Basics Flashcards
plastic surgery
one of many medical procedures that involves cutting into one’s skin to make one more attractive or beautiful
- She’s thinking about having plastic surgery to make her nose smaller
to go under the knife
to have surgery to have a medical procedure that involves cutting into one’s skin After the car accident, Kashif had to go under the knife three times for his knee and shoulder injuries
a small fold or line in one’s skin, usually causes by age and sun damage
- Norah looked in the mirror and was surprised to see so many wrinkles around her eyes
hanging down and stretched longer than something should be Jim’s pant are sagging.
- I think it’s because he has lost over 50 pounds in the past year.
a surgical procedure that removes loose skin on one’s face, making one’s fave look younger
- I wonder what percentage of movie stars have facelifts as they start to get older?
tummy tuck
a surgical procedure that cuts away unwanted fat and skin on one’s abdomen (belly) to make one look thinner
- Janice decided to get a tummy tuck so that she’d look better in her swimsuit
plastic surgeon
a medical professional who does surgeries to improve people’s physical appearance, even if there are no health problems
a surgical procedure that removes unwanted fat from one’s abdomen (belly) by using suction, pulling the fat out of one’s body
- Mohammed was overweight and had liposuction, but he continued to eat too much food, so within a year he had a big belly again
nose job
a surgical procedure to change the shape of one’s nose, usually to make it smaller or straighter
- I hate my big nose! Do you think I should get a nose job?
to go all out
to do 100% of something to do all of something, not missing or skipping anything to do something to an extreme to try very hard to so something They went all out for their wedding, inviting more than 500 guests and serving them the best food and wine available
breast implants
bags of silicone that are placed inside a woman’s breasts through a surgical procedure to make her breasts bigger Do men think women with breast implants are more attractive?
to go off the deep end
to go crazy to stop thinking or acting realistically or normally When Sheiby saw how inexpensive stocks were, she went off the deep end and spent all her money on stocks, not realizing how risky the investment was
dead serious
extremely serious not joking speaking the truth At first we thought he was joking about wanting to start his own business, but now we realize he was dead serious
old past the best part of one’s life On Hal’s 50th birthday, his employees decorated his office with balloons that read ‘over the hill’.
(something) and all
a phrase used to emphasize that something is included in the discussion It’s time that we got rid of all this stuff we never use, CDs and all.
to turn to (something)
to begin talking about something else to begin to focus on something else to change the subject of conversation to another topic After they discussed the weather and what they had done over the weekend, they turned to the projects they needed to do in the week.
shall we
a formal phrase inviting someone to join oneself in doing something I love dancing to this type of music. Shall we?
to hand (someone) (something)
to give something to someone Could you please hand me that pencil? Thanks.
by the way
a phrase used when someone wants to say something that is only slightly related to the current discussion and isn’t the main focus The class was discussing recent developments in energy efficiency, when one student said, “By the way, did anyone read the articles in today’s newspaper about the tax credits for buying electric cars”
to shift (one’s) focus
to begin discussing a different topic to change the subject First, I’m going to pay my bills, and then I’m going to shift focus to cooking dinner for tonight.
a word used when one wants to add information to what one has just said Thriftway is having a great sale on pork, chicken, and turkey. Incidentally, chicken is also on sale at Roth’s Market.
off the record
unofficially a phrase used to let other people know that information is secret and shouldn’t be shared with others, or at least not while using the speaker’s name The politician agreed to have an interview with the reporter, but only if everything he said would be off the record
speaking of (something)
a phrase used to show that one wants to add information that is somehow related to a particular topic that was just mentioned Maggie was talking about the way she disliked the color of her office, when Ahmed said, “Speaking of offices, we’ve decided to look for a new office building.”
to promote
to give someone a job with more responsibilities and better pay in the same organization, usually because he or she has been doing very good work Melissa was very happy to be promoted from Regional Sales Manager to National Sales Manager
in line for
ready for something to happen waiting to be next waiting to receive something Many geologists think California is next in line for a major earthquake.
to occur to (someone)
to enter into someone’s mind to become an idea that someone has It never occurred to me that you would be insulted by what I said. I’m sorry.
to put (something) on the back burner
to delay something or stop focusing on something temporarily because it is not very important or urgent Heather put her career on the back burner so that she could stay at home with her kids for a few years
to change the subject
to change topics to stop discussing one thing and begin discussing something else Whenever people start talking about work, Isaac tries to change the subject and talk about music or art instead
exactly with great accuracy He gets to work at precisely 7:58 each morning.
