BASICS Flashcards
Represents the relationship between 3 elements of a photograph to attain proper exposure
The Exposure Triangle
Aperture (f-stop)
Size of the circular hole in the lens that lets in light.
Shutter Speed
Length of exposure in fractures of a second
Determines sensitivity to light
Goal of Aperture
Depth of Field (smaller f-stop = larger aperture, bigger f-stop = smaller aperture)
Goal of Shutter Speed
The sharpness or blurriness of an object
Goal of ISO
Quality of Photos (lower iso = less noise, higher iso = more noise)
Meaning of ISO
International Standards Organization
Single Lens Reflex Camera
Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera
Amount of light captured by the camera
White Balance
Achieve a natural tone because some light give unrealistic color casts to photos
Portable Network Graphic
Joint Photographic Experts Group