Basic Theory Flashcards
What is the definition of pitch in music?
Pitch is how high or low a sound is.
True or False: A half step is the smallest interval in Western music.
What is the order of the lines in the treble clef staff from bottom to top?
E, G, B, D, F
What is the order of the spaces in the bass clef staff from bottom to top?
A, C, E, G
What is a time signature in music?
A time signature indicates the meter of a piece of music.
What does a key signature in music indicate?
A key signature indicates the key of a piece of music.
What is the definition of dynamics in music?
Dynamics refer to the volume of sound in music.
What does the term ‘forte’ mean in music?
Forte means loud.
What does the term ‘piano’ mean in music?
Piano means soft.
What is a chord in music?
A chord is a group of three or more notes played together.
What is a scale in music?
A scale is a series of notes in a specific pattern.
What is a major scale in music?
A major scale is a diatonic scale consisting of seven notes.
What is the difference between a sharp and a flat in music?
A sharp raises a note by a half step, while a flat lowers a note by a half step.
What is the definition of tempo in music?
Tempo refers to the speed at which a piece of music is played.
What is a rest in music?
A rest indicates a period of silence in music.
What is the purpose of a repeat sign in music notation?
A repeat sign indicates that a section of music should be played again.
What does the term ‘legato’ mean in music?
Legato means to play smoothly and connected.
What does the term ‘staccato’ mean in music?
Staccato means to play short and detached.
What does the term ‘arpeggio’ mean in music?
An arpeggio is when the notes of a chord are played in succession.
What is the definition of harmony in music?
Harmony is the combination of different musical notes played or sung simultaneously.
What is the definition of melody in music?
Melody is a sequence of musical notes that is musically satisfying.
What is the purpose of a key change in music?
A key change is used to modulate to a different key within a piece of music.
What is the definition of a time signature in music?
A time signature is a notational convention used in Western musical notation to specify how many beats are in each measure and which note value constitutes one beat.
What does the term ‘crescendo’ mean in music?
Crescendo means to gradually increase in loudness.
What does the term ‘decrescendo’ mean in music?
Decrescendo means to gradually decrease in loudness.
What is the definition of a trill in music?
A trill is a musical ornament consisting of a rapid alternation between two adjacent notes.
What is a whole step in music?
A whole step is an interval consisting of two half steps.
What is a natural sign in music notation?
A natural sign cancels a previous sharp or flat.
What is the purpose of a double bar line in music notation?
A double bar line indicates the end of a section or piece of music.
What does the term ‘ritardando’ mean in music?
Ritardando means to gradually decrease in tempo.
What does the term ‘accelerando’ mean in music?
Accelerando means to gradually increase in tempo.
What is the definition of a scale degree in music?
A scale degree is a step of the scale in Western music.
What is the definition of a tonic in music?
The tonic is the first scale degree of a diatonic scale.
What is the definition of a dominant in music?
The dominant is the fifth scale degree of a diatonic scale.
What is the definition of a subdominant in music?
The subdominant is the fourth scale degree of a diatonic scale.
What does the term ‘fortissimo’ mean in music?
Fortissimo means very loud.
What does the term ‘pianissimo’ mean in music?
Pianissimo means very soft.
What is the definition of a scale interval in music?
A scale interval is the difference in pitch between two notes in a scale.
What is the definition of a melodic interval in music?
A melodic interval is the difference in pitch between two notes played successively.
What is the definition of a harmonic interval in music?
A harmonic interval is the difference in pitch between two notes played simultaneously.
What is the definition of a perfect interval in music?
A perfect interval is a harmonic or melodic interval that has only one basic form.
What is the definition of a major interval in music?
A major interval is an interval that is one half step larger than a minor interval.
What is the definition of a minor interval in music?
A minor interval is an interval that is one half step smaller than a major interval.