What’s the matter with (something)?
what’s wrong with something? a phrase used to ask why something isn’t working correctly or behaving normally What’s the matter with your bicycle? Why is it making so much noise?
tap dance
an effort to avoid doing or talking about something, usually by doing or talking about something else, trying to change the focus of another person’s attention Isabella tried to do a tap dance around her parent’s questions about her new boyfriend, but they insisted that she answer them.
to give it to (one) straight
to tell someone the full truth very directly, without delaying it or hiding anything What are you trying to say? Just give it to me straight. Are you breaking up with me?
to hit (someone) up
to ask someone for money; to ask someone to give you something for free Billy hit up all the neighbors, asking them to donate money for his baseball team.
to spot (someone)
to make a loan to someone to give money to someone for a short period of time, expecting that person to pay one back Can you spot me $20? I’ll pay you back next week.
pipe dream
something that one would like to have happen, but is impossible or extremely unlikely He wants to be a millionaire by the time he’s 30, but it’s just a pipe dream
a penny-pincher a person who spends as little as money as possible, preferring to save everything a person who won’t give money away to help other people Mariah is such a cheapskate! She won’t buy new clothes for her children even when their clothes have holes I. them!
one’s willingness to give money, time, and other things to help other people The children showed a lot of generosity when they collected money to help pay for their classmate’s medical bills
to be rolling in it
to have a lot of money to be very rich They’ve been rolling in it ever since they won the lottery.
to part with
to give something away or sell something to be separated from something that one owns, especially when one would rather keep it I’d have to be pretty desperate for money before I’d consider parting with my guitar
without giving it a second thought
without worrying about something without spending time thinking about something Phil writes thousand-dollar checks without giving it a second thought
to have (one’s) work cut out for you
with a lot of work to do having a lot of things that one needs to do, with a difficult project or task You’ve got your work cut out for you, trying to raise three children as a single parent
a cheapskate a person who spends as little money as possible, preferring to save everything a person who won’t give money away to help other people Jin is a penny-pincher who uses coupons, hangs wet clothes outside to dry, and never buys anything new
not generous not liking to share things, especially money not liking to spend money It seems like people become stingier when the economy is bad
generous always wanting to help other people Krzysztof is very big-hearted, often opening his home to people who need a place to stay, even if he doesn’t know them very well
generous sharing money, good and time with people and organizations that need it
what the heck
an expression meaning that one will do something, even though one doesn’t really want to or probably shouldn’t, because another person wants one to do it I’m supposed to be on a diet, but what the heck. Sure, I’ll help you eat your birthday cake.
to tide (one) over
to help a person, usually for a short period of time, until something else happens Gretchen needs an afternoon snack to tide her over until dinner
the day when one is paid for one’s week, usually once a week or once every two months Her payday is the 15th of every month.
to come in handy
to be useful or helpful Knowing a few words in another language comes in handy when you’re traveling
to quit while (one’s) is ahead
to stop doing something while one is successful, not trying to continue to get more of something or to do something better Jothio made a lot of money while playing cards, so she decided to quit while she was ahead and not risk losing it all
to talk (someone) into (something)
to get another person to agree to do something that he or she doesn’t really want to do How did you talk Mousari into buying your car at that price?
to rifle through
to quickly look through many pieces of paper, usually while searching for a particular page or piece of information If I were more organized, I wouldn’t have to spend so much time rifling through papers on my desk to find what I want
to snoop
to spy to look at things that one shouldn’t see, or that don’t belong to oneself, usually when trying to learn a secret Mark snoops on his older sister by reading her diary
a thought or feeling that something is wrong, or that someone is doing something wrong, but without having any proof He has a suspicion that the cashier is stealing money from the store, but he hasn’t yet seen her do it
to confront
to deal with something that is difficult or unpleasant to speak with another person about something that is difficult to talk about, especially when one wants to tell another person that what he or she is doing is wrong I think we should confront Silvana about her drinking problem.
height of stupidity
extremely stupid and foolish something that is not a good idea When we were teenagers, we used to drive as fast as we could on dark highways. It was the height of stupidity.
