Basic Test Flashcards
- Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA)
A navigable aircraft, other than a balloon, rocket or kite, that is operated by a pilot who is not on board.
- Small RPA
:(250 g to 25 kg)
- Remotely piloted aircraft system RPAS
A set of configurable elements consisting of a remotely piloted aircraft, its control station, the command and control links and any other system elements required during flight operation.
- Aerodrome:
Any area of land, water (including the frozen surface thereof)or other supporting surface used, designed, prepared, equipped or set apart for use, either in whole or in part, for the arrival, departure, movement or servicing of aircraft. This includes any buildings, installations and equipment situated thereon or associated therewith.
- Airport:An aerodrome for which an airport certificate is in force
- Heliport:
A heliport means an aerodrome in respect of which a heliport
- certificate issued
- Class C
Class C airspace is common around airports ranging from big international hubs to some local/regional airports as well. Class C starts at the ground and typically has a radius between 3, 5 or 7NM from the centre of the aerodrome. Factors like other airports, terrain and busyness determine how large this radius is. Airspace isn’t always round, either, for similar reasons. You can remember that class C requires a clearance.
- Class F:
These areas are marked on maps to show locations where there’s a designated activity taking place. This could be flight training, helicopter operations, aerobatics, parachuting- all kinds of things! Many of the types of activities taking place can bring aircraft all the way to the ground or very close to it, making it unsafe for UAV flight unless some coordination is taking place between pilots. No recreational or exemption flights can take place within class F and those applying for an SFOC will have to show how they plan on ensuring they can operate safely given the activities taking place. CYR class F is restricted airspace. CYRs cover things like prisons, forest fire areas, airshows, and military areas. They are no-go zones unless you’ve coordinated with the agency that controls the institution.
- Advanced operations only - to operate in controlled airspace (Classes C, D or E) you need to ask NAV CANADA for an RPAS Flight Authorization
- Control Station:
Control station device and cables (tablet, phone, laptop, or other).
- Above Ground Level, or AGL, describes the literal height above the ground over which you’re flying.VS ASL It’s the average height above standard sea level where the atmospheric pressure is measured in order to calibrate altitude.
Unmanned Air Vehicle
RPAS stands for
Remotely Piloted Aircraft System
Types of RPAS
Fixed wing UAV
Multi rotor UAV
-can transitions to fixed wing or multi rotor
Single rotor helicopter
-longer flight times and heavier payload
Hybrid UAVs
- use electrical and combustion engines
What regulates the operation of RPAS in Canada?
Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs) Part 9
starting in ____ pilots may obtain two types of certificated depending on the type of flying they do
Basic Pilot and Advanced Pilot
More complex commercial operations typically require you to apply for a ____________ CERT
special flight operations certificate (SFOC)
If you RPAS is more than 25 kg you require a __________ cert
special flight operations certificate (SFOC)
Line of sight
control RPAS by seeing the aircraft in the air (unobstructed line of sight)
A separate visual observer may be used to
keep visual line of sigh for the pilot, provided there can be very clear communication between pilot and observer
Visual line of sight
In order to operate outside of Visual line of sight you have to apply to transport canada and meet 2 requirements
1.) The probability of a RPAS collision must be no hgiher than for that of a manned aircraft
2.) Detect sense-and-avoid (DSA) capability is available
DSA defined and reuirements
Detect sense-and-avoid (DSA)
1.) Collision preventions capabilities similar to that of a human pilot including regarding right of way
2.) Sensors and actions with decision time similar to human
3.) Must detect participating and non-participating aircraft
the study of the properties of moving air and the interaction between the air and solid bodies moving through it.
like water-fluid
moving set of molecules
air friction which opposes the motion of an object through the air
Parasitic drag
-is the drag caused by structure ofthe aircraft resisting the flow of air
-increases with more speed
Induced Drag
- caused as a result of lift
-downwash of air from the wing due to angle of attack
- drag decreases with speed
Two principles of lift creation are?
