Basic Vocabulary (Stack C) Flashcards
Swap ( We will definitely swap presents this Christmas)
こうかん (今年のクリスマスかならずプレゼントを交換します)
Almost ( They are pretty much almost the same)
だいたい (それはだいたいおなじもんですね)
Done something worthy of note ( My dad did something worthy of note in Europe at the ballet school )
Stand out ( She stood out after ordering a ‘Tan men’ minus the ‘men’)
Noun <= => Verb
めいし <= => どうし
Inconvenient (It’s become inconvenient to drive a car after the snow )
ふべん (ゆきがふったあとくるまのうんてんするのがふべんになりました)
Actress (It became clear that she was an actress in an old ninja TV programme)
じょゆう (ふるいにんじゃテレビばんぐみのじょゆうであることがあきらかになった)
City / Metropolitan ( The city’s roads are all held in my head )
とない (とないのみちはぜんぶあたまのなかにもっています)
Admit ( I don’t want to admit that to myself )
Focus on ( There is a focus on the story’s detailed parts isn’t there)
Equipment ( That job always requires a lot of exquipment)
Equip ( That school is equipped with computers)
せつび (そのしごとはつねにせつびがいります・
Novel ( He occasionally reads mystery novels )
Health Insurance ( Of course there are those who haven’t bought health insurance, but they are in the minority)
けんこうほけん (けんこうほけんをかってないばいもちろんいますけれど、しょうすうはのひとです)
Minority (In that country, the minority are Muslims)
Majority (The majority of Americans are Chirstians)
たすうは (アメリカのたすうはのひとはクリスときょうとです)