to be holed up
to be trapped in a small place, unable to get out to be stuck in one place, not able to leave We were holed up in our house for almost a week during the snowstorm
to sit tight
to stay in one place, being patient and without moving We all wanted to know when the flight would leave, but the airline employees just kept telling us to sit tight, even though we had already been waiting in the plane for more than two hours
to make a break for it
to escape to leave a place, especially when one is trapped there and cannot or should not leave it The prisoners decided to make a break for it while the guards weren’t paying attention
without very much room without allowing someone to move or stretch I don’t know how people can wear such tight clothing. I’d feel too confined.
to suffocate
to die because one cannot breathe to feel as though one will be die because there is not enough fresh air
to kvetch
to complain loudly and repeatedly Please stop kvetching about the weather! There’s nothing we can do to change it.
to lose (one’s) mind
to go crazy to do something very strange, irrational, or illogical Liam got really mad while driving and lost his mind, screaming at the other cars and almost getting into an accident
to eavesdrop
to listen to something that one is not supposed to hear to secretly listen to another person’s conversation, not letting that person know that one is listening Have you ever eavesdropped on your wife while she talks on the phone?
no guts, no glory
a phrase meaning that if one doesn’t do things that are difficult or frightening, one won’t be able to win a phrase meaning that one needs to be brave and do something difficult in order to get what one wants Michelle was scared to sing on stage in front of so many people, but she told herself, “No guts, no glory.”
Have you ever … on your wife while she talks on the phone?
eavesdropped Have you ever eavesdropped on your wife while she talks on the phone? to listen to something that one is not supposed to hear to secretly listen to another person’s conversation, not letting that person know that one is listening
I don’t know how people can wear such tight clothing. I’d feel too … .
confined I don’t know how people can wear such tight clothing. I’d feel too confined. without very much room without allowing someone to move or stretch
when a new child is brought into the world when a baby comes out of his or her mother’s womb and begins breathing on its own How many births happen in this hospital each year?
first-time parent
a person who has one child, perhaps with plans to have another child in future As first-time parents, we took our son to the emergency room for every little cough or scrape, but once we had our second child, we were much calmer.
As …, we took our son to the emergency room for every little cough or scrape, but once we had our second child, we were much calmer.
first-time parents As first-time parents, we took our son to the emergency room for every little cough or scrape, but once we had our second child, we were much calmer. a person who has one child, perhaps with plans to have another child in future
too strong and powerful, making one feel out of control, confused, and/or powerless He says his new job is overwhelming and he has to work 12 hours each day just to keep up
He says his new job is … and he has to work 12 hours each day just to keep up.
overwhelming He says his new job is overwhelming and he has to work 12 hours each day just to keep up too strong and powerful, making one feel out of control, confused, and/or powerless
a baby that has been born very recently, usually within the past one to two months Newborns are supposed to eat every two hours, but that means the parents don’t get very much sleep
… are supposed to eat every two hours, but that means the parents don’t get very much sleep
Newborns Newborns are supposed to eat every two hours, but that means the parents don’t get very much sleep. a baby that has been born very recently, usually within the past one to two months
from scratch
from the very beginning, without any initial knowledge or preparation Have you ever made a cake from scratch, or do you always buy a box of pre-made mix?
Have you ever made a cake …, or do you always buy a box of pre-made mix?
from scratch Have you ever made a cake from scratch, or do you always buy a box of pre-made mix? from the very beginning, without any initial knowledge or preparation
to breastfeed
for a mother to feed a child with the milk from her breasts for a child to drink a mother’s milk by sucking at her nipples If your baby breastfeeds in the wrong position, you might experience pain or even bleeding.
If your baby breastfeeds in the wrong position, you might experience pain or even bleeding.
to breastfeed If your baby breastfeeds in the wrong position, you might experience pain or even bleeding. for a mother to feed a child with the milk from her breasts for a child to drink a mother’s milk by sucking at her nipples
to bottle-feed
to feed a baby from a bottle (a glass or plastic container with a special nipple-like top) Doctors say it’s important to hold a baby close and look into his or her eyes while bottle-feeding the child.