Newton’s laws of motion and Bernoulli’s principle
-provide fundamental understanding of how aircrafts use air to produce lift through propellers and wings
1.) Laws of motion
-Air has mass so it behaves according to newtons law
-Newtons 3rd law of motion states that for every action there is an equal and opposite rection
-It is the “action” of the aircraft on the air and the air’s “reaction” that is primary reason for flight
ex: a propeller pushes air backwards and the opposite reaction is for the plane to move forwards
4 distinct forces on an aircraft
Lift (Up)
-is the force required by an aircraft to overcome its weight and become airborne
Thrust (Forward)
- is the force that pulls the aircraft through the air usually generated by a prop
Drag (Backwards)
- is the resistance of the air to the motion of the aircraft (and all its components)
Weight (Down)
-is the force of gravity on the aircraft and its contents
How if lift generated?
as the wing pushed air downwards the air pushes the wing upwards
as the velocity of the air increases the pressure decreases
when the angle of attack is too high air flow becomes turbulent over the wings leading to a drastic decrease in lift
-a stall can be corrected by reducing the angle of attack and/or changing the velocity of the aircraft
center of gravity
important if holding payloads because it affects stalls
air craft axis’
Axis of roll (longitudinal)
- Wings left or right
-controlled by ailerons
Axis of Pitch (lateral)
- nose up or down
-controlled by elivator
Axis of Yaw (vertical)
-nose left or right
-controlled by rudder
for any plane to turn you will need to use the ______ and the ________
rudder and aileron
most RPAS have ________ propellers
fixed pitch propellers
two types of propeller pitch
coarse (high) pitch
-greater flight speed at higher RPM
-best for cruising at long distance
-most economical
Fine (Low) pitch
-for landing and takeoffs mostly
-allows engine to develop more power
4 main flight controls on a helicopter
1.) cyclic
- joystick to move helicopter
-changes pitch of each main blade and different points of rotation
2.) collective
- lever to go up or down
-changing pitch of all main blades at the same time
3.) Anti-tourque pedals
- foot pedals to move nose left or right
-changes pitch of tail rotor
4.) Throttle
-controls engine power
Density altitude
when the air becomes less dense then the aircraft needs to work harder to gain lift
density altitude decreases with altitude and higher temps
high airspeed requires larger turn radius
load factor
G force
- the ratio of an aircraft’s lift to its weight
-when an aircraft is flying level the load factor is 1
- when the aircraft is forced to climb or turn the load factor increases
ground effect
is essentially the added lift that can be produced because the air is pushing off the ground
gyroscopic effects
the resultant action of a spinning rotor when a deflecting force is applied to its rim
when a force is applied the resulting force takes affect 90 degrees ahead of and in the direction of motion
why helicopters have tail rotors
PARTS OF AN airfoil
leading edge, trailing edge
angle of attack is the angle between leading and trailing edge
camber how curved an airfoil is
_________ and __________ have a large influence on lift
camber and angle of attack
Flap vs slat?
Slat at the front of airfoil
Flap at the back of airfoil
critical angle of attack?
stall angle
Which flying area increases directional stability?
Does low pressure generate lift on a wing?
The shape of an airplane wing generates a low pressure above the wing surface as air flows over the wing. The low pressure produces the lift that enables the plane to fly.
In a system, where energy remains constant during low pressure, speed goes _______(up/down)
An aircraft with contaminated skin or surface would worsen which type of drag?
skin friction
What kind of angle does coarse pitch has?
Large angle (high pitch)
stalling speed is essentially the _________ speed
If ice has accumulated on an aerofoil in flight, the stalling speed will
Increase in all flight conditions
so, you will not be able to go as slow without stalling
-it raises the minimum speed
Explain the role Flap slots play on an aircraft’s wing?
slot increase the lift and delay the stall
What is the angle of attack?
The angle between the chord line and the relative airflow
What is Bernoulli’s principle?
