Basic principles Flashcards
9 basic principles
- pt position
- PT position
- manual contact
- spring test/quick stretch
- appropriate resistance - traction
- verbal cues
- visual cues
- using proper pattern
- proper timing
What should you use to determine optimal neutral position?
- Ensure spine is in neutral
- Palpate muscles of neck/back to ensure they are relaxed
Guidelines for monitoring effective pattern
- Equal tissue tension
- Minimal trunk motion occurs
- Straight diagonal with arc of motion
- Motion supine, ant/post.
- Head of humerus should approximate and cross midline
Scap motion: skid
pure AE
Scap motion: spin
pure rotation
Effective pattern
Rolls - skid and spin combined
-Facilitated by emphasizing traction with resistance
Hand position for scap AD
Lateral/anterior border of scap, pec minor muscle
Hand position for scap PE
AC, spine of scap
Hand position for scap AE
AC, spine of scap
Hand position for scap PD
inferior angle of the scap
Purpose of pelvic girdle patterns
- eval and tx trunk strength, coordination, mobility
- facilitate LE function
- facilitate rolling
- FM of lumbar spine and pelvis
4 Elements of the learning sequence
- Assumption of position
- Stability within position
- Mobility within position over fixed distal extremity of BOS
- Locomotion
Learning sequence
- Organization of posture and movements based on normal human growth and development
- Not a linear approach, relies on development of available motor abilities and integration of those skills into appropriate postures and movements throughout sequence.
Purpose of sidelying scap patterns
- Eval trunk strength, coordination, mobility
- Eval UE mobility/stability
- Facilitate UE function
- Facilitate rolling
- facilitate efficient cervical/thoracic function
- Increased ROM of UQ
- Treat costo-vert dysfunction
Prime stabilizer of scap PD
Rhomboids - emphasize adduction resistance and traction, ER of shoulder.
Purpose of pelvic girdle patterns
- Eval and tx trunk strength, coordination, mobility
- Facilitate LE function
- Facilitate rolling
- FM of lumbar spine and pelvis
Female type pelvis grip
Hook on ilium, pelvis is wider and easier to grip
Male type pelvis grip
Hook on greater trochanter/glute med, pelvis is more narrow.