Doctors say it’s important to hold a baby close and look into his or her eyes while … the child.
to bottle-feed Doctors say it’s important to hold a baby close and look into his or her eyes while bottle-feeding the child. to feed a baby from a bottle (a glass or plastic container with a special nipple-like top)
to burp
to gently and repeatedly hit a baby’s back after he or she has drunken the milk to help the baby push air that is in the stomach out of his or her mouth Always put a cloth over your shoulder before burping the baby, or she might throw up on you.
Always put a cloth over your shoulder before … the baby, or she might throw up on you.
to burp Always put a cloth over your shoulder before burping the baby, or she might throw up on you. to gently and repeatedly hit a baby’s back after he or she has drunken the milk to help the baby push air that is in the stomach out of his or her mouth
to put (someone) to bed
to get a baby or child ready for bed and calm him or her until he or she falls asleep Their routine for putting Samson to bed includes brushing his teeth, reading books, singing songs, and telling stories.
Their routine for … Samson … includes brushing his teeth, reading books, singing songs, and telling stories.
to put (someone) to bed Their routine for putting Samson to bed includes brushing his teeth, reading books, singing songs, and telling stories. to get a baby or child ready for bed and calm him or her until he or she falls asleep
car seat
a special chair put inside the car for babies and very young children, to keep them safe in an accident If the car seat is installed correctly, it shouldn’t move more than one inch from side to side.
If the … is installed correctly, it shouldn’t move more than one inch from side to side.
car seat If the car seat is installed correctly, it shouldn’t move more than one inch from side to side. a special chair put inside the car for babies and very young children, to keep them safe in an accident
baby carriage a small cloth seat on a plastic or metal frame with wheels, used by walking parents to push a child in front, often with room to store bags underneath the seat Once their daughter learned how to walk, she never wanted to ride in the stroller again.
Once their daughter learned how to walk, she never wanted to ride in the … again.
stroller Once their daughter learned how to walk, she never wanted to ride in the stroller again.
one period of time when a baby is drinking milk from a bottle or nursing (drinking milk from a mother’s breast) How many feedings does a newborn need each day?
How many … does a newborn need each day?
feeding How many feedings does a newborn need each day? one period of time when a baby is drinking milk from a bottle or nursing (drinking milk from a mother’s breast)
a piece of cloth or paper and plastic that is wrapped around a baby’s bottom to hold urine (pee) and feces (poop) It’s important to change a baby’s diaper frequently so that the skin doesn’t become irritated.
It’s important to change a baby’s … frequently so that the skin doesn’t become irritated.
diaper It’s important to change a baby’s diaper frequently so that the skin doesn’t become irritated.
extremely tired, usually from doing too much physical activity or from not sleeping enough Sandy was exhausted after running the marathon.
Sandy was … after running the marathon.
exhausted Sandy was exhausted after running the marathon. extremely tired, usually from doing too much physical activity or from not sleeping enough
to doze off
to fall asleep for a short period of time, usually without planning to do so to nap Professor Graves gets really angry when his students doze off during class.
Professor Graves gets really angry when his students … during class.
to doze off Professor Graves gets really angry when his students doze off during class. to fall asleep for a short period of time, usually without planning to do so to nap
to sympathize
to understand someone else’s problems or the difficult situation that another person is in, feeling sad much like the other person is feeling sad I really sympathized with Patty when her mother passed away, because my mother had passed away just a few months earlier
I really … with Patty when her mother passed away, because my mother had passed away just a few months earlier
to sympathize I really sympathized with Patty when her mother passed away, because my mother had passed away just a few months earlier to understand someone else’s problems or the difficult situation that another person is in, feeling sad much like the other person is feeling sad
what one remembers about something that happened in the past Do you have any memory of when humans first walked on the moon, or were you too young then to remember it?
Do you have any … of when humans first walked on the moon, or were you too young then to remember it?
memory Do you have any memory of when humans first walked on the moon, or were you too young then to remember it? what one remembers about something that happened in the past
a short period of time when the ground shakes because of geological movements deep below the surface, often causing damage, injuries, and/or death People living in southern California experience many small earthquakes over the course of their lives
People living in southern California experience many small … over the course of their lives
earthquake People living in southern California experience many small earthquakes over the course of their lives
to occur
to happen to take place Police are trying to determine exactly when the murder occurred.