That the total energy is any system remains constant. In other words if one element of an energy system is increased another decreases to counter the balance
The _____________ of an aerofoil is the curvature of the upper and lower surfaces
What is coarse pitch suited for?
What is fine pitch used for?
any area of land or water used for aircraft operation regardless of facilities
certified aerodrome
Day vs Night
is the time between the begiining of morning civil twighlight and the end of civil twighlight
is the time between the end of evening civil twighlight and the beggining of morning civil twighlight
directed bright light source
any directed light source including lasers that may create a harzard to aviation
regulations DO NOT apply to RPAS operations _______ or _________
indoors or underground
Forest fires
No person shall operate an aircraft over a forest fire area or within 5 natuical miles of a forest fire at an altitude less than 3000 feet AGL
All turns in an airport circuit are _____ turns
All turns in an airport circuit are left turns
Command and Control Link
means the data link between a remotely piloted aircraft syste and a control station
control station
airtraffic control
what is a RPAS called that is remotely piloted and cant be controlled?
Fly away
No person shall act as a crew member of an RPAS within ___ hours after consuming alcohol or while using drugs
No pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft at an altitude greater than ____ feet AGL OR ___ feet above any building
no pilot shall operate an RPAS at a distance of less than __ feet from another person unless they are invovled in the operation
the _____ from the manufacterer must be immediately availble
Need to keep last 12 months worth including maintenance log book
no pilot shall operate a remotely piloted aircraft at a distance of less then
__ nautical mile(s) from the centre of a airport
__ nautical mile(s) from the centre of a heliport
Advanced operations
allows you to:
fly in controlled airspace
at a distance of less than 100 feet but not less than 16.4 feet from a person
within 3 nautical miles from an airport
Special Flight Operations
> 25kg
5 drones simultaneously
beyond visual line of sight
flown by a foriegn operator
altitude greater than allowed
at a special aviation event or at advertized event
within 3 nautical miles of military aerodrome
What is the recommend waiting period after consuming alcoholic beverage before operating RPAS?
24 hours
Where can a pilot find aeronautical radio communication frequencies?
Canadian Flight Supplement
Can a visual observer perform his/her duties on a boat in motion?
yes if the VO is not controlling/driving the boat
Can a RPA be flown at night?
Yes, if equipped with position lights
What is horizontal distance away from any building or structure?
200 feet
What is the recency time period for both basic/advanced certificate?
24 months
Under advanced operations, what is horizontal distance away from another person?
100 feet
What is the waiting period after consuming cannabis?
28 days
For how long should the RPAS maintenance logbook be retained?
12 months
Pilots seeking a basic license must be atleast __ years old
advanced age must be __
all drones between __ grams and __ kg must be registered
One of the most significant changes to the Canadian regulations for RPAS coming into effect on June 2019 is
The requirement to register RPAS with Transport Canada
Canadian airspace types
-Where there is a need to exclude VFR aircraft
-above 18000 ft asl
-larger aircraft area
-need for ATC to IFR and to control VFR aircraft
-all low level airspace above 12500 ft asl up to 18000 ft asl
-controlled airspace for both IFR and VFR but VFR aircraft require a clearence to enter
-ATC Seperation to IFR aircraft and to avoid conflict
-Class C becomes class E when ATC is not in operation
-Controlled airspace for both IFR and VFR but VFR aircraft must establish 2-way communication with ATC
-ATC Seperation is provided only to IFR
-becomes E when ATC is not operating
-operational need when necessary but doesnt meet requirements for ABC OR D
-No special requirements for VFR
-Low level airways starting at 2200ft AGL up to 12,500
-Special use airspace
-advisory or restricted
- Absolutely restricted
-must obtain permissions from user agency
-Uncontrolled Airspace
-no restrictions on either IFR or VFR
Visual flight rules
- based on what pilots can see
Instrument flight rules
-use tools on planes
-bad weather
ATC: air traffic control
________ provides air traffic control in canada
VFR Navigation Chart
aviations maps for larger/busier aeroports
Control Zones
controlled airspace designated around aerodromes
-5 or 7 nautical miles
-start at ground level
-extend upards to 3000 Above aerodrome elevation
-can be class b,c,d, or e
During airport circuit altitude is generally ____ feet AGL except when landing
At uncontrolled aerodromes the communications only happen between
Automatic terminal information service
-one way broadcast
-weather, active runways, communication frequencies,
Mandatory Frequency
-setup at busy uncontrolled aerodromes
as a portion of the atmosphere above a nations territory that is controlled
Low Level Airspace is defined as, all airspace
Within the Canadian Domestic Airspace below 18,000 feet ASL
A Control Zone normally is controlled airspace extending upwards from
The surface of the earth to 3,000 feet
What are the dimensions of Class B airspace?
