Basic Screening Exam Flashcards
What are you looking for?
- State name, purpose.
- Verify patient identity.
- Wash hand.
- Clean stethoscope.
General Appearance
- Habitus, posture
- Level of comfort
- Signs of distress
- Affect
- Voice quality
Vital Signs
- Verify SpO2, weight, temp.
- Palpate pulse bilaterally.
- Measure pulse, BP and RR.
- Orthostatic blood pressure as indicated.
Mental Status
Chekc for level of consciousness, psychosis, disorientation
- Inspect face, skull, face, hair and scalp
2. Palpate skull
Head (inspecting face)
Asymmetry, involuntary movement, rashes, lesions, hirsutism
Head (inspecting skull)
Size, shape and deformity
Head (inspecting hair and scalp)
Alopecia, texture, nits, rashes, lesions
Head (palpate skull)
Deformities, tenderness
- Visual acuity
- Inspect conjunctivae
- Inspect sclerae
- Inspect pupil
- Observe pupillary reaction to light
- Test ocular movements
- Fundoscopy
Eyes (visual acuity)
Check vision changes, eye chart 14” away.
Cover (cup) one eye, read lowest visible line.
Cover (cup) other eye, read lowest visible line backwards.
With both eyes, read lowest visible line.
Eyes (inspect conjunctivae)
Color, masses, discharge
Eyes (inspect sclerae)
Icterus (yellow-tinge, jaundice)
Eyes (inspect pupil)
Size, shape, symmetry
Eyes (pupillary reaction)
Direct and consensual response to light
Eyes (extraocular movements)
Asymmetry, nystagmus
Follow light with eyes only, no head movement
Start center and move in “H” pattern
Eyes (fundoscopy)
Red reflex, optic disc for papilledema, retina for vessels, fovea, macula
- Inspect anterior, posterior auricle
- Inspect auditory canal
- Inspect tympanic membrane
- Test gross hearing (WHISPER TEST)
Ears (inspect auricle)
Deformities, swelling and lesions
Ears (inspect auditory canal)
Erythema, swelling, discharge, cerumen, foreign bodies
Ears (inspect tympanic membrane)
Color, scarring, perforation, bulging, retraction, effusion
Ears (whisper test)
Symmetry, hearing loss
Inspect internal nares
Nose (inspect internal nares)
Bleeding, discharge, swelling, lesions, polyps, septal perforation
Mouth and Throat
- Lips
- Oral mucosa
- Teeth
- Gingiva
- Tongue
- Palate
- Tonsils
- Uvula
- Pharynx
Mouth and Throat (lips, oral mucosa)
Cyanosis, pallor, lesions, moisture
Mouth and Throat (teeth)
Loose, missing, caries
Mouth and Throat (gingiva)
Recession, swelling, bleeding masses
Mouth and Throat (tongue)
4 sides
Color, texture, lesions, leukoplakia
Mouth and Throat (palate)
Lesions, deformities
Mouth and Throat (tonsils)
Presence, enlargement, erythema, exudate
Mouth and Throat (uvula)
Erythema, deviation
Mouth and Throat (pharynx)
Erythema, swelling
Neck and Lymph Nodes
- Inspect anterior neck
- Inspect thyroid; swallow (isthmus and lobes)
- Lymph nodes (anterior/posterior/supraclavicular/axillary)
Neck and Lymph Nodes (anterior neck)
Erythema, swelling, symmetry
Neck and Lymph Nodes (thyroid; isthmus and lobes)
Size, symmetry, nodules
Size, shape, consistency, nodules, tenderness
Neck and Lymph Nodes (lymph nodes)
Size, shape, mobility, consistency, tenderness
Neck and Lymph Nodes (ROM)
Pain, decreased ROM
Posterior and Anterior
- Inspect skin
- Quiet v. deep respiration
- Auscultation
Respiratory (inspect skin)
Rashes, lesions, scars
Respiratory (quiet, deep respiration)
Symmetry of chest wall movement, accessory muscle use
Respiratory (auscultation)
Serpentine order
Pitch, intensity, duration of breath sounds with inspiration and expiration, adventitious breath sounds including: crackles, rhonchi, wheezing, rubs
Auscultation with diaphragm
Carotid artery
Cardiovascular (auscultation)
Aortic area, pulmonic arch, left sternal border (2), tricuspid/mitral