Basics of MV Flashcards
Pressure Control Ventilation
Decreased Vt with increased Raw or compliance
Volume Control Ventilation
Increased PIP with increased Raw or decreased compliance
VCV Settings
Vt, RR, sensitivity (pressure or flow), flow, rise time, FiO2, PEEP, PS
PCV Settings
Inspiratory pressure, RR, sensitivity, inspiratory time, FiO2, PEEP, PS
Continuous Mandatory Ventilation
All mandatory machine breaths
Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation
Mix of mandatory and spontaneous breaths
Continuous Spontaneous Ventilation
All spontaneous breaths
Spontaneous Breathing Trial
30-120 minutes with minimal support
Movement of air into and out of the lungs
Movement of gas molecules across a membrane
External Respiration
O2 from lungs into blood, CO2 from blood into lungs
Internal Respiration
Cellular level, O2 from blood into cell, CO2 from cell into blood
Intrapleural Pressure (Ppl)
Pressure in pleural space between parietal and visceral pleura
Normal Ppl
-5cmH2O at end of exhalation, Ppl is -10cmH2O during inspiration
Alveolar Pressure (Pa)
-1cmH2O during inspiration and +1cmH2O during exhalation
Transairway Pressure (Pta)
Pressure gradient between airway opening and alveolus, produces air movement in conducting airways
Normal Pta
-3 to -5cmH2O
Transthoracic Pressure (Pw)
Pressure needed to expand or contract the lungs and chest wall at the same time
Transpulmonary Pressure (Pl)
Maintains alveolar inflation, increased by mechanical ventilation
Transrespiratory Pressure (Ptr)
Pressure required to inflate the lungs and airways during positive pressure ventilation
Relative ease with which a structure distends
Tendency of a structure to return to its original form
Static Compliance
Vt/(plateau - PEEP)
Dynamic Compliance
Normal Compliance
Decreased Lung Compliance
Need more pressure to get air into the lungs
Increased Lung Compliance
Easier to get air into the lungs, less pressure needed
Impedance to the flow of air into and out of the lungs
Normal Raw
Time Constants
Product of compliance and resistance, length of time required to fill or empty the lungs
How many time constants does it take to completely empty the lungs?
5 time constants
Baseline Pressure
Atmospheric, is considered 0 unless PEEP is present
Peak Pressure (PIP)
Highest pressure recorded at the end of inspiration
Plateau Pressure
Measured after inspiration and prior to exhalation, when no flow exists reflecting the pressure in the lungs and pt. circuit
Volume Based PPV
Deliver set Vt, pressure varies
Pressure Based PPV
Deliver set pressure, Vt varies
1 Atmosphere
760mmHg = 1034cmH2O
1 kPa
1 Torr
Inverse ration, pressure controlled, intermittent mandatory ventilation with unrestricted spontaneous breathing