Basic Structure Identification Flashcards
Idenify the following Regions

Identify the Orange and White Pin
Also Indicate which side is Anterior/Posterior

Orange Pins = Corpus Callosum
Whie Pin = Interventricular Foramen

Identify the Blue and White Pins
Also Indicate Which Side is Ant/Post

Blue Pins = Fornix
White pin = Interventricular Foramen

Identify the Following Pins
Also Indicate which side is Ant/Post
Orange Pin = Corpus Callosum
Yellow Pin = Septum Pellucidum
Blue Pins = Fornix
White Pin = Interventricular Foramen

Identify the Following Pins
Also Indicate what side is Ant/Post

Yellow Pin = Thalamus
Blue Pin= Hypothalamus
Orange pin = Mammilary Body (part of hypothalamus)
White Pin = Intervetricular Foramen

Identify the following pins
Also indicate which side is Ant/Post

White pin = Intervetricular foramen
Yellow Pin= Superior Colliculus
Blue Pin = Inferior Colliculus
Blue/Yellow together = Corpora Quadrigemina

Identify the following Pins
Also indicate which side is ant/post

White pin = Intervetricular Foramen
Yellow Pin = Midbrain
Blue Pin = Pons
Orange Pin = Medulla

Identify the following pins
Also indicate which side is Ant/Post

White Pin = Intervetricular Foramen
Green Pins = Paracentral Lobule
Blue Pins = Supplementary Motor Cortex (Area 6)
Orange Pins = Cingulate Gyrus

Identify the following pins AND the orange and yellow line
Also identify ant/post

Green Pins = Paracentral Lobule
Orange Pins = Cingluate gyrus
Yellow pins/yellow line = Cingluate Sulcus
Orange line = Marginal Branch of Cingluate Sulcus

Identify the following pins and the area outlined in orange

Yellow Pins = Cingulate Sulcus
Orange Pins = Cingulate Gyrus
Green Pins = Parieto-occupital Sulcus
Blue Pins = Calcarine sulcus/ Primary visual cortex (area 17)
Orange Area = Isthmus of Cingulate Gyrus

Identify the following pins

Green Pins = Parieto-occipital Sulcus
Blue Pins = Calcarine Sulcus/Primary Visual Cortex
White/Red Pin = Cuneus
White/Black Pin = Lingual Gyrus
Orange pin = Isthmus of Cingulate Gyrus

Identify the Following Arteries Labed A,B,C,D

A.) Basilar Artery
B.) Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery (AICA)
C.) Superior Cerebellar Artery
D.) Internal Carotid Artery

Identify the following Nerves indicated by A,B,C,D,E

A.) Olfactory Tract
B.) Optic Nerve
C.) Occulomotor Nerve
D.) Trigeminal Nerve
E.) Facial & Vestibulocochlear Nerve

Identify the Vascular Supply Labeled A-G

A.) Vertebral Artery
B.) Anterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery
C.) Basilar Artery
D.) Superior Cerebellar Artery
E.) Posterior Cerebral Artery
F.) Internal Carotid Artery
G.) Posterior Communicating Artery

Identify the following Cranial Nerves of the Brain Stem A-G

A.) Hypoglossal Nerve
B.) Vestibulocochlear Nerve
C.) Facial Nerve
D.) Trigeminal Nerve
E.) Abducens Nerve
F.) Glospharyngeal Nerve
G.) Vagus Nerve