Police are trying to determine exactly when the murder … .
to occur Police are trying to determine exactly when the murder occurred.
a scientist who studies earthquakes and the movement of the earth Seismologists say a major earthquake will happen here sometime within the next 50 years, but they can’t provide a more specific date or time
… say a major earthquake will happen here sometime within the next 50 years, but they can’t provide a more specific date or time
seismologist Seismologists say a major earthquake will happen here sometime within the next 50 years, but they can’t provide a more specific date or time a scientist who studies earthquakes and the movement of the earth
the size of something how big or small something is If they understood the real magnitude of the problem, they would be much more concerned with finding a solution.
If they understood the real … of the problem, they would be much more concerned with finding a solution.
magnitude If they understood the real magnitude of the problem, they would be much more concerned with finding a solution the size of something how big or small something is
fault line a large crack or long hole in the earth’s surface where parts of the earth are moving away from each other I would never want to live near the San Andreas fault.
I would never want to live near the San Andreas … .
fault I would never want to live near the San Andreas fault. fault line a large crack or long hole in the earth’s surface where parts of the earth are moving away from each other
one of many small earthquakes that happens soon after a large earthquake After the earthquake, people were warned not to go back into their houses until all the aftershocks had ended.
After the earthquake, people were warned not to go back into their houses until all the … had ended.
aftershock After the earthquake, people were warned not to go back into their houses until all the aftershocks had ended. one of many small earthquakes that happens soon after a large earthquake
very strong and powerful, but normally lasting for only a short period of time If you want to lose weight, is it better to do a short, high-intensity workout or a longer, low-intensity workout?
If you want to lose weight, is it better to do a short, … workout or a longer, … workout?
high-intensity + low-intensity If you want to lose weight, is it better to do a short, high-intensity workout or a longer, low-intensity workout?
to predict
to say what will happen in the future If we could predict the future of the stock market, we’d be rich.
If we could … the future of the stock market, we’d be rich.
to predict If we could predict the future of the stock market, we’d be rich. to say what will happen in the future
harm what results when things are broken or destroyed The flooding caused a lot of damage to their carpet and furniture.
The flooding caused a lot of … to their carpet and furniture.
damage The flooding caused a lot of damage to their carpet and furniture. harm what results when things are broken or destroyed
to be declared
to officially be named something or categorized in a particular way War between the two sides was declared in 1842.
War between the two sides was … in 1842.
to be declared War between the two sides was declared in 1842. to officially be named something or categorized in a particular way
disaster area
a geographical area where there has been a lot of damage, injuries, and/or death, usually as the result of a natural disaster or disease After the strong tornadoes, much of the Midwest was declared a disaster area.
After the strong tornadoes, much of the Midwest was … a disaster area.
disaster area After the strong tornadoes, much of the Midwest was declared a disaster area.
to send aid
to send money, food, medical supplies, and other important things to another country or an area that is in an emergency and needs a lot of help Which countries sent aid to Haiti after the earthquake in January 2010?
Which countries … to Haiti after the earthquake in January 2010?
to send aid Which countries sent aid to Haiti after the earthquake in January 2010? to send money, food, medical supplies, and other important things to another country or an area that is in an emergency and needs a lot of help
relief effort
an organized attempt to send money, food, medical supplies, and other important things to another country or area that is in an emergency and needs a lot of help, usually organized at an international level Do you think the relief efforts can prevent people from dying in the famine?
Do you think the … can prevent people from dying in the famine?
relief efforts Do you think the relief efforts can prevent people from dying in the famine? an organized attempt to send money, food, medical supplies, and other important things to another country or area that is in an emergency and needs a lot of help, usually organized at an international level
to hash (something) out
to discuss something in great detail, evaluating the advantages and disadvantages, often trying to reach an agreement on something They’ve spent the past few weeks trying to decide which type of car to buy, hashing out all the options.
They’ve spent the past few weeks trying to decide which type of car to buy, … all the options.
to hash (something) out They’ve spent the past few weeks trying to decide which type of car to buy, hashing out all the options. to discuss something in great detail, evaluating the advantages and disadvantages, often trying to reach an agreement on something
out of the blue
unexpectedly without planning or anticipation without any previous connection or relationship Out of the blue, I got a phone call from an old friend from high school whom I hadn’t thought about in more than 40 years.
