basics of the Command Line Interface Flashcards
something with a keyboard that you can sit down at, and work. The terminal is also an interface in which you can type and execute text-based commands. These things used to be one and the same! In this lesson, we’re talking about the second kind of terminal–the one you can open to talk to your computer in its own language.
hardware that you are interfacing with (such as a PC or game console)
an application for running commands (bash, zsh, csh, sh)
(Command Line) Interface
something that accepts commands and performs preprogrammed routines.
collection of files and folders on your computer.
$ ls
$ mv source destination
$ mv original_filename desired_filename
$ cp source destination
Make a file
$ touch new_filename
Make a directory
$ mkdir new_directory_name
Change Directory
$ cd directory_name
Print Working Directory
$ pwd
$ rm filename
Removes one or more files. ‘rm -i’ will require the user to confirm the removal of the file. Note: This command bypasses the “Trash” or “Recycling Bin”. Use with caution!
Print File Contents
$ cat filename
Prints the contents of a file.
Compare Files
$ diff file_one file_two
Compares files line by line.
$ date
Prints current date and time.