Basic Vocabulary Flashcards
What do you do?
What does your wife do?
What is your job?
Auxiliary verb
Like do
It makes me
Taking planes always makes me nervous.
My friend called me stupid and it made me angry.
Make a mistake
Make mistakes
Make a decision
Make an appointment
I have to make an appointment with the doctor/ dentist/ hairdresser.
Make a …
She is making a phone call/ a telephone call.
He is making a photocopy.
She is making a video/ a movie.
Make…(food and drink)
To make coffee
To make dinner/ make a meal
I ‘ll make some tea/ soup.
I make breakfast/ lunch/ dinner/ everyday.
Be going to
Future plans
On Saturday John is going to visit his aunt.
Go+ing for activities
I hate go shopping .
I usually go swimming in the morning.
Let ‘s go dancing.
Do you go sight seeing.
Have got/ have got to
Speaking informal
Have / have to
I ‘ve got a bad cold, stay away.
Have you got a minute?
I have got to run!( i have to go right now)
Don’t have to
When sth isn’t necessary or not required.
Have to
Use have to when sth is necessary and you have no choice.
She has to take an exam at the end of the course.
Do + task
Do the housework Do the laundry Do the dishes Do the cooking Do exercises Do business with
Do you ever have trouble/ have problem understanding English?
She is going to have a baby next month.
Give birth
I m going to have my haircut.
Someone is going to cut my hair.
What can you have?
You can have breakfast /a party / a class / a cup of coffee / a cold
Come here#
Go there
Come in #come out
You put your money in, ans the ticket comes out of the machne.
Come back
Return to this place here
We often use come back with from.
They came back from Italy yesterday
Come home
Come back
What country do you come from?
Where r u from
Where do u come from?
I m from …
I come from…—–not—-i am come from..
Come over
Can i come over and see you tonight?
How come
چطوري شد كه
What is that?
Take with time
How long does it takes to get to work?
It takes Alen 20 minsto get to work.
Take with courses,exam
R u taking an English course?
Do u have to take an exam
Take with bus,train
I take the bus
Take someone with u
R u going out?
Take an umbrella. It is raining .
From there to here toward u
From here to there away from you
Bring something back
It is raining. You can take my umbrella and bring it back later.
Get with adjectives: for changes
It is light—->it is getting dark—>it is dark
I m getting tired
I want to go to bed.
If u dont have sth ,you can get it
Get to place
Arrived at. Reach place
They r getting married.
When you het back from hong kong, call me
When i get home, i take off my shoe.
I will probably get there at 6
Get along
I hated my sister when i was young, but now we get along very well .
Get over
He get over his cold quickly.
He got better
Turn up
Turn up the tv i cant hear it
Going on
What s happening
Go off
Turn down
Made it not so loud
Refused it
She turn down the invitation
Take off
Departs or leave the ground
Remove ur clothes
I got tired
خسته شدم
بجاي I tired
I ate too much, and i got sick
I sat in the sun too long, and now i m getting hot
When the sun comes up, it gets ligh/will get light
Please close the window. I am getting cold.
U say when you report someone is word
U say when u ask about language
She said…
How do u say…
Say hello/goodbye
Tell can be followed immediately by a person
Say is not followed immediately by a person
Use tell when yoy want to know to get to a place.
Use tell with WH word too
Tell someone the time/a story/ajoke
He told me his name
Not—- he said me
Can u tell me where the bus station is,plz?
He told me how to send a fax
Ask is used for questions
Youcan ask someone the time/a question
My sisters asked me where i was going.
I asked him to turn off his radio(or–i said,plz turn off your radio)
You go by car/plan/bus/train/bike/taxi
Not—by a car
You take a bus/train/taxi/plan
You can take the subway
You ride
A bicycle/train motorcycle
You drive
A car/bus/taxi/truck
The pilot flies a plan
Fly flew
If u catch tge bus , train , or plane, you arrive in time to get it
If you miss the bus,train,or plan , you arrive too late to get it.
Arrive at/in
The train arrived in Town on time
The plan arrived at kennedy Airport two hours late
We say … befor days of tge week
On Monday
We say …./…. befor the weekend
On the weekend
We say … before the month and season
In June
In the spring
At 8 o’clock
I will ear lunch in 2 hours
For two years
From 1990to 2000
In a moment
I will be with you in a moment.
A very short time
Jane is on the phone at the moment.
We met recently
Not long ago
Always Usually Often Sometimes Now and then Occasionally Not often Hardly ever Rarely Never
Frequency adverb
Is Maryam home/at home?
In her house/apartment
No she is out.(shopping, at work…)
No she is away.(in another town/city /county)
No she is out of town.
Maryam is going to abroad next year.
Good adj
Nice Beautiful Great Wonderful Excellent Terrific Perfect
Bad adj
Bad. Worse. The worst
How awful
Saying positive
Good things about people
Nice. Mary is very nice. Wonderful Kind Easygoing. Relaxed easy to be with Happy#unhappy Intelligent. Smart good at school subjects Thoughtful. Kind think about the feeling of others Well behaved. Good. Behaves well
Saying negative
Bad things about people
Not very nice Awful Nasty. Says unkind. Offensive things Difficult. Not easy to please Stupid. Selfish People who think only of themselves Childish. Behave like child
You are used to what you known well or always do
I am used to the traffic downtown.
I am used to getting up early
You have to get used to sth new
I am getting used to my new schedule.
I am getting used to driving on the left side of the road.
Get dressed
Put on
Get undressed
Take off
Have on
How many feet and inches ?
How many meters?
How tall is she?
Tall no high for person
Short no low for person
Medium height
How many pounds or kilos?
Thin ( is more negative word)
Fat (is more negative word)
How much do u weight?
Pretty. Beautiful
Unattractive. Ugly
I m just average/ordinary-looking!
I don’t feel very well
I have to go home and rest
I feel sick/ill
I m going to be sick
رعد و برق و بارون و باد و ابر
In the field
On a farm
نگه داري شده
حفاظت شده
Baby of ... Meat of... Cow Sheep Pig Chicken
مرغ عشق
Get off one train and get onto another
Change train
Can i give u a ride?
Can i give u alife?
A stamp on the envelope
He makes a lot of phone calls.
He calls his friend
Send me a fax
I m on vacation
U pay for things…the cashier.
I might play tennis tomorrow.
I m playing tennis tomorrow.
It is possible
I must do sth
Past of must
Had to
I need to do it
It is necessary not to do it
Ought to go
Should go
Steal from a person or s place
To rob somebody
To rob a place
Enter a place with force ( break in) in order to steal
To burglarize a place
To break into a hom
Steal sth
A thief
To steal sth
Steal from a store while pretending to be a customer
A shoplifter
To shoplift
To steal things from a store
Guilty #
They are playing tennis tomorrow.(future)
They r going to play tennis.
They have arrange to do it have plan to do it
They have to do it. My intention to do it