Basic Indoc Flashcards
What group aircraft are we?
Group 2 ( More than 30 seats)
What must a first officer carry on his/her persons
Pilot certificate Current medical GoJets ID. Photo ID. Gov/State FCC License Passport Wrist watch
Does IOE count towards 100 mins for flight time?
(Consolidation of skills)
You are required to fly how many hours of flight time within how many days and how many days can it be extended?
100 hours within 120 and may be extended an additional 30 days.
What passengers are we prohibited to carry?
IOU ppuppis
Infants less than One day old
Online unaccompanied children under five YO.
Under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Pregnant women expecting within 7days(note)
Persons on a stretcher
Unable to latch safety belt with one extender
Persons with a fire arm (unless allowed)
Person on oxygen tank
Inline unaccompanied children less than 8yrs
Shoes must be worn except infants
Green on green
When PIC and FO have less than 75 hours in aircraft type. ( not allowed)
When does 120 day currency start
Day of check ride
Hi-Mins PIC is defined as what and stipulations?
When PIC has less than 100 hrs in aircraft must raise the lowest published mins for a given approach by 100 feet and 1/2 sm
Bottle to showtime
12 hrs and .02 % or less
Shoulder harness
Take off and landings
(a) If the second in command has less than 100 hours of flight time as second in command in the type airplane being flown, and the pilot in command is not an appropriately qualified check pilot, the pilot in command must make all takeoffs and landings in which following situations:
- At special airports (SARA)
- Visibility value in the latest weather report for the airport is at or below 3/4mile.
- RVR is at or below 4,000 feet.
- Contaminated runway
- The braking action on the runway to be used is reported to be less than “good”.
- Crosswind component for the runway to be used is in excess of 15 knots.
- Windshear is reported in the vicinity of the airport.
- Any other condition in which the PIC determines it appropriate
Airport that requires special training when vis is below 3sm and ceiling is less than 1000 feet above the lowest MEA, MOCA or initial approach altitude ( does not apply in good Wx. Usually for mountainous terrain.) (Must have done landing within 12 mo to stay current)
Maximum flight times
1000 in a calendar year
100 in a calendar month
30 in any consecutive days
8 between rest periods
Legal to fly? (Currency)
- AQP (Advanced qualifications program)
- Sim event and ground school within a year (fo)
- Current medical
- 3 take offs and landings past 90 days
Proactive Go Around Policy
- Correct track
- On proper speed
- Engines spooled up
- Descent rate no more than 1000 feet per min. Unless briefed.
- Stabilized by 1000’ HAT
- Configured for landing
- After FAF minimal maneuvering
- No turns / aligned with runway below 500 feet
On take off turn out is approved at or above
400 feet AGL
What are circling limitations
1000 feet ceiling and 3 sm vis or as published, whichever is greater (VMC only)
When must Dispatch be notified
- Severe or unforecasted Wx
- Wx below allowable by FARs or Ops specs
- Any unsafe conditions
- Any unsafe condition or absence of crew member
- Any maintenance condition
What is on dispatch release
- Aircraft #
- Flight or trip#
- Dept, intermediate, destination and alternate
- Type of ops IFR/VFR
- Planned fuel, Min fuel
- MEL, CDL or NEF items
What must be attached to dispatch release
- Wx and forecast info pertinent to flight
- Flight plans
- Related Wx reports
4 steps to checking Wx
- Do we need an alternate(123 rule)
- Is it legal alternate
- 3585 exemption
- Is it marginal
What is the 3585 exemption
If forecasted wx mins under remarks section says PROB, TEMPO, BCMG at time of arrival at Destination (Vis only) or Alternate (derived mins ie: vis and ceiling)will be below published and or derived Wx mins you can still use it.
Runway % required to land in, and altitude above runway for clearance.
Enough runway to make a full stop within 60% of runway and 50 feet above runway
If vis is less than 1sm take off must be done by
TDZ RVR1600 you must have
(One of the following) *HIRL *Centerline lights *Serviceable centerline markings *Lights or markings to continuously identify the take off surface
TDZ RVR 1200; Roll out RVR 1000 you must have
Both controlling one may be substituted
Day: Operational runway centerline lights OR HIRL OR RCLM
Night: HIRL OR runway CL lights
RVR 500; Mid RVR 500; Rollout RVR 500
All controlling, one may be inop
HIRL and Runway centerline Lights RCL
If PIC does not have 100 hrs in aircraft how many landing from other typed aircraft can be substituted for hours
50 landing can be substituted for 50 hrs
Within seven days of duty you need?
24 hours consecutive rest.
If you fly less than 8 hours you need _____, normal/ reduced/ compensatory rest?
Normal 9 hours, reduced 8, compensatory 10.
When do you need a security sweep?
1) first flight of day
2) aircraft unattended
3) foreign destination
Can the FA sit in an open pilot seat?
No. Must sit in jump seat if other pilot out of flight deck is using lav.
Explain exemption 5487
Lost or destroyed certificates: pilot can fly without medical or pilot certificate if appropriate
actions are taken. Company specific. call chief pilot.
FO has less than 100 hours =
No takeoff or landings
Windshear X- wind greater than 15 it's Special airports Visibility less than 3/4 RVR less than 4000 Breaking action less than good Runway contaminated PIC prerogative
No crew member can perform flight duty if
P regnant after 27 weeks without physician approval
U ndergone surgical procedure unless doc has approval in writing
S cuba dive within 24 hrs
S uffering from illness, serious mental stress or fatigue
I mmunization within 24 hrs(except small pox or poliomyelitis
D rugs affecting safety, over the counter or prescribed
72 of blood donation
Suffering stress from illness, serious mental stress and fatigue
Do you need two separate jepp sets?
No. If one complete set can be made, it may be used with chief pilot approval.
Mesa’s Definition of Marginal weather at an airport?
Within 500 feet and 1 mile of lowest suitable approach minimums. (for both destination and first alternate airport will require a 2nd alternate)
what is marginal weather based on regarding an alternate.
The lowest cat one approach minimums. (NOT the alternate or derived alternate minimums)
GOM avoid T- storms by
20 miles
RVSM airspace is from ___ to ___
FL 290 - 410
When will your dispatch expire?
More than 2 hours old or return to original airport.
How long is a release valid for at an intermediate station?
One hour
Release must be revalidated when?
Void After two hours or if a return to original airport.
Stipulations for deriving alternate minimums. Explain the two rules.
1) add 400 & 1 to lowest minimums.
Definition of Marginal weather at an airport?
Within 500 feet and 1 mile of lowest suitable approach minimums. (for both destination and first alternate airport will require a 2nd alternate)
what is marginal weather based on regarding an alternate.
The lowest cat one approach minimums. (NOT the alternate or derived alternate minimums)
GOM avoid T- storms by
20 miles
A turbojet must be able to land within ___% of runway?
What is the emergency chime for the FA?
Three high/ Three low chimes
Time limits for MEL write up categories ?
A- specific
B- 3 days from day written up
C- 10 days
D- 120 days
What must a first officer carry in his flight kit
(GOM) General Ops Manual (SAM) Systems Administration Manual appropriate charts (Jepps) Flashlight Other pertinent information SOP (WOP) Winter Ops procedure-Ground ice Manual Glasses if you were contacts
Incident report
Within 24 hours to Safety Department
Prohibited devices at all times
W ired microphone
A M/FM radio
T wo-way communication devices
R emote controlled devices (passenger owned)