Basics of XML language Flashcards
Learn the basics and rules of XML language
Can I use the the following element?March
Incorrect, this will throw an Error in the Parser. Elements should not begin with a number.
What are wrapped around the element key word?
Angled brackets <element_name>
What is the Character Entity Reference for a > less greater than symbol?
> is coded as >
How do you comment out a piece of data if required or if you needed to temporarily didn’t want the data to be read by the parser
<!-- <name>James</name> -->
<!-- above I've just commented out a element -->
XML stands for?
eXtensible Markup Language
what ELEMENT is there only one of within XML document?
the ROOT element
If I had the following tag Large Earthquake in Japan
No, because element tags are case sensitive. … is BAD, will return a ERROR! … is GOOD,acceptable! … is GOOD, acceptable! … is OK! but not conventionally used
is this a valid element name/title… Dog …?
Yes, this is valid but not really convential used.
can XML elements have attributes
Yes, attributes give additional date ablout the XML element e.g. Running
What have to be inside quotation marks?
Attributes must be with quotes
What is the Character Entity Reference for a < less greater than symbol?
< represents the less than symbol <
No start tag is incorrect should <!-- </p>-->
What does it mean to have a “well-formed” XML document
Empty tags that do not contain any contant or data in them should be closed with /> instead of the using e.g use
Does the XML need a declaration?
Yes but sometime the browser will a default
What are attributes? Give an example
Attributes are additional info about element. James Murphy
Is the XML declaration required or optional
the declaration is optional and is usually at the top of the XML document
What is the Character Entity Reference for a “ quotation mark symbol?
“quatation marks” are coded as "
What does XML do? Hint SOT
XMLorganizes, sorts, transports data
What are “Character Entity Reference” give an example?
& is coded as…. &
Do XML documents have a single root element?
Yes and only one.
What is the Character Entity Reference for a ‘ apostrophe symbol?
’ is represented as '