Basic Radio Telephony Flashcards
When the distress situation is cancelled what message does ATC Transmit?
Distress Traffic Ended
What are the seven elements of the May Day message? (in order)
*The name of the station *The identification of the aircraft *The nature of the distress conditions *The intention of the PIC *The present positions *The Present Alt *The Present Heading
What is the weather minima above 10,000 ft?
8 Km 1000 ft Horizontal 1000 ft Vertical Clear of cloud
What should be read back during a clearance?
*Taxi Instructions *Clearance to enter the Runway *Land and Take off instructions *Altimeter Heading *SSR Codes (Transponder Codes) *Airways or Routes *Clearances *VDF Information *Frequency Changes
What are the six types of messages in descending order?
*Distress Message *Urgency Message *Direction Finding Message *Flight Safety *Met Messages *Flight Regularity
What are the elements of a PAN message to ATC?
*The name of the station being addressed *The identification of the aircraft *The nature of the urgency conditions *The PICs intentions
What are the factors that affect VHF or UHF signals?
* Power of the transmitter * The height of the transmitter *Obstructions between transmitter and receiver
What are the range of frequencies in the Radio Spectrum?
3KHz - 300GHz
What is the Civil band of VHF Communications?
118.00 MHz - 137.00 MHz
What is the calculation to solve the max theoretical range?
1.23√H1 + 1.23√H2
What is the flight VFR minima below 3000ft in F-G airspace?
*5km *Clear of Cloud *Insight of Surface
What’s the weather minima between 3000 ft AMSL and 10 000ft?
*5km *1000ft Vertical *1000ft Horizontal *Clear of Cloud
What is the weather minima flight visibility below 3000ft AMSL in A-E airspace?
*5km *1000ft Vertical *1000ft Horizontal *Clear of Cloud
What should an aircraft transmit to cancel distress?
Cancel Distress
In the event of SQUAWKING 7600 what is appended to the transmission?
Blind Transmission is added to the normal transmission with recepiant information.
When flying VMC and you lose coms what are the best procedures?
- Continue VMC
- Land at nearest suitable aerodrom; keep a watch for visual signals from ATC
- Report arrival to ATC as quickly as possible
If you experience a Coms failure while in IFR with no Radar Service what is the correct course of action?
- Maintain last assigned speed, level or minimum altitdue if higher for a period of 20 min
- Following passing a compulsory reporting point
- adjust flight level and pseed in accordance with filed flight plan
What is the process when Coms failure in IFR conditions and while in radar view?
- Maintain last assigned speed and level or min safe alt for 7 min (starts from when 7600 is set)
- When being vectored rejoin flight planned route
- Follow the flight plan to destination
- Enter the hold at the designated navigation aid.
- Commence the approach as close as possible
- Complete the normal instrument approach
- if possible land within 30 min of the latest EAT or flight Plan ETA which ever is later.
The VHF aviation band channel spacing in upper airsapce is?
8.33 khz