From 12,500 ft ASL to 17,999 ft ASL
What are the dimensions of Class A airspace?
From 18,000 ft ASL to 60,000 ft ASL
Under basic operations, is RPAS authorized to fly in Class G airspace?
yes, up to 400 ft AGL
In Class E control zone, aircrafts must follow?
Mandatory traffic procedures (MF)
A Class F airspace designated as CYA is ?
An advisory airspace
How would a PIC know If an aerodrome has non-standard circuit pattern?
By looking at Canada Flight Supplement (CFS)
A set of configurable elements consisting of a remotely piloted aircraft and its control station
RPAs controls and sensors
Flight controller
Inertial Measurement Unit
GPS and Compass
How RPAs fly?
Fixed pitch propellers mounted on motors turn in opposite directions
Indicate the maximum capacity of a standard LiPo battery cell
4.2 Volts
Indicate how the conventional multicopter controls its attitude
The engines change their rotational speed (RPM) according to the desired direction of flight
air pressure ______ as we ascend
Pressure altitude
is the height above sea level corresponding to a given barometric pressure under standards air conditions
density altitude
is not a measure of altitude above ground or sea level. It is a measure of air density in a given location at the present temperature
stable vs unstable air
is air that will resist these vertical movements and returns to its original horizontal level
moves away from its original horizontal level
Low pressure system (______)
High Pressire system (______)
- low pressure
-region where air is rising and moving counter clockwise
-stormy weather and strong winds
-clockwise movement of sinking air
-fair weather and light winds
From-time period to time period
The suffix “nimbus,’’ used in naming clouds, means
A rain cloud
Clouds are divided into four families according to their
Height range
What clouds have the greatest turbulence?
What causes variations in altimeter settings between weather reporting points?
Unequal heating of the Earth’s surface
What measures can be used to determine the stability of the atmosphere?
Actual lapse rate
What is the characteristic of stable air?
Stratiform clouds
What would decrease the stability of an air mass?
Warming from below
What percentage is Earth’s atmosphere made up of Oxygen?
Air pressure can be affected by
Water vapor, temperature, and elevation
What are the standard temperature and pressure values for sea level?
15°C and 29.92” Hg
Which is true with respect to a high-or-low pressure system?
A high-pressure area or ridge is an area of descending air
Which statement is true concerning squall lines?
They are associated with frontal system only
They offer the most intense weather hazards to aircraft
Which are characteristics of a cold air mass moving over a warm surface?
Cumiliform clouds, turbulence, and good visibility
is the direction the aircraft is pointing in degrees
is the angle (clockwise) between North and the direction to an object or location
Relative Bearing
is the angle between the aircrafts heading and the object or location
is the actual path of travel of the aircraft over the gound
is the desired or planned path of travel of the aircraft
VFR Terminal Area (VTA)
7 charts issues for big cities
CFS updated every ___ days
Terminal and enroute data
Water aerodromes equivalent of CFS
VTA or VNC chart?
If a VTA chart exists for the airport USE IT
Why care about the Canadian Flight Supplement?
Identification of aerodrome status: Certified, Registered, Military/DND
Contact info for permissions and emergencies
runway, obstacle, and procedural info
In CFS the elevations are in what unit ____
Above Sea Level
The number in the middle of the obstacle clearance circle is _____ feet above the obstacle
runway #s also tell you:
the runway direction in degrees
runway 4 is 40 degrees
For how long is VNC valid for?
