Basic2 Flashcards
Contraindications for CSE
patient refusal, sepsis, hypovolemia, coagulopathy or therapeutic anticoagulation, elevated ICP, infection at site
dose for caudal in infants
CSF volume per percentage of body weight is greater in infants than adults. Need a comparatively larger doses per kg of LA
Caudal in infants
heart rate is preserved better due to poorly developed parasympathetic activity
-infants rely more on diaphragmatic contribution due to more compliant ribs and loss of intercostal muscles with high spinal
epidural test dose
3 ml of lidocaine 1.5% with epinephrine 1:200000
- lidocaine tests for intrathecal placement: detectable sensory block 1-2 minutes with motor 3-4 minutes
- Intravascular: lidocaine will cause dozziness, tinnitus, circumoral paraethesia, metallic tase and blurred vision
- Epinephrine will cause sudden tachycardia (>10bpm) and HTN (>20mm Hg change), some will report palpitations and headache
TNS (transient neurologic syndrome)
possible that pregnancy can decrease incidence
epidural test dose during contractions
need to perform test dose between contractions to not be confused about increases in HR and HTN
- also concern for decreased uterine blood flow with epinephrine
High spinal
1) sudden and profound BP drop :vasodilation from sympathetic nerves
2) hypotension can cause nausea and vomitting
3) Accessory muscles of respiration are blocked decreasing TV
4) cardiac accelerator fibers are block; severe bradycardia
5) diphragm can be blocked
6) if spreads to brain unconciousness is assured
complications of neuraxial
- high spinal or intravascular injection
- infection: from superficial skin to life threatening epidural abscess
- epidural hematoma: pressure applied to spinal cord or nerve root resulting in ischemia and possible irreversible nerve damage
- arachoiditis (rare) due to inappropriate drug causing inflammation: various neurologic deficits such as paraplegia, quadriplegia, hydrocephalus, syringomyelia
post dural puncture headache
- reduction of the buoying effect of CSF on brain, causes traction and stretching of the meninges as the patient assumes the upright position
- improved with recumbency
- tx: fluids, caffeine, NSAIDs, narcotics and or epidural blood patch
Heparin MOA
binds to antithrombin with high affinity and subsequently inactivate thrombin (IIa), factor Xa, and factor IXa
Warfarin MOA
interferes with Vit K dependent clotting factors ( II, VII, IX, X)
inhibits factor Xa
Risk factors for awareness
C section, Cardiac surgery, emergent surgery, trauma, RSI, TIVA, difficult intubations, history of substance abuse, ASA 4 or 5, history of awareness
Auditory Evoked Potential Monitor
electrical responses of the brainstem, auditory radiation and auditory cortex to auditory sound stimuli (clicks)
- analyze the AEP wave form (latency and amplitude) to generate an AEP index that correlates to anesthetic concentration and level of consciousness.
Flexible fiberoptic intubation
nasal or oral
- pt selection (psychological preperation), anxiolytic, anti-sialagogue
- numbing
awake nasal intubation requires which additional nerve blocks
greater and lesser palatine and anterior ethmoid nerve
- plus the glossalpharyngeal and superior laryngeal nerve
- afrin or phenylephrine should be used to minimize bleeding risk
absolute indications for one-lung ventilation
- massive bleeding in one lung
- infection in one lung
- bonchopleural/bronchocutaneous fistula
- lung bullae
- alveolar lavage
- minimally invasive cardiothoracic surgery
lung with upper lobe coming of on average 1.5 cm from carina
Bronchial BLockers
- ideal if only single lumen is achievable
- more susceptible to displacement
- not optimal lung deflation
- difficult to place
- dislodge
- difficult to suction secretions
Lighted stylet
- blind approach; watcht he pretracheal glow as you advance
- as you advance a localized glow indicated a tracheal intubation vs a diffuse indicate esophageal
- contraindications too much skin to properly see the light (obesity), skin pigmentation issues, airway tumors/infections/trauma/foreign bodies (blind approach)
pediatric ETT size
ID= (age/4)+4
size of ETT
millimeter of internal diameter
cuffed tube
> 6 years old
Evaporative fluid losses
minimal surgery (laproscopic) 0-2 ml/kg
moderate (open chole) 2-4 ml/kg
severe (open bowel) 4-8ml/kg