Basic geography Flashcards
What does geography studies?
Geography is a science that studies and describes the environment around us and helps us to know and understand it.
Espacio Geografico
The interaction between nature and society gives rise to space, a specific place and its relationship in the city.
Espacio geografico components
Cartographic representations
System of graphic representation that establishes an ordered relationship between the points of the curved surface of the earth and those of a flat surface.
What is a sketch? (croquis)
The sketch is a drawing that captures in a simplified form an image or some idea, they are made without the use of drawing instruments or measurements.
What is a plan (planos)
The plans offer a detailed description of the elements that conform them, they also use colors, symbols and drawings to distinguish them.
What is a map (mapa)
A map is the flat, reduced and simplified representation of the terrestrial surface or a part of it.
Terrestrial globe
Un globo terráqueo es un modelo tridimensional a escala de La Tierra, una representación de nuestro planeta, que se puede usar con fines didácticos o decorativos.
Satellite images
The satellite image is a photograph taken by an artificial satellite, which shows the geography of a specific territory, either a city, a country or a celestial body, or also some particular spectrum of electromagnetic waves, which is used in meteorology to determine weather phenomena
Aereal photographs
A perspective projection of a terrain area from an elevated center of projection, such that the points are offset and has a decreasing scale from nadir.
es el centro o capa mas interna
greenwich y ecuador
placas tectoncas
sonfragmentos de roca solida que conforman la litosfera
pq se mueven las placas tectonicas
la litosfera descansa sobre la astenosfera que es semi plastica mas calienre y debil por lo que se cree que algun tipo de sisrema de transferencia de calor dentro de la tierra procedenre del nucleo y del manto
serie de vibraciones de la superficie terrestre generadas por un movimiento brusco y repentino de las capas internas