Check NOTAM for validity
The difference between True North and Magnetic North is called
What is the standard unit for distance measurement?
Nautical Miles
In southern domestic airspace, runway numbered west to east would be designated as
a.)Runway 27 and 09
b.)Runway West and East
c.)Runway 18 and 36
d.)None of the above
Runway 27 and 09
- Winds from 090 degrees magnetic at 20 knots
- Aircraft travelling on magnetic heading 270 at 100 knots
What is the ground speed?
120 knots
If you plan to operate a small RPA in the vicinity of a controlled aerodrome, where can you find the appropriate frequencies?
In Canada Flight Supplement
Choose the statement that describes the acronym “GNSS”
Global Navigation Satellite System
What does the abbreviation ELT stand for?
Emergency Locator Transmitter
Emergency Location Transmitter
Emergency Locator Transmitter
radio waves
are part of the electromagnetic spectrum
-long waveslengths and low frequencies
HF (High frequency)
5680 kHz is used in Northern Canada where VHF comms cannot be established
and transatlantic flights
Radio controlled UAV transmitters often use
Ultra high frequency (300) MHz to HGz
-mostly military and governments
Types of Propogation
Ground Waves
-propogates along surface of earth for long distances
-follows curvature of earth
Sky waves
-sent towards space and then reflected back to earth from ionosphere for very long distances
-travel further at night
Line of site
-VHF waves don’t bounce or bend along ground like LF/MF and HF
-One antenna to another
When a radio wave is transmitted from an antenna it consits of 2 distinct fields:
Electrical field and magnetic field
-emitted perpendicular to eachother
vertical polarization gives better range for frequencies up to ___
Horizontal polarization gives better range for frequencies of _____
UHF or higher
signal losses (6)
free space loss: signalspreads out over distance and diminishes
-lower frequency in AM travels farther than High in FM
absorption losses: if the radio signal passes into a medium which is not totally transparent
diffraction: when an object appears in the path like mountains
Multipath: signals are reflected therefore they will reach the reciever via a number of paths
terrain: terrain effects signal
Over distance, radio wave lengths will…
Remain constant but strength or amplitude will decrease
Which of the following is free of atmospheric and precipitation static error
A very common radio frequency used to control UAVs is 2.4Ghz which falls in the UHF range. Which of the following statements is true about UHF radio waves
UHF radio waves propagate only as “line of sight” and therefore there must be a direct path between the transmitter and receiver
Which of the following radio waves will have the shortest Wavelength:
Identify the statement that that is correct for very high frequency (VHF) waves
They follow a straight trajectory and can only be captured in line of sight
Flight Planning for UAVs
expectations (what we want the UAV to do)
Aircraft and equipment (what it can do)
roles (pilot, spotter, ground supe)
auths and approvals (property and airspace)
location safety and security (site visit)
flight ops
emergency procedures
NOTAMs can be found by searching …
Nav Canada’s Flight Planning website
In the course of planning an RPAS operation under an advanced certificate, you determine that the location of the operation is in Class D airspace and therefore …
Because it is controlled airspace, you need to determine who the provider or air traffic control is for the airspace is and contact them for authorization to proceed
a flight shall not be below _____ ft AGL over any natural environment parks, reserves, and refuges (manned aircraft)
At all parks canada locations
drones are prohibited
If there is an increase in the Air temp/altitude or a decrease in barometric pressure….
the overall density of the air _______
the overall density altitude _______
Types of Laugh systems for fixed wing
Pneumatic (compressed air)
Hydraulic (hydraulic system)
types of recovery systems
nets, parachute, bungee
landing site should be ___ft away from people hoizontally
approach path over houses or building should adhere to __ft vertically and ___ft horizontally
Pitch -Elevator
rudder- yaw
pitches plane up and down
wings up and down
left and right
Trism is not a primary flight contreol (T/F)
On a fixed wing RPA, what are the effects of rear center of gravity
Increase in stall speed
Is wake turbulence a drag
Can a RPAS fixed wing be flown out of C.G. limits
An aircraft loaded with forward C.G. has________stability
Which one would be high density altitude
High temp & high elevation
To operate on anyone’s private property in class G under 400 ft AGL, make sure you got proper authorization from .
