Basics Flashcards
Intro Paragraph
California is aCommunity Property state. All assets acquired during the marriage and all income earned from community assets are presumptively community property (“CP”).
There are several areas of presumptively seperate property (“SP”): (1) Assets owned by either spouse before the marriage; (2) assets acquired by gift, will, or inheritence; (3) assets acquired by expenditure of seperate funds; and (4) rent, issues, and profits of SP.
However, the community is generally free to alter the classification of property.
Lawful Marriage for CP Purposes
- Marriage valid in CA (capacity and formal legal procedures)
- Marriage Valid in another State
- Domicile Partnership
Putative Spouse
Treat as married if:
1. Good faith subjective belief of lawful marriage
2. Void/Voidable Marriage
3. EFFECT: Quasi-Maritial Property –> 50-50 split
What Happens when Putative Spouse learns Marriage is Invalid?
Estopped using the Putative Spouse Doctrine –> GO GET MARRIED
Unmarried Cohabitants
Contract Law Applies –> may be subject to equity unless contractual relationship found on consideration of sex services
When does the Economic Community End?
Where there is:
1. Clear intent not to resume the marital relation
2. Conduct consistent with that intent
Facade of Marriage but Seperated?
Community has not ended
Quasi-Community Property (QCP)
Acquired when Domiciled Elsewhere but would have been classified as CP in California
Treated as SP during lifetime but CP at divorce or death
Jointly Titled Property at Death
Marriage of Lucas Presumption: Presumption of Community Property overcome only by collateral written agreement that it is SP
Contributions of SP to CP are not enttiled to reimbursement
Exception to Marriage of Lucas Presumption
Joint Bank Accounts
Jointly Titled Property at Divorce
Anti-Lucas Statute: Presumptively CP and subject to equal division at divorce rebutted by agreement in deed or writen agreement by parties
Reimbursement: Unlike at death, contributions of SP to CP are subject to reimbursement (without interest) for DIP:
1. Down Payments
2. Improvements
3. Principal Payment on Mortgage
4. NOT: Interest on mortgage, taxes, insurance, maintenance
Does the Time a Wage is Earned or the Time a Wage is Acquired Control Property Classification?
Time Wage is Earned –> Earned during Marriage = CP