Basic Navy Music 10244 Flashcards
The great staff is ____ construction consisting of ___ lines and ___ spaces. Middle C is the ___ ___.
Theoretical. 11 lines. 10 spaces. Middle, 6th line.
A ___ ___ must be used to indicate which five lines of the great staff are to be used for pitch notation
clef sign
Great staff IS/NOT used for notation.
Lower loop of the G clef sign encircles ___ above ____. Also called:
G above middle C. Treble Clef.
Converging arms of C clef designate:
Middle C
Two dots of F clef designate the line passing between them as:
F below middle C (f).
G is on the ___ ___ of treble clef.
2nd line.
Treble and bass clefs, joined together, form the ____ ____.
Grand Staff.
temporary extensions above or below the staff.
ledger lines
lowest note and highest on piano:
AAA (subcontra A) to c5
what are the different octaves on great staff?
Subcontra, contra, great, small, first, second, third, fouth.
What are the G clefs, where are they?
Super treble (G on bottom line). Treble (G on second line).
Where are the C clefs?
Soprano (c1 bottom line), Mezzo Soprano (c1 line 2), Alto (line 3), tenor (line 4), bariton (line 5).
Where are the F clefs?
Baritone, f line 3. Bass, f line 4. Contra Bass, f line 5.
The super treble clef read like _________
bass clef
The baritone F clef reads like ______
Baritone C clef.
Baritone C clef reads like_____
Baritone F clef.
What are the 4 commonly used clefs?
Treble, Bass, Alto, Tenor.
The double whole rest sits where?
fills space between 3rd and 4th line.
A tie is a curved line:
joining two or more successive notes of identical pitch
Ties are/not used with rests because _____
are NOT b/c rests are cumulative
a Dot placed after a note or rest increases duration by:
one half the original value
Each additional dot:
increases the duration of the note or rest by one half the value of the previous dot.
TEMPO refers to:
the rate of progression of beats and beat combinations
Slow tempi are composed of ____ beat durations. Fast tempi are comprised of beats of ____ duration.
Slow = long. Fast = short.
Regularly recurring pulsations in music
The beat is:
Regularly recurring pulsations in music.
Recurring pattern of accented and unaccented pulsations:
Meter is the:
recurring pattern of accented and unaccented pulsations in music.
Metrical stress describes the:
beat groupings
Duple metrical stress describes:
beat groupings of 2
If the meter establishes groups of 3, the metrical stress is:
Quadruple metrical stress is when:
Meter (recurring pattern of pulsations) establishes beat groupings (metrical stress) or 4
Metrical stress describes the beat groupings and:
division of the beat
When the beat is normally divisible by two, the metrical stress is:
When the beat is normally divisible by three, the metrical stress is:
The ____ or ____ _____ is a musical symbol which indicates ______ and the ______
Meter - Time Signature. Indicates metrical stress (meter) and the unit of beat (notation).
Unit of beat is:
the value that gets one beat
The upper numeral in time signature:
metrical stress
The lower numeral in time signature:
Unit of beat OR division of beat (in compound)
A ___ ____ is placed vertically on a staff to indicate the:
more accented beat in a beat grouping. (1).
The space between any two adjacent bar lines is a :
Another word for measure:
Unit of beat: whole note. Divided beat: 2 half notes. what is it in duple, triple, quadruple time?
2/1. 3/1. 4/1.
Unit of beat: half note. Divided beat: 2 quarter notes. what is it in duple, triple, quadruple time?
2/2 (cut time), 3/2, 4/2
Unit of beat: 1/4 note. Divided beat: 2 1/8 notes. what is it in duple, triple, quadruple time?
2/4, 3/8, 4/8
Unit of beat: 1/16 note. Divided beat: 1/32 notes. what is it in duple, triple, quadruple time?
2/16, 3/16, 4/16
The symbol C in time signature stands for ___ meaning:
Common time, 4/4
The symbol for cut time is called ___ and functions as (numerically).
alla breve. 2/2
Alla breve literally means:
according to the breve (or half note)
Explain 2/4:
Simple duple time with the 1/4 note getting the unit of the beat.
Any note divisible by ____ may be used as the unit of the beat in compound time.
Since dotted note and rest values are normally divisible by __ , any dotted note, except _______, may be used as unit of the beat.
- dotted 64th (impractical)
In compound time, the lower number will always be _, _, _, _, _. corresponding to the ____/ _____, usually specifying the _______
2, 4, 8, 16, 32. Note value/name. Division of the beat.
The unit of the beat in compound is found by:
finding the dotted note value that is equal to 3 of the notes indicated by lower numeral.
List the most commonly used lower numerals, in order of frequency, for compound time.
8, 4, 2, 16
Duple, triple, quadruple metrical stress in compound is indicated by: _____, ______, or __________
upper numeral of 6 (2x3 division) or 9 (3x3) or 12 (4x3)
What is 3/8?
Simple triple.
Explain time signature 12/8
compound triple with dotted 1/4 note getting unit of the beat
In a time signature 6/8, the 6 means: ____; while 8 means: ____.
6 Indicates the music is in compound duple time with each beat divisible into 3 parts. 8 indicates that the 8th note is division of beat w/the unit of beat represented by dotted 1/4.
Contemporary composes write compound signatures with the ____ number of beats as ____ numeral and note value _____.
actual # beats as upper.
Note value below.
When music composed of beats of unequal length, what is metrical stress?
Composite or Complex
beats in composite meters divisible by ___ or ____ with the divided beats having the same duration.
2 or 3
Composite Duple
Composite triple
Composite Quadruple
Composite may be notated in 3 ways:
Lower # as divided beat and upper as sum of divided beats in measures;
Lower # as unit of beat and upper # as mixed number
Lower # as divided beat and upper # as beat composite.