Owner of the property
Aircraft performs poorly when the air is
Less dense
Runway numbers are based on the direction of the runway and are rounded of to the nearest
10 degree
Numbers use magnetic compass bearing in
Southern domestic airspace
During thunderstorm, severe turbulence may extend up to NM from a storm
if you drink you can’t fly for __ hours
visual allusions
perspective allusions
-different sized objects may appear to be closer or further away then they are
-is the difference in apparent position of an object when viewed from diferent lines of sight
Hyperventilation is a condition where
the levels of carbon dioxide in the blood drop below normal
Indicated the effect of red ambient lighting on vision during night time operations with a RPA
The red light helps maintain night vision
Describe the phenomenon called “empty field myopia”
The eye focuses very closely in the front of the observer, which tends to erase the details of the field of vision in the distance
5 hazardous attitudes
resignation, anti-authority, impulsivity, involnerability, macho
The penalty for an individual knowingly transmitting a false distress is:
a fine of up to $5,000 and/or imprisonment for up to 12 months
Zulu time
Zulu time is the military name of Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). It is a standard time, sometimes referred to as a geographically fixed time, across all time zones
When working in different time zones, pilots and drone operators should use _____ while dispatchers should use _______.
zulu time; zulu time
During a radio check, a base station indicates a readability of 1. What does this mean?
bad (or unreadable)
The international VHF distress frequency is
121.5 MHz
Radio equipment eligible for licensing in Canada must be
Certified by ISED
Innovation, science, and economic development
What does the word MAYDAY indicate?
a distress situation
The proper method to acknowledge the receipt of a distress message from aircraft C-FADA is: (assuming your station is C-FBRD)
“Mayday, C-FADA C-FADA C-FADA, this is C-FBRD C-FBRD C-FBRD, Received Mayday”
Who issues Radio Station licenses in Canada?
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
The frequency 121.9 MHz would be spoke
One two one decimal niner
The signal “PAN PAN” spoke three times indicates:
An urgency situation
Prior coordination with ATC for a small RPA flight in controlled airspace should be submitted …
In a timely manner before a proposed operation
When charging a multi-cell LiPo battery, a … must be used in order to …
Balancing charger; maintain equal voltage between all cells
Magnetic variation can best be described as …
The angle between the true meridian and magnetic meridian
Night operations for small remotely piloted aircraft in basic operations are …
Permitted, if the aircraft is equipped with a lighting system
Indicate when a visual observer can perform their duties on a remotely piloted aircraft without the ability to communicate with the pilot
The flight operation is performed inside or underground
Flight of a small RPA over persons under the Advanced operations structure is …
Strictly prohibited unless it has a defined RPAS Safety Assurance declaration from the manufacturer appropriate to the operation
GPS relies on accurate measurement of …
Choose the name given to an automated system of weather observations
What does the acronym VTA stand for
VFR Terminal Area chart
No person shall operate a small remotely piloted aircraft in advanced operations at a lateral distance between ________ feet and no less than _______ feet from any people, except for people used in the operation, unless the aircraft is operated in accordance with the appropriate RPAS Safety Assurance declaration from the manufacturer
100; 16.4
Define the obligations associated with transporting and RPAS with Lithium-ion batteries in a vehicle or aircraft under the Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act
Special handling protocols are required
Specify the recency training interval for a Pilot Certificate - small Remotely Piloted Aircraft (VLOS)
In the 24 months preceding a flight
On a small fixed wing RPA, moving the Centre of Gravity forward will have what effect?
It will increase the stall speed
What does the abbreviation ELT stand for?
