape
Materials the floor can be made of
Rubber,Cement or Wood.
Show the time left and scores running
Playing Surface
Basketball Court
that is used to stop play as a result of a foul or a violation on the court. In all instances of officiating, hand signals are used to indicate the nature of the infraction or to administer the game.
Basketball uniforms consist of a ______ that features the number and last name of the player on the back that sould be worn by the players
is a person who has the responsibility to enforce the rules and maintain the order of the game
official (also known as a Referee)