…., I got a phone call from an old friend from high school whom I hadn’t thought about in more than 40 years.
out of the blue Out of the blue, I got a phone call from an old friend from high school whom I hadn’t thought about in more than 40 years. unexpectedly without planning or anticipation without any previous connection or relationship
to accomplish
to successfully do something, especially if it is difficult, challenging, or unusual You’ve accomplished so much at such a young age! How did you do it?
You’ve … so much at such a young age! How did you do it?
to accomplish You’ve accomplished so much at such a young age! How did you do it? to successfully do something, especially if it is difficult, challenging, or unusual
to click
to immediately have a good relationship with another person, enjoying each other’s company and having a relaxed, flowing conversation We met only a few months ago, but we clicked almost instantly and we have been inseparable ever since.
We met only a few months ago, but we … almost instantly and we have been inseparable ever since.
to click We met only a few months ago, but we clicked almost instantly and we have been inseparable ever since. to immediately have a good relationship with another person, enjoying each other’s company and having a relaxed, flowing conversation
to get (something) out of (something)
to receive some benefit from one’s actions or a particular situation Corrine gets a sense of pride from her work with the homeless.
Corrine … a sense of pride from her work with the homeless.
to get (something) out of (something) Corrine gets a sense of pride from her work with the homeless. to receive some benefit from one’s actions or a particular situation
feeling grateful or thankful for something that another person has done They were really appreciative when we sent them a gift last Christmas.
They were really … when we sent them a gift last Christmas.
appreciative They were really appreciative when we sent them a gift last Christmas. feeling grateful or thankful for something that another person has done
in no time flat
very soon very quickly with no delay or hesitation If you keep exercising and eating well, you’ll lose the extra weight in no time flat.
If you keep exercising and eating well, you’ll lose the extra weight … .
in no time flat If you keep exercising and eating well, you’ll lose the extra weight in no time flat. very soon very quickly with no delay or hesitation
to make (someone) sick
to make someone very angry or jealous to cause strong negative emotions It makes me sick to know that he has been lying to us for so long.
It … to know that he has been lying to us for so long.
to make (someone) sick It makes me sick to know that he has been lying to us for so long. to make someone very angry or jealous to cause strong negative emotions
to bust (one’s) butt
to work very hard to do a lot of work Heather busts her butt at the office all day long and expects the house to be clean and inner to be ready when she gets home.
Heather … at the office all day long and expects the house to be clean and inner to be ready when she gets home.
to bust (one’s) butt Heather busts her butt at the office all day long and expects the house to be clean and inner to be ready when she gets home. to work very hard to do a lot of work
to be born with a silver spoon in (one’s) mouth
to be born into a rich family, to grow up in a family with a lot of money and privileges Shannon was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and didn’t have to get a job until she was in her late 20s.
Shannon … and didn’t have to get a job until she was in her late 20s.
to be born with a silver spoon in (one’s) mouth Shannon was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and didn’t have to get a job until she was in her late 20s. to be born into a rich family, to grow up in a family with a lot of money and privileges
to pull (oneself) up by (one’s) bootstraps
to work very hard to improve one’s situation in life, without receiving any help from other people When Hans came to this country, he had only $20, but he pulled himself up by his bootstraps and became a successful businessman and homeowner.
When Hans came to this country, he had only $20, but … and became a successful businessman and homeowner.
to pull (oneself) up by (one’s) bootstraps When Hans came to this country, he had only $20, but he pulled himself up by his bootstraps and became a successful businessman and homeowner. to work very hard to improve one’s situation in life, without receiving any help from other people
pleasantly surprised
having received information that one was not expecting, but that is good and positive We were pleasantly surprised when the store’s owner apologized for the mistake by giving us a $100 gift card.
We were … when the store’s owner apologized for the mistake by giving us a $100 gift card.
pleasantly surprised We were pleasantly surprised when the store’s owner apologized for the mistake by giving us a $100 gift card. having received information that one was not expecting, but that is good and positive
advantage something that one has or does when most other people do not These days, a good education is often a privilege, but many people believe that everyone should have access to a good education, no matter where they live or how much money they have.
These days, a good education is often a …, but many people believe that everyone should have access to a good education, no matter where they live or how much money they have.
privilege These days, a good education is often a privilege, but many people believe that everyone should have access to a good education, no matter where they live or how much money they have. advantage something that one has or does when most other people do not