Basics Flashcards
This one (f)
This one (m)
I would like
She would like
Ella quisiera
ella pn. ay-yah
For my wife
Para mi esposa
esposa pn eh-spoh-sah
For my wife, she would like
Para mis esposa, ella quisiera
Do you have any . . .
Tienes algun
(do you have any guns?)
Where is the bathroom please
Donde esta el bano por favor
Can I (eg to pass or to take)
puedo ?
I don’t speak spanish
No hablo espanol
I just know a few phrases
Solo se algunas frases en espanol
Sol-oh seh al-goon-ass frah-sez
Can we speak in english please
Podemos hablar en ingles por favor
How do you pronnounce . . .
Como se pronnuncia
Excuse me (to attract attention)
lo siento
Just something to drink
Solo algo de beber
A solo algae to bay-bear
Can I pay the bill ?
Puedo pagar la cuenta ?
lah qwent-ah
Well, I try
Bueno, intento!
(I try in the tent)
On the aeroplane
En el avion
Enn ell av-ee-on