Basics Flashcards
He fell down
Hem i foldaon
This man knows
Man ia i save
Pita is very sick
Pita i sik tumas
She hit me
Hem i kilim mi
The rat ate the taro
Rat i kaekae taro
Pita is a pastor
Pita hemi pasta
They are bishops
Olgeta oli bisop
What is this/that thing?
Wanem samting ia?
This is the Chief’s house
Haos ia i blong jif
Pita is chatting with a friend called Shem
Pita i storian wetem wan fren, nem blong hem Shem
I want to ask you a question
Mi wantem askem wan kwesten long yu
What kind of food do you have?
Yu gat wanem kaen kaekae?
Where are you going?
Yu go Wea?
I’m going to collardeaux, to my house
Mi go long collardeaux, long haos blong mi
I’m going to buy some food at the store
Mi go nao blong pem kaekae long stoa
The child cried
Pikinini I krae