Basic Ingredients Flashcards
Understanding of how ingredients are measured and weighed and the use of standard ingredients within a bakeshop.
Wheat Flour
Most important ingredient in a bakeshop. Provides bulk and structure to most products like bread, cakes, cookies and pastries. Only grain that tends to have gluten. “All Purpose Flour” is commonly used but there are different kinds of flours available.
Whole Wheat Flour
Milled from the entire wheat kernel including the bran, endosperm and the germ. Does not keep fresh as white flour due to fat content. Store in a cool place. *Type of Hard Wheat Flour; products with a tougher crumb.
Bread Flour
Usually sold as Patent Flour or Hi Gluten. *Type of Hard Wheat Flour; products with a tougher crumb.
Clear Flour
Hard wheat flour made from endosperm and used in making rye breads. *Type of Hard Wheat Flour; products with a tougher crumb.
Hi Gluten Flour
Used for breads but mostly hard crust breads like pizza and bagels anding a chewy consistency. *Type of Hard Wheat Flour; products with a tougher crumb.
Cake Flour
Soft, smooth and white flour with very low gluten.
*Soft wheat flours produce products with a softer crumb.
Pastry Flour
Used for pie doughs, cookies, biscuits and muffins. Slightly stronger than cake flour. *Soft wheat flours produce products with a softer crumb.
All Purpose (AP)
Weaker than bread flour so it’s a good alternative for pastries. Not always used in commercial bakeshop.
Self Raising Flour
Enriched white flour with added salt and baking powder.
Coarsely ground durum wheat flour, typically used in pasta making.
Other Grain Flours (Not wheat)
Rye, RIce, Corn, Millet, Barley, Oats and Spelt
1) Add sweetness and flavor to product.
2) Give crust color.
3) Sugar provides food for yeast.
4) Sugar makes product tender and give a fine textured crumb by aiding in the creaming process (hydroscopic).
5) Helps to keep your product fresher longer, because it attracts and keeps in moisture.
Regular granulated sugar
Often used for baking (comes from sugar cane and beets).
Very fine granulated sugar
best for cakes and cookies because it creams better due to its finer texture.
Powdered Sugar (Confectioners sugar)
10x is the finest (best used for icings).
6x is standard powdered sugar (used for dustings, icings, toppings and cream fillings).
4x is the coarser types of powdered sugar.
*Usually cornstarch is added to powdered sugar to prevent it from caking and lumping.
Brown Sugar
Regular cane sugar that has some amounts of caramel and molasses, which gives it that specific flavor and color.
Molasses, Honey and Corn Syrup
Used a lot in baking (help to keep moisture in baked goods and slow down the staling process).
Major functions of fats in baking:
1) Adds moisture and richness.
2) Helps to keep product fresh.
3) Adds flavor.
4) Fat makes a product tender and soft.
5) It helps to make a product rise and be light.
Regular Vegetable Shortenings (Crisco, Primex)
Used to make flaky pie dough, biscuits, pastries sometimes cakes etc.
Regular Vegetable Shortenings (Crisco, Primex)
Used to make flaky pie dough, biscuits, pastries sometimes cakes, etc.
Emulsified Shortening/High Ratio Shortening (Sweetex, Alpine)
They’re able to hold large quantity of sugar and liquids. Used for some cake batters because they give a good fine texture to cakes and help make them even moister. Also used for icings because it creams well and has the ability to become very light and airy.
80% fat, 10-15% water and 5% milk solids.
1) Good Flavor
2) Melts easy in the mouth (usually made with cow’s milk but goat butter is also available).
Considered an imitation butter sometimes made with vegetables oils and fats.
Liquid fat used to make quick breads.
rendered pork fat
1) Provide structure to product (too many can make product tough and chewy).
2) Makes batter smooth and give texture to product.
3) Help with rising/leaving of a product.
4) Add moisture
5) Are nutritious so they add nutritional value to products.
*Keep eggs within the refrigerator. They loose quality quickly when sitting for any period of time.
Large size eggs
standard size used in most recipes.
*6 classifications; Jumbo, extra large, large, medium, small and peewee.
Egg Yolk
very high in protein and fat. Natural tenderizer in baking.
Egg White
mostly water but has a protein also. Provide structure to product.