Basic terminology Flashcards
What is the Unique Identifier in this table.
What is another name for a Unique Identifier
ID is one of 5 fields (collums are fields rows are records)
ID is the Unique Identifier.
Unique Identifier is often called the KEY
Out of the Following what are correct and incorrect suggestions as to how to make the table better:
- Customers Field should be renamed
-Underscores in field names should be replaced with spaces
- The table name should be made singular
- The field names should be made singular
- The table name should not be Capital
- The field names should be made capital
Good improvements:
- Customers Field should be renamed
- The field names should be made singular
- The table name should not be Capital
Incorrect changes
- Underscores in field names should be replaced with spaces
- The table name should be made singular
- The field names should be made capital
What is the data type for
years, whole numbers etc:
fractions floats 2.05 etc:
Strings: VARCHAR
Integers: INT
floats: NUMERIC
what does a Schema show
the Database design
- what tables are included
- any relationships between the tables
- what data type each field can hold
What is the best way to store each of the data:
Phone number (321-123-321)
model year (1999)
product review written
number of subscribers (9020)
Weight in Tonnes (5.45)
Price in dollars ($4.50)
Phone number (321-123-321): VARCHAR
model year (1999): INT
product review written: VARCHAR
number of subscribers (9020): INT
Weight in Tonnes (5.45): NUMERIC
Price in dollars ($4.50): NUMERIC
What are “Key Words”
and what are the 2 most common
reserved words for operations
What do the
SELECT and FROM keywords do?
SELECT: indicates which FIELDS should be selected
FROM: indicates from which TABLE these fields should be located
How would you select the name filed from the patrons table?
How would you select all fields from the patrons table?
FROM patron ;
FROM patron;
List the things wrong with this Query.
- make CARD_NUM and TOTAL_FINE lower case
- add an ; at the end of the query
- capitalise FROM
SELECT card_num, total_fine
FROM patrons;
how do you change a field (column) header when you query?
what is this called?
use a table with fields, name (return as first_name) and year_hired from a Table employees
Aliasing AS:
SELECT name AS first_name, year_hired
FROM employees;
changes the header of name to first_name
How can you remove doubled up information (list of unique values).
example: years hired may have multiple values of 2021 how can we group them?
FROM employees;
write a query to look at the different years that departments hired employees.
What is a View:
- Considered Virtual tables
- Data contained is not stored in the database
- It is query code stored for future use
- when the view is accessed it updates the query results to account for any updates to the underlying data base
create a view with the name; employee hire years. With fields; id, name, year_hired. From the table; employees.
CREATE VIEW employee_hire_years AS
SELECT id, name, year_hired
FROM employees;