Basic Java Syntax Flashcards
How to run a java program in a console
java <filename></filename>
How to compile a java program in a console
javac <filename></filename>
Declare a public class
public class <filename> {</filename>
Invoke a class constructor
<class> <object> = new <class>();
Car ferrari = new Car();
Print an output
System.out.println(“<output>") ;</output>
Declare a public main method
public static void main(String[] args) {
Single line comment
Multi line comment
Documentation comment
The name of a Java source file should exactly match what?
The public class
Which source file name is correct?
Which print statement is correct?
A. System.out.println(“Alice”);
B. system.out.println(“Alice”);
A. System.out.println(“Alice”);
The “S” in System is capitolized.
What is the naming convention for variables and methods?
Lower Camel Case
The first word is always lowercase. Second word is uppercase.
What is the naming convention for classses, interfaces, annotations, enums, and records?
Upper Camel Case
The first word is always uppercase. If several words are used to form the name of the class, each inner word’s first letter should be in Uppercase.
What is the naming convention for Constants?
Screaming Snake
All letters are Uppercase.
How to initialize an array
<Datatype>[] <variable_name> = {value1,value2....
int[] rating = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
how to return a value from a method
return <variable_name>;</variable_name>
How to create a for loop
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
How to declare a two-dimensional loop
int[][] myMatrix;
myMatrix = new int[10][3];
This has 10 rows and 3 columns
How do you import the Arraylist?
import java.util.ArrayList;
How to declare an array list?
ArrayList <datatype> array_list name = new Arraylist <data_type>(array_size)</data_type></datatype>
ArrayList <String> employees = new ArrayList <String>(5)</String></String>
How to add items to an Array List?
employees.add(“Jane Eyre”);
How to create a for loop for an Array list?
for(data_type counter : Array_name) {
for (String counter : employees) {
How do you import only the scanner from the java utility class?
import java.util.Scanner;
How do you input a value from the scanner function?
Scanner <scanner_name> = new Scanner(;</scanner_name>
Scanner atm_keypad = new Scanner(;