Basics Flashcards
authoritarian regime
Ruled by political elites, not much input from citizens. May be monarchy, dictator, small group, or single party.
bicameral, unicameral legislatures
Bicameral = two houses, unicameral = one house.
bureaucratic authoritarian regimes
Complete control of activities, manage almost everything in country
Agencies that generally implement gov’t policy.
● Discretionary power, or power to make small decisions in implementing legis/execu decisions.
cabinet coalition
Country that has multi-party system with no majority party, several parties join forces and represented in different cabinet posts.
The idea that one variable causes or influences another
checks and balances
Powers are shared and no branch dominates.
civil society
● Voluntary organizations that help citizens organize and define themselves and interests. coinciding/crosscutting cleavages
● Coinciding – likely to be explosive, every dispute aligns same groups against each other.
● Crosscutting – divide society into many political groups, may conflict on one issue but cooperate on another
command economies
Government owns almost all industrial enterprises and retail sales outlets.
common law/code law
● Common law – based on tradition, past practices, legal precedents set by courts through past rulings
● Code law – based on comprehensive system of written rules (codes) of law divided into commercial, civil, and
criminal codes.
● Party controls everything from government to economy to social life.
● Values equality over freedom.
competitive elections
Regular, free, fair elections that offer real possibility that incumbent may be defeated
confederal system
Spreads power among many subunits and weak central gov’t. conflictual political culture
● Sharply divided on legitimacy of regime and solutions to major problems; threatens to topple regime.
consensual political culture
● Accepts both legitimacy of regime and solutions to major problems; tends to agree with gov’t conservatism
● Less supportive of change in general, thinks change may bring unforeseen outcomes
● See state and regime as important sources of order
constitutional courts
Serve to defend democratic principles of a country against infringement.
The means a regime uses to get support from citizens.
An arrangement in which gov’t officials interact with ppl/groups outside of gov’t before they set policy.
● An indication that causality may be present
● Exists when change in one variable coincides with change in another.
● A universal political order that draws its identity and values from everywhere.
coup d’etat
● Forced takeover of government. New leaders by force.
democratic consolidation
● Authoritarian regime transitions into a democracy because of a trigger event.
● Process creates a stable political system that is supported by all parts of society
● All institutions and people participate, democracy penetrates everything
democratic corporatism
● Interest representation is institutionalized through recognition of state
● Organizations develop institutionalized and legally binding links with state agencies, on behalf of state.
direct democracy
Individuals have immediate say over many decisions that gov’t makes.
economic liberalization
Limiting power of the state over private property and market forces.
electoral systems
Rules that decide how votes are cast, counted, and translated into seats in a legislature.
Those that hold political power
empirical data
Factual statements and statistics
● Does not value freedom or equality, idea that state has the right to mold society and economy
● Has the right to eliminate obstacles, people that might weaken them
federal system
Divides power between central gov’t and subunits.
first-past-the-post (plurality, winner-take-all)
Winner needs to get more votes than anyone else and wins by plurality.
Divisions based on ethnic or cultural identities.
Freedom House ratings
Organization that ranks countries with 1 being most free, and 7 being least free.
Gini Index
Formula that measures economic inequality in a society.
Integration of social, environmental, economic, and cultural activities of nations resulting from more
international contacts
GDP, GNP, GNP per capita
● Gross Domestic Product – all the goods and services produced by a country’s economy in a given year
● Gross Nation Product – same as GDP, but includes income citizens earned outside of country.
● GNP per capita – divides GNP by population of country
Reference to the leadership and institutions that make policy decisions for the country.
head of government
Role that deals with tasks of running gov’t.
head of state
Role that symbolizes the power and nature of gov’t
A speculative statement about the relationship between two or more factors (variables)
illiberal democracies
Competitive elections, but missing parts of the liberal democracies (civil liberties, etc.)
informal politics
Takes into consideration the ways that politicians operate outside of formal powers and the impact of citizens on policy making
Vote on a policy that is initiated by the people. Proposes a nationwide vote and must collect certain # of sigs.
institutions, institutionalized
Stable, long lasting organizations that help turn political ideas into policy. (parties, bureaucracies)
More inclusive of everything
interest group pluralism
Pattern of autonomous groups competing with each other and gov’t for influence over state policies
judicial review
Mechanism that allows courts to review laws and executive actions for their constitutionality.