Basic Poses Flashcards
Child’s Pose
Big toes touching
Knees wide apart
Arms stretch forward
Hips release back and down toward heels
Mountain Pose
Even weight between toes & heels
Tailbone down
Side waists lengthens
Collarbone expands
Front ribs soften
Gaze forward
Extended Mountain Pose
(Utthita Hastasana)
Soles of feet ground down
Arms extend up, palms facing inward
Finger tips reach toward ceiling
Palms press into the mat
Arms straight, not locked
Shoulders stack over wrists
Balls of feet anchor into floor
Thighs engage
Body is in one straight line
Warrior 1
(Virabhadrasana 1)
Front foot faces forward, knee bent directly above the ankle
Back foot at 45-degree angle, press the outer edge of foot into the mat
Square chest and shoulders to the front of the mat, hips follow
Arms reach toward ceiling
Warrior 2
(Virabhadrasana 2)
Front foot faces forward, knee bent over ankle
Back foot is parallel with back edge of the mat or turns slightly inward
Hips and chest face long side of mat
Shoulders stack above hips
Finger tips reach out wide
Gaze forward
Big toes together, heels slightly apart
Sink hips back and down
Arms extend forward, framing ears (option for arms in cactus or hands at heart)
Table Top
Hips over knees
Shoulders over wrists
Elbows are straight but not locked
Long neutral spine
Cat / Cow
Round upper back to ceiling
Crown of head and tailbone drop
Belly lowers
Crown of head and tailbone lift
Three Legged Dog
From downward facing dog:
Hands press evenly into ground
Keep hips square to the mat
One leg lifts up and back
Downward facing dog
(Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Hands shoulder-distance apart, index fingers parallel to each other
Feet hips-distance apart, Heels release back and down
Head hangs freely
Hips lift up and back
Crescent Lunge
Front knee bends over ankle, back leg straight
Ball of back foot grounds into mat
Back thigh is actively engaged
Side waists lengthens
Fingertips reach toward ceiling
Reverse Warrior
(Viparita Virabhadrasana )
From Warrior 2:
Keep legs and hips as they are
Front palm flips to face ceiling
Fingertips draw an arch up and back
Side body lengthens
Side Angle
(Utthita Parsvakonasana)
From Warrior 2:
Keep legs exactly as they are
Torso shifts forward
Front elbow rests on thigh or hand rests on a block or ground
Top arm reaches above shoulder
Chest rotates up toward ceiling
Feet together, knees bent
Standing leg roots into ground
One leg lifts and crosses over the other with foot wrapped behind calf
Hips sink back and down
Spine lengthens
Arms twist in similar bind or hands on opposite shoulders
Elbow lift to shoulder height
Gaze forward
Feet together, legs straight but not locked
Shift weight to one side
Other leg lifts and foot lands on the opposite inner calf or thigh
Body in one straight line (hips above knees, shoulders above hips)
(Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)
Back on mat
Knees bent with heels against glutes so that fingertips graze heels
Feet ground into mat
Hips lift up
Upper arms tuck beneath torso
Hands interlace or palms press into mat
Chest lifts toward chin
Option - keep distance between hip bones and lower ribs consistent before/after lifting hips
Reclined Bound Angle
(Supta Baddha Konasana)
Back on mat
Soles of the feet touch, knees spread open wide
Happy Baby
(Ananda Balasana)
Back on mat, knees bent into chest
Hands grasp outside of feet or ankles
Knees spread open wide
Ankles stack above knees
Lengthen spine to ground
Supine Twist
(Supta Matsyendrasana)
Back flat on mat
One leg lifts to chest, squeeze to armpit
Knee crosses over torso to opposite side
Hips twist and arms extend wide
Option to gaze toward outstretched arm
Back flat on mat
Feet hips-distance apart or wider
Arms lie slightly away from your body, palms face up
Shoulders, neck, and face relax
Body becomes heavy and softens into the ground
Low Plank
From high plank:
Body shifts forward slightly so shoulders are slightly past wrists
Elbows bend toward a 90-degree angle
Core engages
Baby Cobra
Belly and chest flat on mat
Hands press into mat underneath shoulders
Inhale, chest lifts up and forward
Shoulder blades draw together
Upward Facing Dog
If lying down:
Palms next to ribs
Feet untuck so tops of feet press into the mat
Inhale, chest lifts up and forward
Shoulder blades draw together
Hips and knees hover slightly above mat