Emergency Locator Transmitter
A horizontal stabilizer on a small fixed wing RPA is designed to …
Provide lateral stability
The weather sector found between the cold front and warm front is known as the …
warm sector
Name one of the main characteristics of icing
It occurs when an aircraft is passing through a dense cloud or freezing rain zone
Indicated the maximum operating temperature of an engine of a small RPA
80 degree Celsius
Commonly used in the construction of RPA, carbon fiber is an electricity…………
NOTAM’s are issued by Nav Canada and provide information that relates to the condition or change in any aeronautical facility
Identify the flying area that increases directional stability
The vertical stabilizer
The axis of a fixed wing RPA about which the pitch occurs is the……..
lateral axis
A conventional helicopter is yawed left and right by……….
changing the pitch of the tail rotor
Indicated the voltage of a LiPo battery for small RPA that displays the following data: 6S 16000 Mah
12 Volt
Indicate the maximum altimeter error that may be observed when flying at low altitude in a narrow valley with strong winds
1000 ft
Indicate who can perform maintenance work on a RPA
Anyone can perform the work in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions
From the statements below, choose the one that represents a risk of compass error for a small RPA
The compass is installed on a carbon fiber structure
You do not have a two-way radio to communicate with the control tower of a controlled airport. Indicate how your RPA can enter class C airspace
Your RPA may enter after receiving an authorization from the air traffic control unit
Define the best rate of climb when taking off with a fixed wing aircraft
Provides the greatest distance traveled in a given time
Indicate which statement is the most accurate regarding conditions of high ambient temperature versus low ambient temperature conditions on aircraft takeoff performance
The performance will be higher in a low ambient temperature
Density altitude
Density altitude is pressure altitude corrected for nonstandard temperature. As temperature and altitude increase, air density decreases. In a sense, it’s the altitude at which the airplane “feels” its flying.
How will density altitude affect flight?
On a hot and humid day, the aircraft will accelerate more slowly down the runway, will need to move faster to attain the same lift, and will climb more slowly. The less dense the air, the less lift, the more lackluster the climb, and the longer the distance needed for takeoff and landing. Fewer air molecules in a given volume of air also result in reduced propeller efficiency and therefore reduced net thrust. All of these factors can lead to an accident if the poor performance has not been anticipated.
Flight of a small RPA over persons under the advanced operations structure is…………….
strictly prohibited unless it has a defined RPAS Safety Assurance declaration from the manufacturer appropriate to your operation
The risks associated with thunderstorms can extend up to 20 NM from the center of the storm
What weather product is especially helpful in determining the presence of a thunderstorm?
Ground based radar information
In accordance with CARs, which of the following incidents does not require the pilot to cease operations?
Flight outside the lateral boundaries and altitude limits
An uninterrupted snowy surface coupled with a covered sky
Which type of a wing on a fixed wing aircraft produces the most lift?
A square wing with a strong camber
Usage of ELT on a small RPA is
not allowe
dHow do you express midnight on the radio?
2400 or 0000
Which medical condition prohibits the night flight of a small RPA?
colour blindness
ROGER is used in radiotelephony communication to……………..
answer as receiving your last transmission
A stall can occur at any……….
Studies have found, people who travel……….have the most difficulty resynchronizing from jet lag
Choose the correct phenomenon caused by the ground effect
Reduces induced drag
The usage of autopilot in small RPA is only authorized if…………
the RPA is equipped with detection and avoid sensors
Class B airspace
begins at 12,500 ft ASL
A low level airway is class…………airspace
Class E
…………………of a wing is the point where the Lift acts
Centre of pressure
On a wing that is covered in frost, the separation point of laminar airflow and turbulent airflow
On a contaminated wing, however, the roughness in the laminar region of an airfoil causes the point of separation between laminar and turbulent flow to move upstream from its normal position in a non-uniform and non-predictable way. This upstream movement dramatically decreases the maximum lift coefficient at relatively high angles of attack, leading to premature stalls.