basics of sociology Flashcards
what is the definition of sociology?
sociology is the study of human society, including its development, functions and organisation.
who are considered to be the 3 founding fathers of sociology?
Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber.
what are core themes in sociology?
culture, socialisation and identity.
what is culture?
the culture of a group of people refers to the way they live e.g. language, beliefs, norms, values, knowledge and skills. it reinforces the sense of community in a society.
what is socialisation?
it is the way in which culture is passed on from generation to generation. a society’s values are internalised by socialisation.
what is identity?
there are different levels to identity so it is hard to define. the most basic level is made of simple facts such as name, age, appearance. on a deeper level, your identity is the way you see yourself and the way you are viewed by others(your social identity).
what is globalisation?
it is the idea that the world is becoming more connected. improved technology and communication an increase in transnational corporations are more migration have all lead to national boundaries breaking down.
what is social differentiation?
it is the way that society is divided up.
what is stratification?
it is way society is divided into layers.
what is power?
it is usually based on wealth. it can be seen as the ability to get someone to do something that they wouldn’t usually do
what is Functionalism?
Functionalism says the individual is the product of society. Emile Durkheim/his followers were functionalists. they believe society is made up of various institutions each of which has a useful function.
what is Marxism?
Marxism says the individual is the product of economic forces. Karl Marx focused on the effects of capitalism. he believed a society’s economic system influenced it’s non-economic institutions and in turn determined the society’s beliefs and values. he believed society is divided in 2 classes- bourgeoisie (the ruling class that had the minority but all the money/power) and the proletariat(the working class that had the majority but little/no power).
what is feminism?
feminists say woman are oppressed by men. they believe that society is patriarchal(run by men). there are different types of feminism- Liberal (they believe introducing more opportunities for woman is the best way to try bring about more equality), Radical (they believe that society is structured to oppress woman and that society needs to change) and Marxist (they combine beliefs of Marxism and feminism. they believe woman are exploited by capitalist societies.)
what is Interactionism?
they say individual actions are most important. they believe the behavior of and interaction between individuals determine how society works.
what is the new right?
the new right is a form of consensus structuralism. they believe society needs values and institutions to maintain social order. new right theories focus on subjects such as family, education and welfare.
what is postmodernism?
postmodernism says society is changing. postmodernism came about as a reaction to modernism (modernism is the period of industrialisation and urbanisation that began with the industrial revolution, where rational/scientific thinking was valued). postmodernism says society has moved on from modernism.