Basic Info Flashcards
What is heated gas/ liquid moving between areas?
Eg: steam tx
What is it called when liquid turns into vapor ?
Eg: perspiration
What is infrared Rays?
Eg: Sunshine
What is it when energy is transferred thru a substance?
Eg: ultrasound
Brief vasoconstriction followed by vasodilation. Refreshes local blood supply & stimulates tissue performance
Direct short cold treatments
Induces vasoconstriction and retro stasis then basal dilation and active derivation.
Thereby reducing inflammation and pain slows, sedating respiratory system and cardiovascular system. It stimulates underlining visceral eg: abdominal. Kidneys function increases, muscle spasms ease, joints decrease in swelling and can increase stiffness
Direct effects of long cold tx
Stimulates Oregon activities temporarily and increases the breathing rate and increases heart rate and increases mental activity
Reflexes effects of cold brief treatment on chartered reflects area, chest, Over heart hands, face and head
Vasoconstriction in nasal mucosal Decreasing heart rate Vasoconstriction in head Stimulates filtration function Stimulates blood flow and motility and absorption in digestive organs
Reflexive effects of long cold treatments on Nose back of neck over the heart scalp kidneys abdomen
What would be an indication for cold applications?
A cute sprains and strains, acute soft tissue trauma in general including contusions, inflammation, edema, muscular pain, acute tendinitis, cruises fractures post surgical conditions headaches migraines hemorrhoids rheumatoid arthritis other inflammatory arthritides &inflammatory joint disorders, multiple sclerosis and depression
This induces passive derivation and stimulate local metabolism and prespiration. It also increases demand on the heart but overtime can produce a more relaxed heart by lowering sympathetic activation. It increases the decreases blood pressure and can also increase and decrease blood increases breathing rate and elimination of carbon dioxide and Increases excretion through the skin. also decreases stiffness in joints and increases pliability in the fascia
Direct effects of heat.
Relaxes bronchioles eases menstrual cramps Decreased blood flow motility and absorption in digestive organs. Increases fitration and urine production. Relaxes bladder ureters and bile ducts Vasodilation in opposite extremity Analgesic, sedative Decreases pain spasm pain cycle Reflexively increases flexibility
Reflex effects of prolonged heat treatment
What are indications for heat applications
Promoting wound healing after acute stage
noninflammatory muscle pain and muscle spasms
myofascial trigger point pain
delayed onset muscle soreness DOMS conditions involving’s spasticity
Chronic tendinitis and bursitis
Soft tissue contracture
Non inflam jt pain
Limited joint mobility and adhesive capsulitis
Poor mobility in general osteoarthritis rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory arthritides
Labor pain and anxiety
What are the physiological effects of heat?
Short applications tend to be stimulating
longer applications are usually sedating
What are the direct effects of heat?
Increased metabolism of affected tissues
altered cardiovascular dynamics altered blood dilution
direct effects on soft tissue structures
What are the factors that influence cold effect?
Temperature of application duration of application size of treatment area temperature of individual the amount of adipose tissue in treatment area
what is an idiopathic condition characterized intermittent attacks of ischemia in extremities particularly in the hands and fingers. Can cause blanching of skin cyanosis numbness tingling burning and pain. Cold is one of the commen attack triggers and is CI for use on affected tissue, this person should avoid becoming over chilled?
Raynauds disease
What Has the same signs and symptoms of Reynards disease but is typically more severe and can include thrombosis risk. it occurs secondary to another condition such as lupus
Raynaud’s phenomenon
What is it called when heat is distributed between surface to surface contact
Eg: hot pack